Rega Mira 3 ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've been home demoing the Mira 3 for a few days now as a replacement/upgarde to my Arcam. I've found thr Rega to be an overall improvement and I would describe the improvements basically as having a more open sound with greater seperation and altogether more controlled. It's not earthshattering but makes the whole listening experience more pleasant (even fun!).

Before I commit,or not, to the Rega I would be ineterested in others opinions of the Rega v the others on my short list ie Roksan Kandy K2 - Never heard Roksan but the WHFreview states that it should partner most other components and the Rotel RA-1520 - Just sounds good on paper, plus I could get a shop demo of the Rotel this weekend.

Perhaps even alternative suggestions for me to consider.

Not sure whether it's much of a guide but I compared the Mira 3 against the Rotel RA03. The Rotel was brighter in the treble and more coloured in sound. The Mira 3 was more laid back but was much better at all the hifi things, detail, separation, soundstage, etc.

I tried the Kandy K2 on a pair of Spendor A6s at the weekend and was very pleasantly surprised. I think you'd find it a brighter listen than the Mira 3 but well worth a try with your speakers. Of course, if you like the Rega sound (I think it's very good) then the Mira 3 would work with a Maia power amp later for biamping.
Igglebert - Thanks for the reply.

If the kandy K2 is brighter would this mean it would become harsh after a while or is this dependent on whether a bright sound is preferred, also do you think the K2 would bring anything else to the sound ie greter depth or more bass?
I'm going to refrain from answering that because I haven't compared the K2 against the Mira 3 or Rotel side by side. If it sounds brighter it doesn't mean it will be harsh but it will be down to preference which you prefer. The Mira 3 has taken quite a bashing from various people around here and WHF don't rate it. I think it's a great little amp but it's not going to rock the party like the K2 might.
I happen to think that the Mira is good value for money, and the longer you live with it the more you appreciate what it does. If you still have your old amp, slot that into your system, and have a listen. Would you want to go back?

If you want other options, have you thought about the exposure amps, or if you can find one at the right money a Sonneteer Campion.
I have actually owned both the Rega Mira 3 and Rega Apollo. For my personal taste i didnt like it, the Mira 3 didnt really sound right with the Apollo. They are both very similar sonically so maybe this could be the problem ? What with the Apollo being so neutral and balanced you could succeed with many different amps, but sadly im not experienced enough with different kit to suggest the best choice for you. I know some folks say Naim sounds great with Rega, but i tried a Naim Nait 5i with the Apollo with no thumbs up.

Im also looking at Exposure amps at the moment - the seem to have great balance, musicality and foot-tapping ability !

Good luck on your search !


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