speaker and cable for NAIM


New member
Aug 10, 2019
System: AUDIOLAB 8000CDM&DAC(originals) linked with CHORD CHORUS2 XLR ; NAIM NAC 122x & NAP 150x (flatcap 2x in the post) ; KEF IQ5 ; ATLAS TITAN(dac to pre-amp) ; ATLAS HYPER BI-WIRE. transport and dac used with CLEARER AUDIO COPPER LINE mains cable and all components plugged into QED QONDUIT mains hub.

Problem; about to part with about £1500 on speakers, a hi-fi shop borrowed me PMC GB1i's and to be honest didn't expect the jump in sound expected from moving from the £400 KEF's! Issue being with too much top end. Advised to stay away from cables with silver(this means ditching the CHORUS2 XLR) and staying with all copper cables.

Have also tried chorus and chameleon silver plus along side the TITAN for DAC to PRE-AMP, no change. I was considering all CHORD cables but will probably stay with ATLAS, the speaker cable and titan interconnect are good. Whats the solution and would SPENDOR A5 be less bright?

I dont want massive BASS, just enough with good midrange and a detailed top end.
Normally with Naim you'd use their own NACA 5, but from what you say that isn't going to help.

You should audition other speakers or try a different source.
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yes, but more noticably with the PMC's with them being more open at the top.
how annoying........ the pmc GB1i's are a bit bright and reveal too much detail at top end, today i borrowed the spendor A5, great speakers, calmed down the over-the-top top end but, far too much bottom end. for those without neighbours..... the spendors are great,
Andrew is spot on. NAC A5 speaker cable definitely. If you have Naim Amps then you definitely need this. You can be more choosy with speakers but i would say stick with NAC A5 .........it works very well. Compared to other Naim stuff its relatively cheap. Neat Motive's are a great match.


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