idc:ValianTX:........Your little headphone set-up is suppossed to sound better than Wolf's hi-fi?
I would happily put my main headfi rig up against all comers. The only problem is that some just do not like wearing headphones, so the SQ issue becomes a bit irrelevant. Then of course soundstaging is completely different. But, for the money I am sure I get music that otherwise would cost 1000s and not 100s of pounds.
It's an apples / oranges comparison, but in general I completely agree. 1000 pounds spent on head fi will blow away 1000 pounds spent on traditionaly hifi. No doubt. Of course, I still prefer speakers to head phones...

I would happily put my main headfi rig up against all comers. The only problem is that some just do not like wearing headphones, so the SQ issue becomes a bit irrelevant. Then of course soundstaging is completely different. But, for the money I am sure I get music that otherwise would cost 1000s and not 100s of pounds.
It's an apples / oranges comparison, but in general I completely agree. 1000 pounds spent on head fi will blow away 1000 pounds spent on traditionaly hifi. No doubt. Of course, I still prefer speakers to head phones...