Sony KDL 32D3000 Verticle stripe on screen


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have owned this TV since August 2007 and have been more than pleased with it's performance. However, it has now developed a narrow red coloured stripe which runs from the top to the bottom of the screen. I contacted Sony's regional repair centre for my area and was told that a new screen was needed. Depending on the screen fitted to my TV this could be in the region of £350 to replace. I then contacted Sony UK and was told that because it is out of warranty they are not willing make any contribution towards the repair. Now, I can accept that it is out of warranty but feel that some gesture of goodwill could have been made in view of it's newness.

Has anyone else experienced such a problem and how was it resolved? Do LCD screens on other manufacturers TV's cause similar problems?
hi clive my 40 w3000 did that after only 4 months it went away had a new panel then came back and after about 2 weeks did it again! so when it came back with its third panel i showed it the door! like you say when you ring sony they dont want to know ive had a few sony tv 's over the years but not any more im going to get a panasonic plasma as for how much its going to cost to fix yours i'd rather put the money to a new tv clive


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