jas0_0 said:Just as an update, I’ve been trialling a Croft 7R Power amp for a week or so now. It was new demo model, so may still be burning in, but the sound is beautiful. Still getting some fatigue, but I now convinced that’s just down to my room and planning to get curtains, a bigger rug and some panels to deal with it. Girlfriend gave the ok to the latter which was a bit of a surprise!
I also just took delivery of Sparkos op amps for the Nord. Installed them last night and, though I winced when I first turned the amp back on, thankfully didn’t blow them up.
First impressions will have to wait as it was late and I didn’t have time for a proper listen at decent volume.
A question for Pedro (and any other Sparkos users) did they require burn in time to come on song?
I recommend Studio Spares .... Worth buying a couple of accoustic panels to experiment with before moving into full room treatment.jas0_0 said:So I took the Spendors and AE1 Actives back to Audio Gold - the Spendors reluctantly... they are beautiful things but they didn't solve my problem. Once it's sorted with the Proacs I'll see what pennies I have left and hope no one has bought them. However I didn't return home empty handed - a loaner Quad 606 has been wired up in place of the Nord most of the afternoon.
First switch on was a bit of a disappointment. Still the same sharp trumpets and painful pianos. Slightly dispairing I cast around and my eye fell on the big, bare, white concrete wall about 8 inches behind my head. I pulled up the two big, flat sofa cushions either side of me and propped them to my rear, against the wall. Back on went Miles Davis... and... bliss. I owe an apology to EllisDJ (and probably a few others) who suggested I should look further into room treatment from the outset - you were dead right.
Since then I have been switching back and forward between the Quad and the Nord. The Nord wins on separation, timing and bass control, but the Quad takes it for organic musical involvement, emotion and fun, and for me that's a much bigger win. It will be interesting to hear the Sparkos and Croft power in comparison when they arrive, but for the time being the Quad is staying connected.
Now to find some domestically-acceptable room treatment - any suggestions?
Pedro2 said:I've got to be honest and say that I can't remember whether there was 'burn in' or not. I know there are many who argue that burn in with electronic components doesn't exist but many will also say otherwise.
andyjm said:Pedro2 said:I've got to be honest and say that I can't remember whether there was 'burn in' or not. I know there are many who argue that burn in with electronic components doesn't exist but many will also say otherwise.
Some of those who think they know 'burn in' doesn't effect the performance of domestic audio electronics design electronic equipment for a living. Those who believe 'burn in' exists get their information from HiFi magazines and by not being deaf.
I believe I am handsome and witty, with just as much basis as the nonsense that gets talked about burn in.