Question Project X1 or Rega p3 what to buy?


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
Hello everybody

I have recently moved, and I am looking to get me a decent turntable for my living room. I have been looking at the X1 and P3 turntables as they both come in black which is what I'm looking for.

I like that the Project has adjustable vta and azimuth, where the Rega doesn't.
Though is the rega tonearm a very good one, but dont know if its just marketing gimmicks making it that expensive to purchase without a turntable.

The plan is to use the cartridge it comes with until its worn out, then change it for a Nagaoka mp150

The Rega p3 has a strong following, but would love to hear everyone's opinion/experiences with the turntables mentioned.

My stereo in living room is Lyngdorf Tdai 1120 amplifier, and Scansonic mb 2.5 speakers.
hi, I understand these have quite different characteristics so perhaps you need to (if possible) audition them. I auditioned the X1 before ultimately deciding to go down the streaming route. It was only a short audition and it was very good but did it blow my socks off, no. Also, given the top quality of your amp and speakers, have you thought about the P6 or X2? You will of course have the same dilemma 😀 . Happy hunting, cheers john
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You'll get a lot of Rega fans on here, but I love Pro-jects, having recently replaced my Debut III which gave me years of trouble-free pleasure with an Xtension 9.
You are correct that VTA / azimuth adjustment is a major plus point for the Project - cartridge bodies vary in size, and you'd probably want to upgrade the Rega cartridge at some point anyway. I think the X1 arm may be a slightly lower spec than the Evo arm on the 9, but it looks similar in design.
A couple of other points include:
- Project design on the philosophy of isolation through mass, with damped motors, whereas Rega go for light weight, meaning you need better isolation from surrounding vibration sources
- Acrylic platters are great - you don't need a dust-magnet felt mat and they look cool (some would say also better sound, I'm not totally convinced...) - it is one feature I miss from my old turntable, although objectively the massive vinyl-topped platter I have on the 9 is an improvement
You are correct that VTA / azimuth adjustment is a major plus point for the Project
Industry standard since the 1970s on millions of projects / technics and 100s of other turntables
Both Azimuth adjustment and VTA, although by means of shims, are both available on Rega decks. However, because of method employed, VTA adjustment is not that variable.
The OP is incorrect here
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Also, given the top quality of your amp and speakers, have you thought about the P6 or X2? You will of course have the same dilemma 😀 . Happy hunting, cheers john
I second this observation. I think you’re potentially selling yourself short on your turntable here. It depends perhaps - how much are you going to use it? What’s your main source?
I second this observation. I think you’re potentially selling yourself short on your turntable here. It depends perhaps - how much are you going to use it? What’s your main source?
Looking at his description the turntable will be the main source, I agree with you that something further up the line may be better unless he proposes to add a decent cartridge to the P3 or X1


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