Remote Control not able to access alpha letters only numbers Help please?


Active member
Jul 18, 2024
Just got a new Toshiba 40LV3463DG for my neighbour but cannot figure out how to input letters using the remote control, I can input numbers but not letters, there must be something I need to do to allow this but at the moment I cannot figure it out, so cannot input my postcode or my wifi password.
I thought on the initial set up screen I would be able to input my postcode and wifi password without using the supplied remote control but no option appear. What makes it more difficult is that this model is only sold in Europe and I cannot find any information on the web that explains the workings of the supplied remote control
Can anybody help please?
Most TVs give you an onscreen keyboard when letters/numbers have to be input, so don't understand why yours doesn't.
Note: With some keyboards you need to switch between numbers and letters using the letter/number button on the keyboard.

Multiple security flaws were discovered in WPS years ago (no surprise really, it was developed by CISCO) and it's advisable to disable it if your router allows.


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