Question Rega ND5 VS Audio Technica VM740ML Cartridge


Mar 16, 2025
Hey all i have narrowed down to 2 cardridges to my Rega P3 turntable within my budget the Rega ND5 And Audio Technica VM740ML . I have heard the Audio Technica and it really improved over my Elys 2 cartridge. Has anyone compared the 2 cartridges and which one do you prefer?
Well, hardly a proper comparison but for what is worth, I have the 540ML on my Technics SL1500C, and three weeks ago I demoed a Rega P6 with ND5 and wasn't that impressed - I didn't think it was any better than my set up. That said, the cart was likely incorrectly setup or had some issues as the left channel was audibly louder, so who knows what other issues it had - most likely not at its best.
Rega carts are not standard depth almost as if Rega don,t want you change
740ML you will need headshell Shims or VTA risers or look at 2MR ortofon for rega

Thanks Didn't know about the MR Ortofon. I know the Bronze and Black very well so they definetely will be in my consideration.
Hey all i have narrowed down to 2 cardridges to my Rega P3 turntable within my budget the Rega ND5 And Audio Technica VM740ML . I have heard the Audio Technica and it really improved over my Elys 2 cartridge. Has anyone compared the 2 cartridges and which one do you prefer?