rotel ra 1062 or cambridge audio 850a


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2008
hi im on the upgrade path from the cambridge azure 640 .

Ive just missed out on an arcam diva a 85 but am now looking at the cambridge 850 a or rotel ra1062 .i have a cambridge azure 640c cd player.

i have abot £ 350 £400 budget.
damonster said:
hi im on the upgrade path from the cambridge azure 640 .

Ive just missed out on an arcam diva a 85 but am now looking at the cambridge 850 a or rotel ra1062 .i have a cambridge azure 640c cd player.

i have abot £ 350 £400 budget.

Hi damonster

The RA-1062 is a safe bet as i've found this amp to be a better amplifier then the A85. Other amplifiers to also consider are the NAD C370, NAD C160/C270 and Marantz PM94.

Btw, what speakers do you use please?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


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