I agree with the_lhc, and it's a point I've mentioned a few times before. Can't remember where though.
As far as the price hike goes, if Sony has said that they're raising prices due to demand, I'd have thought that's going to be a bit of bad PR for them. I know it happens in other industries on other products, but excessive profiteering from new technology isn't going to go down well.
I would've thought they'd have learned from Fujitsu's and Pioneer's past. Both companies were selling £2,500/6,000 plasmas, and had to cease making them because they weren't making enough money out of them. I'm suspecting they were making enough money, just not as much as they'd have liked. Point is, there is a market for plasmas at this price point, but it's a small one. I think 3D is going to make a blip, at best, to that overall demand. £2k was reasonable for a 42" 3D set (still slighty high in my opinion), but pushing it up by 25% has done the uptake of the format no favours.
If these companies have any sense, they'll be getting people used to these high prices for a short while, then drastically reducing them akin to the reductions on the Kuro panels a year or so ago - demand shot through the roof when they were reduced after the news Pioneer were pulling out of the market. I don't mean this to sound negative, but the general public are like a pack of blood hounds after a fox when they sniff a really good deal.......
Also, as previously mentions, no one has any 3D Blurays, and no one really knows how much they're going to be yet. With the rrp's of Blurays around the £25-30 mark, I suspect the 3D discs will be nearer to these price points, rather than the prices we see online.
Plus, if you can afford to buy a £2.5/3k TV and £60/70 per month for existing Sky services, I'm sure that will be exploited.....