007L2Thrill:strapped for cash:
I think what confuses matters is that the grouptest in this month's mag looked at all players under £300, which includes models in different price brackets. So, when the team conclude the 370 is fantastic value at £170 (and now even cheaper), I'm sure they're right. On a performance per pound basis, the 370 rules... it should be teriffic value for money.
If price was not a factor, however, does the 370 still deliver the best pic and sound quality of all the players in the group test? One would think that yes, it does, based on the conclusions proffered in the mag. Which makes the purchase of a 370 a no brainer -- so long as wireless connectivity without an expensive dongle and multichannel outs are not important to you, or the apparently slight flimsy design.
But the amount of attention and dramatically differeing comments/user reviews posted on this forum have meant that confusion rules. I'm left wondering whether to bother; and the only way I'll truly find out if it's worth it is by shelling out to buy one. It's not a great outlay, but would be good to know if the purchase represents a perceptible step-up from the PS3?
As always you need to try it for your self, as with all the comments on here will only make you more confused.
My personal opinion would be that, I can not see that player really out performing the PS3 by a massive mile, it may have slight improvements, but as always you may get the player and see a major improvement, if you got the outlay then order it from Amazon or any place that accept returns then you have nothing to lose.
i think thats quite true as how sharp can a pin get! to me the improvement over the ps3 were in sound, depth of image, movement and slow panning