Fisty1967:I think the same issue exists with all technology purchases. No sooner have you bought the latest and greatest piece of kit than the manufacturers are working on bringing out an even better version exploiting even newer technology.
IT (particularly desktop pc) products are even worse than audio/visual for this. A 3 year old PC that is getting slow often cant be upgraded be adding a faster video card, processor or memory because the interface standards or socket types have changed - so often a complete replacement is cheaper than an upgrade with legacy parts.
Sure - from a cost per viewing standpoint, buying an AV system and running it into the ground without further investment will give you your lowerst cost per view over the lifetime of the product. I'm sure there are a few people out there with black and white tellys whose investment in av products amounts have amounted to about 5d (old money) over the last 25+ years ;-)
At the other end of the scale, I'm sure there a few technophiles out there who always have to have the latest and greatest product on their shelves at home aswell - as significant cost.
Somewhere in between is where most of ut sit I think.
Having jumped on the dvd bandwagon 10 years ago with an original Wharfdale from Tesco (£350), I've recently acquired a BR (Sammy DP-P1500 for £180). If I get 5-6 years out of this player - my personal view is that I will be pleased with that. However, I recognise that some people will not want to invest this sort of money with the potential limitied lifespan of this product.
Having been a big fan of cryus products - a big inlfuncing factor for me personally is upgradability. Cyrus have always offered an upgrade path from their older products to their current products - should you succumb to upgradeitis. It sort of helps protect the investment made in their products.
I was very pleased that BR players support the playing of DVD disks (most even upscale)- as I personally mave a large collection of DVD's and didnt want to lose the value of that investment. Whatever supersedes BR - as long as the players support playing DVD and BR disks as well - I will probably jump on that gravy train aswell.
In another 5 years - who knows that delights will out there !
Should have got a Mac. My G4, although 5 years old now is still on par to a newly brought pc today albeit a £300 one. Granted it was a top end mac but I knew it had to last longer than 1 year and quite cheap in that respect.
I remember the Wharfedale 750 because I brought one from Tesco but I only remember paying £150 for it, which at that price thought it was a worthwhile investment for myself and friends to get into DVD.
Buying an AV system is less of a worry as long at it has multiple connections, these can last for longer than any format, I recently upgraded mine only to have HDMI connections, less wires = wife friendly.
I brought in to HD-DVD only to discover that one month later Toshiba was pulling the plug, although with the fire sales I'm still enjoying HD discs at rock bottom prices. The price was I paid for the player was £150... so it comes down to price imo. If your willing to set a figure to get into a format then it will last as long as you want it to.
I also have a PS3 but don't buy many BD discs, the reason? purely because of the price of the media, once they come down to the price I pay for DVDs (£5 or therabouts in my case) then I'll reconsider, in the mean time I'll continue buying games, it takes me a month to finish one of those, if I do at all but still enjoy playing them even at 42yso, so the price again is relative.
BD may well continue for another 5 years over the 4-5 it's already been around, at which point, even if it hasn't become mainstream, there will be enough discs to satisfy my hunger for HD and that's discounting the legacy players that will be around by then I'm also sure SD's will still be with us then as well.
My only quandary in the immediate future is how big can my tv/screen go without swamping my small abode??? 42" or a PJ looks inviting.