SACD player vs Universal Player


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello, I'm from Indonesia and I'm new to the world of HiFi. I'm currently in the process of searching a player, but my budget is rather tight (around 1000-1500 USD). I've a collection (given from my uncle) of CD-A, SACD, HDCD and DVD-A (just a fiew) . So, I'm searching a player that can take advantage of these discs. After searching, I'm interested in these: Cambridge Audio Azur 650BD and OPPO BDP-83 SE (for universal player), or Marantz SA-8003 (SACD). Denon or Marantz UD series are too expensive. Can anyone here give me some advice in choosing them, or info about other players? Oh ya, one more thing, can an SACD player can read or take advantage of an HDCD disc? Thanks.
The Oppo and the Cambridge Audio certainly play the lot including HDCD. Marantz will only play SACD and CD.

The basic Sony Blu-Ray plays all except HDCD, but you'd want to check local specs to make sure. It's a lot cheaper than the other two.

The basic Sony Blu-Ray plays all except HDCD, but you'd want to check local specs to make sure. It's a lot cheaper than the other two.

And they propably also don't do DVD audio playback right? Or does he? I'm not sure that Sony ever wanted their players play DVD Audio when they promoted SACD that much.
I would hang fire until marantzs new bd players come out as these are universal and not badly priced.
An SACD/CD player such as mine, or one of the later Marantz batch does not read HDCD. The only players which are currently truly universal are the two you mention from Cambridge and Oppo. Whichever of those is better priced AND enjoys after-sales support in your part of the world would be the way to go - of the current selection.

However, with the new Marantz range due to come out - and assuming that their range also covers Blu-Ray/HD audio, SACD, DVD-A and HDCD as well as CD - then it too could be worth watching.

If it was my money, I'd go for the 650BD right now, but otherwise would wait and see what Marantz can deliver. Typically, they're very strong with a product range that excels IMO.
I've got a 650BD. If I were you I'd buy a player that can play all the discs you have. Why limit yourself, even if you only have a few? That said, the 8003 from Marantz might sound better than the CA or Oppo. I'd still go for one of the latter, but...

I wonder if you can also fit a CD-only player in your budget. That's what I did. I've got my 650BD to play SACD and DVD-A, and my Apollo for CD, because the Apollo simply sounds better. Here in Canada you can get both the 650BD and the regular Apollo for about US$1,500 (actually, it would run about $1,700).
Hello all, thanks for all your advices. I think maybeI'll wait for the new marantz. Hope it's worth the waiting 🙂


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