Question about speaker wear...



People are still paying over £2000 for 30 year old Chartwell LS3 5as!


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Jun 2, 2008
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Are you asking about your Dynaudios?

Dynaudio Special 25s were first produced in 2002, so your speakers can be no more than 9 years old. (There were two subsequent re-issues of the 'Special 25' including a run last year.)

If yours are the original 25 year anniversary models then you should have a special 25 year manufacturer's warranty with them.

Either way, I would expect at least another decade or two, with normal use, for a loudspeaker of this quality.


The flexible rims of the speaker cone made out of foam can/will deteriorate. With my subwoofer this happened after 12 years , with my smaller speakers after 20 years. Both are repaired by replacing the rim with rubber rims that much longer. I was quite please with the repair since it was not very costly and well done.

Internal wiring connecting the cones can break, fixation of the magnets can be damaged and the movement of the cone is limited or impossible. Most of this will never happen when the speakers are handled as they should.


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Apr 8, 2011
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Depends on the speakers.

Some speakers have foam surrounds which will last 10 to 30 years. Some speakers have rubbber or cloth surrounds which may last for... well we don't know how long they will last for as there are examples that were built in the 1950's and 1960's that are still fine. Direct sunlight is not good for speaker surrounds.

Capacitors. Some types of capacitors last longer than others. In the old days you used to be able to get at the crossovers by unscrewing a back panel. With most modern speakers you have to take the bass drivers out to get at them. A bit of soldering is required to replace crossover capacitors.

With abuse it's possible to blow drivers. Tweeters are most likely to blow due to them having lower power handling ability than midrange or bass units. Compression driven tweeters and midrange units are easy to repair. You just replace the diaphragms. I've never repaired a domed or coned tweeter. So I don't know how easy they are to repair.

You can replace foam surrounds yourself. It's the sort of job that once you've done one, doing more is easy enough. There are videos on youtube on how to do this. There are a couple of different methods for ensuring that voice coils don't rub. The knack is to glue the cone and surround to the right place which is usually offset a couple of mm's from the visual centre. A bit of Google homework should help you find someone who will refoam your drivers for you if you don't fancy DIY'ing them.

I have two pairs of 45 year old and one pair of 30 year old speakers that are 100% original - as far as I know. Original surrounds. Original crossover capacitors. I have a pair of 39 year old speakers that I refoamed and replaced a tweeter diaphragm on. These should be good for at least 15 years without further maintenance.

My attitude is that if speakers sound and look fine, they are fine and don't need any maintenance.


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Apr 8, 2011
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And speakers don't really wear out. It's more a case of capacitors or foam surrounds deteriorating with age. They're not like cars which wear out with use.


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Feb 7, 2009
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chebby said:
Are you asking about your Dynaudios?

Dynaudio Special 25s were first produced in 2002, so your speakers can be no more than 9 years old. (There were two subsequent re-issues of the 'Special 25' including a run last year.)

If yours are the original 25 year anniversary models then you should have a special 25 year manufacturer's warranty with them.

Either way, I would expect at least another decade or two, with normal use, for a loudspeaker of this quality.

Thanks to everyone that responded. Good info!

Chebby, I was curious in general about vintage speakers as I've heard people talk about fixing the foam surrounds. My Special 25s are a brand new reissue to celebrate 15 years of Dynaudio in the USA. They made exactly 75 pairs (which are all gone now). They came with a special 15 year warranty. Thanks again for the advice.


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