Moon 280D DAC Streamer or MiND 2 network player and Chord Qutest


Active member
Feb 3, 2022
Hi Guys,

I am new here and would welcome any advice about my streamer considerations. I'm not a particularly tech-savvy person, so tend to rely heavily on reviews and the expertise of others. I have read a lot (and I mean a lot) over recent weeks about streamers and think that my preference at this time is to opt for a Moon 280D MiND 2 DAC/Streamer. My system (see below) is mostly Naim products and apart from the odd tweak here and there, e.g. a Naim Flatcap power supply, better cartridge for the record deck, it is about 12+ years old. I know that many of you are probably thinking why not add a Naim ND5 XS 2 network player, I would agree that this is a very valid point and would save me about €800 (btw I live in Germany, hence the euro) I have read the great review on the Naim ND5 XS 2 and note that it is a What HiFi 2021 award winner, I have never seen any comparisons between Naim and an equivalent Moon product like the 280D but it does seem that that Moon might win out slightly with its operating system, multitude of external connectivity linked streaming options and a ten-year warranty is amazing, that said the Naim products I own, have never, ever given me an issue and they are well over ten years old. But here is another cat amongst the pigeons, would a Moon MiND 2 network player (without DAC) which is a cheaper product coupled with an external DAC such as the Chord Qutest another What HiFi 2021 award winner, be a better proposition? I am not a big fan of more and more boxes, but as these two are smaller they would sit alongside each other on a shelf then this is certainly an option, cost-wise it would be similar maybe a little cheaper but there isn't too much in it as you can get small discounts of about 3% in Germany by paying in advance. I am in an extremely fortunate position to have about €4,000 to spend, and whilst my preference is definitely these options I am not averse to listening to and taking on board other suggestions, preferably this price or below.

Here is my current set-up. I don't think that the CD player has an external digital out option so I cannot link that to a better external DAC such as the aforementioned Chord to see if this would improve on what is already a great sounding player.

Naim CD5X
Naim 122X
Naim Flatcap XS
Naim NAP 150X
Dynaudio Focus 140
Mitchell Gyrodec
Leema Phono amp
I am not sure how that answers the OPs question
Well consider other options.
To be more specific, if the OP were ONLY interested in his posted choices then certainly the OP can audition ONLY those choices and pick from ONLY those choices for himself like everyone else does when they are considering a new component.

This is not that uncommon, just ask around...
Well consider other options.
To be more specific, if the OP were ONLY interested in his posted choices then certainly the OP can audition ONLY those choices and pick from ONLY those choices for himself like everyone else does when they are considering a new component.

This is not that uncommon, just ask around...

Thanks for the reply.

I had already read the article you provided a link for, but thanks anyway.

Whilst my thoughts thus far certainly lean towards the Moon options, you will note from my post that I certainly hadn't ruled out other possibilities and was keen to hear from others. As an update to my original post I have also been reading very positive things about Lumin and I think that it's the Lumin T2 that would be roughly price comparable (it's a little bit over budget), however I have seen a demo model for €3,300 or thereabouts, so would be interested in thoughts on this piece of kit as well.

I haven't found anywhere where I can demo the the suggestions, I can demo the two Moon products but note the Chord as well, I guess I could see about another highly regarded DAC with the 2nd Moon option just to see if there is a clear difference.

Thanks again
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Actually it appears that the Lumin T2 whilst ticking most of the boxes, unfortunately doesn't have WiFi or Bluetooth, could probably manage without the latter but would really want WiFi at least until I could overcome the ethernet issue.
I contacted a dealer and had planned to demo the Moon options, however was informed that Moon and Naim (you will recall that most of my system is Naim) do not match at all well, it was suggested that I try out the Naim ND5 XS2 streamer or the Auralic Altair G1. Following my original post I haven't heard much back from anyone on here, but wondered if there were any known compatibility issues with Moon and Naim products. They stock both so there is not a problem trying them out and the two above would save me €800-1000 and the guy seemed super nice in my emails to and fro' so I have no reason to doubt him, but would be interested to hear the thoughts of others, are Naim and Moon uncomfortable bedfellows?
I've heard the Moon connected to a Hegel H390 and some old JBL speakers (not sure which ones), and the Moon sounds amazing. First streamed from a Bluesound Note, and then even better via the on-board Mind2 module. It was a big improvent vs the on-board Hegel DAC.

I also thought the Moon app looks much better than the Bluesound app.

I am dreaming about the Moon 280D right now...

I can't comment about Naim.
Just as an update, we went listened to a few options two weeks ago before settling on a Bluesound Node (2021) streamer and Chord Qutest DAC. I have to say we liked the sound of all the options that we listened to and there really wasn’t much between a couple of them, though a far more expensive combination with the Auralic, ATC speakers, and Amp that had been set up in another listening room (btw forgot the brand of the amp) was out of our price range, sounded fab’ and great to hear the Auralic perform so well. But back to the more realistic options, I was amazed at how I could instantly tell the signature sound of the Naim and Dynaudio set up, but overall I felt that Bluesound and Chord offering with the Dynaudio speakers was a bit pacier and livelier, let me add, I am not saying better, but perhaps something that we were looking for. My wife said immediately I like that setup, even though it was more boxes (albeit small ones).
Great! You did good there finding the sound you enjoy.

