£300 - Used amp options


New member
Oct 15, 2013
I would like to upgrade my amp in the near future to something than can really step up from my 2003 Rotel RA-02. I tried a Marantz PM6005 and it was a side step, maybe even a backwards step. To me the Rotel was more entertaining and energetic. The only plus it had over the Rotel was it had more features (i.e Digital inputs) but that is low on my list of priorities. What I would like is 5 analogue inputs, a phono stage would be good and a more detailed and neutral sound, the Rotel is good for the money but I know I can do better.

The rest of my system is a Marantz CD6004, Pro-Ject Debut II turntable & Dali Zensor 3 speakers (or some vintage B&O S35 if I fancy a change and want to listen to classic vinyl!). The only thing I am really attached to is the Dali's, but I know upgrading is a slippery slope.

My shortlist so far is:

- Meridian 551

- Roksan Kandy LIII

- Rega Brio 3 (or a Rega Brio-R if I found a bargain)

I know I should demo some really but buying 2nd hand it is harder to do back to back comparisons. I have heard a Meridian 551 and 506 CD player combo through some Mission 751 speakers and it sounded superb, it just sounded so neutral and relaxed, spacious with all of the instruments laid out in front of you and subtle nuances I had never noticed before. It was gorgeous!

Can anyone else recommend anything else, or where to buy 2nd hand, other than eBay!
Garett said:
I would like to upgrade my amp in the near future to something than can really step up from my 2003 Rotel RA-02. I tried a Marantz PM6005 and it was a side step, maybe even a backwards step. To me the Rotel was more entertaining and energetic. The only plus it had over the Rotel was it had more features (i.e Digital inputs) but that is low on my list of priorities. What I would like is 5 analogue inputs, a phono stage would be good and a more detailed and neutral sound, the Rotel is good for the money but I know I can do better.

The rest of my system is a Marantz CD6004, Pro-Ject Debut II turntable & Dali Zensor 3 speakers (or some vintage B&O S35 if I fancy a change and want to listen to classic vinyl!). The only thing I am really attached to is the Dali's, but I know upgrading is a slippery slope.

My shortlist so far is:

- Meridian 551

- Roksan Kandy LIII

- Rega Brio 3 (or a Rega Brio-R if I found a bargain)

I know I should demo some really but buying 2nd hand it is harder to do back to back comparisons. I have heard a Meridian 551 and 506 CD player combo through some Mission 751 speakers and it sounded superb, it just sounded so neutral and relaxed, spacious with all of the instruments laid out in front of you and subtle nuances I had never noticed before. It was gorgeous!

Can anyone else recommend anything else, or where to buy 2nd hand, other than eBay!

+1 on the Roksan

Arcam A85 or FMJ A19 both v v good within budget. I had an A85 with Zensor 3's and it was a brilliant match
Roksan L3 will be difficult to beat at that price and slightly over. Musicality, warmth, power, punch, phono stage and a headphone out.

A85 was good but compared to L3 would not be in the same league when it comes to musicality. And coming from Rotel it would be probably too slow. Also A85 didn't have phono stage as standard. In my opinion a little bright for Zensors. Had that combo so talking from experience.

However A75 would be more suitable tonally, very good phono stage but still quite laid back and not as punchy sound.

Worth looking at NADs C370 should be within budget. We'll received and plenty of power but not heard that model.
knaithrover said:
Garett said:
I would like to upgrade my amp in the near future to something than can really step up from my 2003 Rotel RA-02. I tried a Marantz PM6005 and it was a side step, maybe even a backwards step. To me the Rotel was more entertaining and energetic. The only plus it had over the Rotel was it had more features (i.e Digital inputs) but that is low on my list of priorities. What I would like is 5 analogue inputs, a phono stage would be good and a more detailed and neutral sound, the Rotel is good for the money but I know I can do better.

The rest of my system is a Marantz CD6004, Pro-Ject Debut II turntable & Dali Zensor 3 speakers (or some vintage B&O S35 if I fancy a change and want to listen to classic vinyl!). The only thing I am really attached to is the Dali's, but I know upgrading is a slippery slope.

My shortlist so far is:

- Meridian 551

- Roksan Kandy LIII

- Rega Brio 3 (or a Rega Brio-R if I found a bargain)

I know I should demo some really but buying 2nd hand it is harder to do back to back comparisons. I have heard a Meridian 551 and 506 CD player combo through some Mission 751 speakers and it sounded superb, it just sounded so neutral and relaxed, spacious with all of the instruments laid out in front of you and subtle nuances I had never noticed before. It was gorgeous!

Can anyone else recommend anything else, or where to buy 2nd hand, other than eBay!

+1 on the Roksan

Arcam A85 or FMJ A19 both v v good within budget. I had an A85 with Zensor 3's and it was a brilliant match

+2 if you can get one in good condition, they are hard to beat for that sort of money and neutral which is what you need as a reference point.
This is, in my view, the most complete sub £1000 (new) amplifier that I know of. I prefer it to any of the models mentioned above and i have experience of most of them.

Sadly, I do not think it has sufficient inputs for you but if you can manage with what is available, it is a very good choice.
davedotco said:
This is, in my view, the most complete sub £1000 (new) amplifier that I know of. I prefer it to any of the models mentioned above and i have experience of most of them.

Sadly, I do not think it has sufficient inputs for you but if you can manage with what is available, it is a very good choice.

Whilst davedotco may have a point this amp, as far as I am aware doesn't have a phono preamp unless the module has been added and that's going to make it expensive, and you are unlikely to find one for your budget.
The NAD C370 is a great amp, my friend has one and we've shared many a session listening to it. It has not been very relaible though and his ownership has been fraught one, maybe unlucky but its something I'd rather live without. Especially as i'm buying on the used market.

The Creek does look nice, but too shy on the inputs, and a lack of phono stage would put me off.

I'm pleased to hear the Roksan is so well regarded as I have been coveting them for some time. From what one or two of you have said it sounds like they come with a phono pre amp from the factory too. Also it has the added bonus of plenty of inputs (also need to plug in FM tuner, TV, Blu-Ray and Spotify via tablet).

Other options that have crossed my mind are a Cyrus 6a or even keeping the Rotel and using it as a pre-amp in conjuction with a power amp, as it does have pre-outs to allow this.
Garett said:
The NAD C370 is a great amp, my friend has one and we've shared many a session listening to it. It has not been very relaible though and his ownership has been fraught one, maybe unlucky but its something I'd rather live without. Especially as i'm buying on the used market.

The Creek does look nice, but too shy on the inputs, and a lack of phono stage would put me off.

I'm pleased to hear the Roksan is so well regarded as I have been coveting them for some time. From what one or two of you have said it sounds like they come with a phono pre amp from the factory too. Also it has the added bonus of plenty of inputs (also need to plug in FM tuner, TV, Blu-Ray and Spotify via tablet).

Other options that have crossed my mind are a Cyrus 6a or even keeping the Rotel and using it as a pre-amp in conjuction with a power amp, as it does have pre-outs to allow this.


Cyrus is s good option though they have no Phono stages. Go for an 8 series though. More power and upgradeable.
I do enjoy my Rotel and to be fair to it, it's a cracking little amp. I wonder how it would fair as a pre amp with something with a bit more balls behind it?
Thanks but I'm not quite ready to purchase yet, got a big holiday coming up over Xmas.
In other news I have purchased a NAD C370 repair kit off a chap on ebay, I had tried repairing my friends before and although it improved it, it would still go into protect after a few minutes. I'm hopeful it this will fix the fault and if so I'll try and convince him to let me look after it until he moves house and I'm ready to purchase something new!


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