Over the last year I have been puttung together a Monitor Audio BX2 5.1 system with only the subwoofer to purchase. At around £400 (usually £450) the BXW10 is the most expensive item and I'm nearly ready to purchase it. But - after reading the forums recently it seems that there maybe some better alternatives at that price point - the BK XLS200 or XXLS400 for example. My room is 4m wide x 5m long, with laminate flooring and bare walls.
Should I go for the MA BXW10? - as it matches the rest of the speakers (both sound and looks) or should I consider something else like the BK's? - any views would be appreciated thanks.
Should I go for the MA BXW10? - as it matches the rest of the speakers (both sound and looks) or should I consider something else like the BK's? - any views would be appreciated thanks.