Hi Benlaw,
Just remembered that I would let you know how the A Winged Victory For The Sullen was.
However first I should ask... how are the family and is llittle one letting you get a night's sleep?
So, it was awesome, the bringing together of strings and keyboards and treated guitar sounds are definitely an amazing combination.
And hearing this stuff loud and live was extremely uplifting and totally new for me. As the months past by towards this concert I played this album relentlessly such is it's hold over me. I am sure eventually I will put it down for a while, but it is a great set to play whilst browsing the internet.
Anyway, I will let you know if they tour again in the UK as I think that, if you have enjoyed the album, the live experience is every bit worth the effort.
As an aside from the concert last night, I was asked if I had a lighter (I smoke ) and got talking to a guy who is signed up to a site called miles of smiles. Anyhoo he e-mailed me a link from them to get tickets to see Stars of the Lid in Hackney (again) in December. I simply can not believe my luck. When I bought the tickets there were only 49 left and the venue is quite small and this is on the day after the guy received the e-mail no less.
So if you like I will let you know how that goes.
In the meantime there are live videos on youtube for AWVFTS if you want an idea, the one thing I should say is that they are only a tiny representation of the live event, being there was something else altogether, but you do get some sense of it.
Hope all is well and your spotify list enormous
Happy listening