Afternoon, seems I am now the proud owner of a pair of atacama speaker stands, thanks to some advice from this forum.....
Apparently Atacama advise that the centre tube is filled with some 'atabites' and I've long known about the properties of using sand in stands. Is there any real difference? I trust the atabites will be a bit more pricy but I like to follow the manufacturers advice where possible.....what about something like expanding foam even?
And just fill the one tube as well? Not the other 2 smaller ones as well? I'm guessing this is to stop low frequency loss though resonance/booming through the hollow tube but seems odd just to do 1/3. The other 2 don't look easy to fill tbh.
I'm currently using 2 paving slabs with a set of carpet spikes as the left stand wasn't sitting flush on the slab. Is this a proper thing to do? The name makes me think they are intended more for carpet usage than stone.....
Think I'm going to have to replace the two slabs with 2 smaller things as they are slightly too big to fit around my furniture now. Would stone like granite be better than concrete slab or is this descending into the realm of snake oil? Heard someone on here mention granite chopping boards from argos or something, those sound perfect
Obviously I can't A/B anything as I only have 1 set of stands and speakers and not looking to spend a fortune going on an acoustic safari so just wondering if anyone has done any research into any of these things?