In the past I upgraded from a naim uniti2 to a dac v1, 202 and nap 200. If I’m honest the “upgrade” wasn’t night and day at all. It certainly lifted sound and took away some of the glare and handled volume better, less constrained/strained. If I’m honest I was little disappointed. But then I moved from naim to a completely different system with completely different engineering believes.
This system was a revaluation. And was cheaper. A Sugden a21sig, a chord qutest, Klipsch heresy3 and Technics 1500c with an m2 black. The dynamics and drive from this system is completely different and better imo , the clarity and mids are far better compared to the naim. The naim for me was too smooth and a little to restrained. And always felt something was a little missing. For my budget this as good as it gets for me and would take a lot more pennies for me to clearly better it. Perhaps the forte 3s or Cornwalls but I’d need a lot more room for them.
I apologise In advance I wrote this on my phone. so grammar might be a little bad