I just read my post above and want to clarify - blue sound into Hegel (using Hegel DAC) sounds good, the Moon adds something extra and very noticeable. But I don't think the Moon is worth the EUR4k outlay over the DAC in the Hegel. I think the DAC in the Hegel is on par with the Chord Cutest. Which means that while I dream about the Moon, I don't think the price justifies the upgrade. But that is my opinion and I'm glad you went to test it all out and found something that you both like.
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Thanks for posting what you finally chose. I find it really interesting to read about decisions people make.

Out of curiosity, may I ask why you chose the Node given that you intend using a separate DAC? I wonder what it does in other respects that is more valuable to you than a £100 streamer like the WiiM Mini.
Thanks for posting what you finally chose. I find it really interesting to read about decisions people make.

Out of curiosity, may I ask why you chose the Node given that you intend using a separate DAC? I wonder what it does in other respects that is more valuable to you than a £100 streamer like the WiiM Mini.

That is a very good point and one that I cannot really answer. I am aware that the Node is very well thought of and so I was really quite happy to hear it paired with the Chord, but it's a good point and I guess that we might have been able to achieve similar for €400-500 less if they stocked the WiiM Mini (not sure whether they did or not). However on the basis that I had had a lot of emails to and from the guy at the shop and that I felt that he was really looking out for us in terms of cost against performance I was happy to be guided by him when looking at all the options and alternatives to the Moon, Naim and Auralic set up, I could easily have spent closer to €3,000-4000 if I had of gone for the Moon, Auralic or Naim but I ended up spending nowhere near that sum and when compared to the others we came away very happy with the sound that this combination offered up.
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That is a very good point and one that I cannot really answer. I am aware that the Node is very well thought of and so I was really quite happy to hear it paired with the Chord, but it's a good point and I guess that we might have been able to achieve similar for €400-500 less if they stocked the WiiM Mini (not sure whether they did or not). However on the basis that I had had a lot of emails to and from the guy at the shop and that I felt that he was really looking out for us in terms of cost against performance I was happy to be guided by him when looking at all the options and alternatives to the Moon, Naim and Auralic set up, I could easily have spent closer to €3,000-4000 if I had of gone for the Moon, Auralic or Naim but I ended up spending nowhere near that sum and when compared to the others we came away very happy with the sound that this combination offered up.
Thanks very much for explaining.

I implied no criticism, I just wanted to check I wasn't missing anything about its streaming capabilities. The HDMI input on the Node would be a motivation for me, and since I couldn't justify price of the Qutest, the Node's DAC would be attractive to me too.

I'm pleased that you are happy with your selections, and I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of them. Thanks again for posting your conclusions.
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Really nice to read this, a specially because I was looking to change my streamer dac.
Not that I'm unhappy about the Node I2 but I moved an have a separate office now an entend to us the node with a old yamaha amp connected to LS50 (that are on my shortlist intend to buy theme soon)

So decided to upgrade my main system .I have considered a few options Technics al in one solutioncd/dac/streame slc700mk1 (that was in promo at my dealerschip 2000€) reason was, some times I mis the cdp.
Even if those days I mainly stream from qobuz an listen to Vinyl when I have time (all my cd's ar also on the nas, but noticed I don't use it that ofthen any more).
I still bay cd's now an than an rip them but still...
conciderd a few other options
(budget was more less 2000€ ) Aurender (to expensive I think), Mythek brooklyn bridge streamer/dac, Rose, Aurelic g1, Denafrips opus (no streamer an my dealer had to order it specialy for me ) rme adi 2 (no streamer an my dealer had to order it specialy for me ).
The one who stayed on my list & in my mind for a long time was ten Inious zen mini MK3 dac/streamer/ ripper (my dealer don't do that brand so again would have to order it specialy for my)

Long storry shor,t I shortlisted an was thinking ... go for inious (with aditionam psu combo arround 1800€) or texhnics ...

Then my dealer came up with moon 280D with Mind2 that he had as ex demo unit (oké over my budget even ex demo)

My dealer don't do demo's any more sinds Corona. (wel for yhe moment, on the other site he is almost alwys ready for a little chat when I'm in the neighberhood or when I call him)

Told him, I don't really see my self stretch my budget with +- 1k and not even be able to listen to it, I have good contact with him an al my gear comes from him (or almost at least for over the last 14yrs)

So he told my pay what you entended to take it home, if you don't like it we find something else if you like it pay me the rest.
No worry there will be other solutions if it don't match your system

So He reashurd me an I wil be testing it next week in my main system. Hope it will be great an noticable update of the bleusound ...if so I will condider the cst 260d

This review even if you end uo withe a other combo, reashured me or better confort me a little more in my choice...

Thanks 🙂
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