MajorFubar said:
CJ you are such a joy to have on this forum and I always enjoy reading your threads, but do you never ever stop tweaking and messing? How often do you and your O/H sit down just to actually enjoy the music? At your place every listening-sesh must be a critical assessment. Chill out man and enjoy the music. You have a wonderful HiFi some of us would kill to own, but I think for your sake it should be stored in a locked alarmed cabinet!
The truth is MF, I/we (that the 'royal we'!!) spend so much time listening to radio, (Archers, play etc) and music of all types from Spotify, CD and vinyl, the percentage of tweaking to lisening is not high, it just looks that way. Thursday, for instance, the hifi was on from 12 noon untill 2am, 50% of the time, music or audio was playing, similar senario Friday, true I was deliberatly burning in the new valves. A normal day is; switch on at 2pm, Archers, the afternoon play, then Spotify and/or a few CD's, off at 7pm, back at 11PM untill bed time, around 2/3am!
Even I cant tweak for that many hours, I listen, relax and enjoy, I think, have insirpation. Last night, I worked out 'in my little grey cell' that triode mode was best at low volumes with the Gold Lion KT88's, this begs the question, 'for me, why'? . . . The Icon Stereo 40 works in class A for the first 20% of its oprating curve . . . so Icon tell me . . . Therefor logic says, low volume equals class A operation, which means improved SQ at these low levels.
The 'performances' we listend to last night were nothing short of jaw droping, air, and space, pure reality. I have found it dificalt (no impossible) to achive this belivable reality when listening to simple open music, errors in performance and recording are easily heard, we particlarly like unacompanied 16th centuary chants, they create an ambiance that is hard to project, if its on the recording at all:? The same applies to pipe organ music, amazing if well recorded and reproduced. Eva Cassidy last night 'on CD'!!! . . . was stunning, the reality of being in the audiance was wonderfull, non of this was at high volume which means relaxing waves of music to savour.
You See MF, I simply get excited, I am enjoying my music . . . I like to share my enjoyment, sadly some do not appreciate my enthusiasum. Tweaking is bourn out of the pleasure of a high level of tangable enjoyment, the same as any hobby that one might be totaly commited to? A gardener for instance, grows a large marrow this year, he has to fiddle and tweak the soil and tend the plant next year to do even better . . . and so life goes on.
I get the message MF, I put a thread on the TT section yesterday then withdrew it . . . I get to involved with my music and wanting to get the best pleasure from it, hence the deletion, I will keep my thoughts and enthusiasum to myself. At leat MF, I dont rant on and on endlesly about cables etc., . . . 'zzzzzzzzzz', there is a little variety in my life? However, tone it down a bit? as you say, ' . . . system some would kill to own'? . . . I'll keep the pleasures to my self . . . 8)