Shure SE425 or SE846?


New member
Mar 25, 2015
I'm in the market for a portable headphone upgrade, currently use Senheisser HD25 mk2's (from DJing background) which are decent, but not portable enough. Source will mainly be IPhone 6 (64GB) with WAV files. Whilst I'm always interested in getting optimal sound quality would I notice a significant improvement using the 846's over the 425's? I'm not necessarily concerned that the source component will not fully exploit the 846's potential, more that the upgrade from the 425's is audibly significant and significant enough to justify the extra cost.


New member
Apr 7, 2015
I couldn't decide between the 846 and the 425, mainly because I wasn't sure the 425 could actually be worth $100 more.

The only difference between the two models are 1-sound quality, 2-adaptor and 3-carrying case.

The case thing is easy, because who cares what case it is? The 425 have a hard case.

The 425s come with the adapter for standard headphone jacks.

If you really need one you likely already have it, and since they only cost a couple of bucks to buy, I don't think that should count in the comparison. So that leaves us with sound quality.



New member
Jan 7, 2008
AnnaReviewer said:
I couldn't decide between the 846 and the 425, mainly because I wasn't sure the 425 could actually be worth $100 more.

The only difference between the two models are 1-sound quality, 2-adaptor and 3-carrying case.

The case thing is easy, because who cares what case it is? The 425 have a hard case.

The 425s come with the adapter for standard headphone jacks.

If you really need one you likely already have it, and since they only cost a couple of bucks to buy, I don't think that should count in the comparison. So that leaves us with sound quality.


You're a reviewer? Really?


New member
Apr 15, 2015
The shure SE 535 is a model right between the SE425 and the SE846. Have you considered them? I have these earphones and am looking to sell them for a little more than what the SE425 retails for. I probably have around 20 hours or so of listening in them. All factory contents are in mint condition. Here is a link to my listing along with photos and a way to contact me if interested.



New member
Jan 7, 2008
audiophile4life said:
Just trying to help

Selling here is against forum rules.

I am surprised nobody has been along to remove the link to be honest.

To the OP. The only way to tell is to try them. One thing is, Shure make damn fine headphones. I don't have either the 425 or 846 unfortunately. I use some SRH940 headphones and some SE215s for portable use. Both are excellent.

I can only imagine the 425s to be better than the 215s and by all accounts the 846 are among the best earbuds you can get.

I guess it depends soley on budget. I doubt you would be dissatisfied with either.