Sony Hi-Res portable players : NWZ and Xperia Z3 - differences in audio quality ?


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Feb 9, 2015
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Hi everybody

I am considering my first purchase in the field of Hi-Res portable players and I am tempted by Sony products.

My question would be : what are the audio differences between the likes of NWZ-A15, NWZ-F886, NWZ-ZX1 and Xperia Z3 ?

I am well aware of other differences that can explain the differences in prices, for instance storage size, or the fact that, as opposed to the A15, the F886 and ZX1 are Android devices, while besides the Xperia is a smartphone... but what are the differences in sheer audio quality between these four devices when playing 24-bit FLAC files ? Differences in harware audio components? I am a bit lost, and I am no technical expert.

Thanks for your help and comments from owners of these devices.



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Apr 20, 2015
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The Sony A10/17 is for music lovers who may have experienced the top end AK's, but are happy with the sq of a slightly lesser Dap, knowing there is nothing else available anywhere near it's sq at the price; it is a world class transformer of 256/320 kbps standard downloads. The F886 is kinda yesterday's tech, and cannot do hi rez downloads. The ZX-1 has been superseeded by the ZX-2, which is supposed to equal and go a smidgeon in front of the reference AK 240 in musicality, at under half the price. Which is still a grand however. I can't commnt on smartphones, I prefer dedicated Daps. The ZX-1 is supposedly better than the A10, but a fair way behind the zx2.


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Aug 8, 2011
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If you will be happy with EU regulated starngled volume and output then go Sony. If you wnt decent output and a properly design music player consider Fiio or Astell and Kern Junior. As far as I can see the Sony jobs are relying on the old Walkman brand name and are little more than cut down smartphones with loads of useless apps and facilities at the expense of music reproduction. Sony might have had a monopoly on portable music players years ago but thats no longer the case. Don't be sucked in by it.