Sony Z4500 range


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Aug 10, 2019
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A question for the What Hi-Fi reviewers but all contributions gratefully read:

The Sony 46Z4500 achieved a 5 star result. Is it safe to assume that the 52" model would perform as well because I'm thinking of buying one? I suspect that the answer is yes but just being cautious.

Thanks for reading.


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Mar 20, 2009
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Having recently purchased a kdl 46z4500 i would say by all means have a look at the 52" version and judge for yourself .I personally would not & did not purchase a screen without viewing the picture for myself and making up my own mind because picture choice is very subjective as "one man`s great picture is anothers average" . As you will have read most members who ask this question get a common answer" view for youself and then make a decision "

I had a panasonic plasma before the sony and while very pleased with the sony I will admit that despite my intensive efforts I still can`t get the sony to show the same natural colour pallette (mainly with skin tones) as my old panasonic.

So if it was me, for a screen that size and the cost i would have a look at some plasma screens as well.



Well-known member
Depending on whether your priority is picture quality or sound quality you might prefer the Z5500. The picture on the new set is quite a bit better than the Z4500 thanks to the Bravia Engine 3 technology, but the result of making the bezel much more slender is that the sound quality has suffered. Where you get an extra 12w woofer and forward firing speakers on the 4500, you only get downward firing drive units on the 5500. There is an audible difference but obviously this can easily be remedied by adding some sort of amp and speaker set-up.


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