Rega Apollo - What am I missing out on?



get yourself a v-dac and dont bother about the apollo though its an excellent player if you cant demo

the v-dac is not a million miles away in presentation though a bit less exciting

True Blue

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Oct 18, 2008
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The Rega players are fantastic with making CD's sound less like CD's and much more like vinyl. They seem to inject warmth, feeling and emotion. Vocals are a particular strong point, with an almost live feel. Timing is excellent, fantastic detail and staging, all recordings sound great on them, but good recordings sound phenominal.
True Blue:The Rega players are fantastic with making CD's sound less like CD's and much more like vinyl. They seem to inject warmth, feeling and emotion. Vocals are a particular strong point, with an almost live feel. Timing is excellent, fantastic detail and staging, all recordings sound great on them, but good recordings sound phenominal.

Thanks for that - maybe once we've moved I might be able to test one of the Regas.....


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May 23, 2009
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Of course i need to chime in here, as im currently selling my Apollo on Eb*y. Imho i would say its a fantastic player but needs an amp with a little warmth and musicality to bring out its best. Its not for me and i have tried to love it !
the timing is indeed amazing and with high levels of detail on playback too. Id have to kindly disagree with the Apollo having feeling and emotion though, i find it a tad "un-human" and too matter of fact for my personal tastes. It would hard to beat in the "right" system though, just not in mine !

True Blue

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I only demoed the Apollo agianst the Naim CD5i, and IMO it was superior. However I did end up buying the Saturn (especially at the new price, similar to the CD 5i) that is what I am commenting on as I am listening to it sorry for any confusion.
sthomas048:Of course i need to chime in here, as im currently selling my Apollo on Eb*y. Imho i would say its a fantastic player but needs an amp with a little warmth and musicality to bring out its best. Its not for me and i have tried to love it !
the timing is indeed amazing and with high levels of detail on playback too. Id have to kindly disagree with the Apollo having feeling and emotion though, i find it a tad "un-human" and too matter of fact for my personal tastes. It would hard to beat in the "right" system though, just not in mine !

Interesting. I know when I heard Exposure 2010S (I was the first to mention on your thread) the 2010 was a very ballsy sounding player.


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I have heard Apollo's with Nait 5i and Nait XS amplifiers using Rega RS1 and RS3 speakers and (extensively) with a Primare i30 and Focal floorstanders. To my mind - at their original price - they are only bettered by a CD5i. (Close call though.)

Detailed, spacious, musical and (as True Blue says) voiced very much like a really good turntable - no suprise there.

For the new price of £475 I would say it is an extremely safe choice.

Sorry 'sthomas048' your description of the Apollo is not one I recognise at all from my long and frequent experience of it. But I gather from your other threads that you like your gear to sound very, very warm indeed.


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Chebby, we all have different viewpoints and different ears ! Neither of us are wrong, just different. Lets be friends !
There are a multitude of different factors that can contribute to a system's sound - cabling, location, musical tastes etc;
sthomas048:Chebby, we all have different viewpoints and different ears ! Neither of us are wrong, just different. Lets be friends !

It also comes down to amplification and speakers. That surely is ultimately why there is a difference of opinion....or am I being too obvious here?


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plastic penguin:

It also comes down to amplification and speakers. That surely is ultimately why there is a difference of opinion....or am I being too obvious here?

Very true PP. The source is only as good as its connected speakers and amplifier.