Qobuz to Chromecast - Am I Going Mad?


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2020
I was testing Qobuz for the 1st time the other night but I kept going back and forwards between different Apps etc. and comparing to different music services
I'd had a couple of beers (27 🤣 ) and it was late .... but I'm sure I could cast from the Qobuz App on a PC to Chromecast devices but today that option's not available / the devices not listed.

Is this me going mad or was I casting them from another App like Musiclife and forgot which one I was using?
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Make sure the laptop and the Chromecast device are connected to the same WiFi network and at same frequency (2.4 or 5GHz).

I did check that .... I have a wired PC in another room and with the web player can see the Chromecast devices but not from my laptop connected to the same WiFi which is what I'd use for music.
Make sure the laptop and the Chromecast device are connected to the same WiFi network and at same frequency (2.4 or 5GHz).

Just to thanks for your help ... my laptop for some reaon I guess during an update had switched to not discoverable by other devices on the network so now it's working fine.

A very slight frustration it sees all the individual chromecass devices on the laptop but not groups which it does see if using a tablet or phone so not a biggie.
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