Sennheniser Momentum vs akg 451


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
I will be listening to both tomorrow but wondered what opinions were around here, will I notice the difference in quality playing via an ipod at no more than 320? I have the sennheiser 650 for home use and love the sound, should I be listening to anything else for on the move listening?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
dan323 said:
I will be listening to both tomorrow but wondered what opinions were around here, will I notice the difference in quality playing via an ipod at no more than 320? I have the sennheiser 650 for home use and love the sound, should I be listening to anything else for on the move listening?

You're comparing the $350 USD Momentum with the $120 K451?


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
Yes, both seem to fit my needs. From your response I assume that the difference will be huge even when using unamped?


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
Thanks for the response, do you think the difference will be that great as i will only be using an ipod?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
dan323 said:
Thanks for the response, do you think the difference will be that great as i will only be using an ipod?

Did you notice that bigboss referred to Momemtum on-ear and I to the over-ear?


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
nope, thanks for pointing that out, perhaps I should have been clear from the start :clap:

I was thinking about the over ear versions.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
I have the AKG 451 and I think they are ok for the money. Too much bass for me though so I have just replaced them with the Yamaha HPH 300. They are streets ahead of the AKGs but then they are more than double the price. I also listened to the momentums and again they are a big step up from the AKGs too. I was using through my iPod too. So I think there is a noticeable difference and unless you prefer a lot of heavy bass you will like them more

Al ears

Well-known member
I have the AKG 451's and use them a lot when I travel I think they are extremely good for the money but do not use them with an iPod.

I have tried them with my daughter's iPod but it is loaded with lo-res files so potentially I was not utilising them to the best of their ability.

I think if you are listening to such files then the cost to step up to Momentums would be difficult to justify.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
dan323 said:
I will be listening to both tomorrow but wondered what opinions were around here, will I notice the difference in quality playing via an ipod at no more than 320? I have the sennheiser 650 for home use and love the sound, should I be listening to anything else for on the move listening?

I have an iPhone5, two iPod Touches, two iPod Nanos, three iPod Shuffles, two iPad Minis, and the original iPad. I also have a number of headphone amps and DAC/amps. I have a lot of 320k CBR MP3's I've converted from WAV tracks I've ripped from my CD's.

Any headphone, even a Sennheiser HD800, will sound marvelous with my 320k music tracks on an iPod, with this caveat: Headphones like the HD800 are too inefficient for normal iPod use, but if you have tracks with a strong volume that do not have wide dynamics, you can at least get an appreciation for the kind of detail an HD800 provides, EVEN THOUGH the HD800 is too inefficient for general iPod use, and even though the HD800 would sound far better wih an appropriate headphone amp.

So I'd say yes, get the best headphone you can afford that has good enough efficiency for iPod use, but beware that the impedance (ohms) alone does not constitute efficiency.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
haven't heard the AKGs, but I tried the Momentum's (Over Ear) against the PSB M4U1s and they trounced the Momentums!

Neutral balance, tight, and very much more spatial sounding. IMO the momentums were very boxy/coloured in comparision.

The only issue you may find is that they are less forgiving of compressed music, or poor headphone stages at high volume.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
Thanks for updates, I am not keen on the look of the PSB' so I won't be testing, I understand it's about the sound but these will live in my bag so don't want anything too big. Most of the time these will be worn either at work or out walking so size is also important. Would the soundmagic ho100 be a compromise of cost vs performance from the AKG and sennheiser's? The other thing I have been toying with, get a portable dac/amp with the Akg's, what do you think?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
dan323 said:
Thanks for updates, I am not keen on the look of the PSB' so I won't be testing, I understand it's about the sound but these will live in my bag so don't want anything too big. Most of the time these will be worn either at work or out walking so size is also important. Would the soundmagic ho100 be a compromise of cost vs performance from the AKG and sennheiser's? The other thing I have been toying with, get a portable dac/amp with the Akg's, what do you think?

The Soundmagic HP100 is huge. But the v-moda M100 folds up and may be ideal - I call it the king of headphones.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Never heard those AKGs but the Momentum is a good sounding phone. It's balanced and musical but I find the soundstage very muddled and congested! I test headphones out on gaming a lot to get an idea of it's imaging and accuracy and the momentum sounded confused and didn't seperate brilliantly but it was passable.

I like the Beats Studio 2013, UE6000, M100 and AH-D600 for efficient portable/semi portable headphones.

Less efficient but still preform out of a portable player that sound excellent are

DT770 80 ohm

Mrspeakers Mad Dog


New member
Dec 7, 2011
dan323 said:
Thanks for updates, I am not keen on the look of the PSB' so I won't be testing, I understand it's about the sound but these will live in my bag so don't want anything too big. Most of the time these will be worn either at work or out walking so size is also important. Would the soundmagic ho100 be a compromise of cost vs performance from the AKG and sennheiser's? The other thing I have been toying with, get a portable dac/amp with the Akg's, what do you think?

This combination of attributes: Over-ear, light and portable and comfy, neutral like the HD650 == Bose AE2.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
Thanks for the ideas guys, will take a trip into town and see how many I can try. Some will clearly be easier than others.. What are the views on an external amp and dac with cheaper phones?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
dan323 said:
Thanks for the ideas guys, will take a trip into town and see how many I can try. Some will clearly be easier than others.. What are the views on an external amp and dac with cheaper phones?

External amp from LOD port: Very good improvement in spaciousness, soundstage, tonality, extension.

Apple DAC and amp from lightning or 30-pin port: Same as amp above, except more detail in the upper treble harmonics. How much better detail depends on the DAC.

You'll hear the difference with any decent headphone, as long as the treble isn't rolled off a lot.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
I went for the momentums in the end... Was expecting them to be closer in to my hd 650's, do they need burning in??


New member
Jan 28, 2014
It sounds like they don't meet your requirements. If you want closer to he 650 in a closed sound look into the Shure SRH1540 these sound better with a strong bass pressence but with that lush and intimate midrange the 650 have. If not look into the Mad Dog which are excellent! they do lack refinement and are not as dynamic as the Shure but they are cheaper and fit your reuqirements more then the momenum IMO,


New member
Jan 28, 2014
It sounds like they don't meet your requirements. If you want closer to he 650 in a closed sound look into the Shure SRH1540 these sound better with a strong bass pressence but with that lush and intimate midrange the 650 have. If not look into the Mad Dog which are excellent! they do lack refinement and are not as dynamic as the Shure but they are cheaper and fit your reuqirements more then the momenum IMO,


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
Sorry perhaps I should have explained myself. For their primary use which is on the end of an iPod the momentums sound great. I was just expecting a little more when I plugged them into the amp at home. I'm happy with the purchase


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