Sorry to disrupt the discussion. I just wanted to react on this thread because I live in a region with lots of highend electronic engeneer that are actually working for the hifi sector (ayon, Nagra, Tron, Swissonor, Dartzeel, Goldmund, PSI and some others), and had the pleasure to encounter them during the last years. I had the confirmation that the price of a hifi product is, generally, around to 6 times the price of his components, sometimes even more (confirmed to me during a discussion by the french Luxman executive). So yes, a 30$ display or a 100$ display will do great differences in the price of your "whatever". The highest price for hifi comps, as I was told, is the casing. Brands that can manufacture their own cases (cnc, acid bath, sanding, laser engraving, ect...) are very rare and the sending and receiving of the cases to diverse specialists is a true logistical and financial nightmare.
And yes, there is a tendency since this decade, to make things overexpensive. But we are free not to buy those items. I will, for example, never buy the newest B&W 800 series. I know, there is nothing that can justify the last price evolution of them. And I will not buy an entry Naim Player too, because he's probably costing 10-20 times the price of his components. Fact is, we, consumers, are free to not play this game. There are plenty of magestic hifi gear on the used market, some are highly reliable and lots are easy to maintain in well condition with little efforts.
I want to remember, in this place, the difficulties that Accuphase encountered when they overpriced their class A integrated on the german market. They where forced, by absence of demand, to sell the next generation of those for a lower price (source : PIA interview by german magazine). This is a power everyone on this forum has.