Project Tube Box S2 or Rega Fono MM MkIII

Arsenio Erico

Well-known member
Jun 28, 2020
I am looking to upgrading my gear, which is now as follows:
Pioneer PLX1000> 2M Bronze> Cambridge Audio Alva Solo > Cambridge Audio CXA61> KEF R3s plus Sub. Kabel Direct 16 gauge cables bought from Amazon.
I am very happy with what's coming out of this but every once in a while I make upgrades.
Soon enough I will buy a Planar 6.
Meanwhile I would like to upgrade my current phono pre-amp (Alva Solo). Options are:
Pro Ject Tube Box S2 (already have a bunch of valves since Im a musician)
Rega Fono MM MkIII or V
Moon 110LP V2

What's your opinion on this? What would any of those 2 options add to the sound? Never had another Phono Pre Amp than the Alva Solo. Would the sound have a different color? Would the Pro Ject (more than twice the price of my current preamp) add any new sonic layers? punch? warmth?
When I started getting my gear my intention was to get the Rega Phono Preamp but couldn't find one, the best I could find was the Alva Solo which did not disappoint me. Would it make any sense to get the Rega? or do you think the Pro Ject would make more sense since tubes can sound different, or maybe even better since it costs way more than the Solo.
The Moon looks good too (some complain of hiss sounds, though) and costs about the same as the Pro Ject and I wouldn't have to worry about tubes.

What do you think is the weakest link here? And where would you decide to upgrade next?

Thank you very much for any ideas/opinions.
Hello, try first the components you already have . If not happy with them with your new turntable ,then try the new material you´re thinking of buying.
But try them before making the purchase ,if happy with them than you´ll buy it , some have not enough frequency response one might think and be less than the turntable itself, decreasing the output of the turntable itself or it´s sound quality.
Also if you can upgrade it with valves you already have from amplifiers or other gear , normally the ones that are sold with the amp. or pre. are very weak and in need of an upgrade
I have also tried a lot of Pro-Ject material ,because i have a friend who sells it, and i´m very disapointed with this brand ,only tried 3 models from Rega and they were all better than Pro-Ject range around 1.000€ .
As an example ,a friend of mine bought a pro-ject turntable to meet his 70´s turntables and he spent between the turntable itself and the stylus, 14.000€, in early 90´s Technics was selling it´s turntables for prices around 100€ with this quality of sound .
In other way i would keep using the material you already have ,it makes no sense spending money if you already have good material ,this if the Pioneer works at a 100%(this model you refer is a litle temperamental but very good if working properly, normally they work better with the original cartridge ,if you still have it).
Sorry if i´m confusing but my technical english is not that good ,i´m portuguese, regards
Hello, try first the components you already have . If not happy with them with your new turntable ,then try the new material you´re thinking of buying.
But try them before making the purchase ,if happy with them than you´ll buy it , some have not enough frequency response one might think and be less than the turntable itself, decreasing the output of the turntable itself or it´s sound quality.
Also if you can upgrade it with valves you already have from amplifiers or other gear , normally the ones that are sold with the amp. or pre. are very weak and in need of an upgrade
I have also tried a lot of Pro-Ject material ,because i have a friend who sells it, and i´m very disapointed with this brand ,only tried 3 models from Rega and they were all better than Pro-Ject range around 1.000€ .
As an example ,a friend of mine bought a pro-ject turntable to meet his 70´s turntables and he spent between the turntable itself and the stylus, 14.000€, in early 90´s Technics was selling it´s turntables for prices around 100€ with this quality of sound .
In other way i would keep using the material you already have ,it makes no sense spending money if you already have good material ,this if the Pioneer works at a 100%(this model you refer is a litle temperamental but very good if working properly, normally they work better with the original cartridge ,if you still have it).
Sorry if i´m confusing but my technical english is not that good ,i´m portuguese, regards
Muito obrigado Rui! I appreciate your reply. I am currently struggling to determine if a Rega Fono MM MKIII (350$) would make more sense than the Tube Box S2 (500$). I want to try something different just for the hobby!
My initial thought was that the Alva Solo I currently have might bottleneck the Planar 6 I'm planning to buy. But you have a point, I could wait and try it first.
I got lucky with the PLX1000, the tone arm bearings were fine out of the box. I took it to a local technician and he found it was all good. I am quite good at calibrating everything and I am getting very very good results with it. However, it is not a turntable aimed at audiophile listening, that's why Im aiming at the Planar 6.
Thank you very much!
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My thinking is that it pretty much depend on whether you ever see yourself using moving coil cartridges.
If you are not then the Rega Fono MM should be perfectly adequate.
Hi Al! Hope you're doing great!
My initial plan is to upgrade to a 2M Black and then try other brands on the MM section. However, I am definitely not closed to the idea of trying MC cartridges IF it makes sense to stay under 1500$ (or euros) but that won't be any time soon. I don't see myself spending more than that on a cartridge.
You might have not heard the Cambridge Alva Solo, (220$) but anyway, do you think it would make a difference (sound wise) and sense to try out the Rega Fono MM? I can get it for 350$ (MK3, MK5 is around 400$).
I almost bought the Pro Ject this morning but I decided to read further more if there are any common issues regarding hum or buzzing noises. I can't audition or return any items where I live. I just thought: do tube preamps are more prone to hum/buzz? So Im still here debating
Hi Al! Hope you're doing great!
My initial plan is to upgrade to a 2M Black and then try other brands on the MM section. However, I am definitely not closed to the idea of trying MC cartridges IF it makes sense to stay under 1500$ (or euros) but that won't be any time soon. I don't see myself spending more than that on a cartridge.
You might have not heard the Cambridge Alva Solo, (220$) but anyway, do you think it would make a difference (sound wise) and sense to try out the Rega Fono MM? I can get it for 350$ (MK3, MK5 is around 400$).
I almost bought the Pro Ject this morning but I decided to read further more if there are any common issues regarding hum or buzzing noises. I can't audition or return any items where I live. I just thought: do tube preamps are more prone to hum/buzz? So Im still here debating
I have not heard the Cambridge, the Rega seems a good buy.
I don't believe tube preamps are any more prone to buzzing than solid state as it's an earth problem.
As the OP has a Cambridge amp it makes sense to go with Cambridge phono boxes.
I already have a Cambridge Alva Solo Phono Preamp. I am looking for a different/better option just for the sake of experimenting. I have never tried a different setup than the one I have now so, I was wondering how a new phono stage would affect the sound in my case.
Those were the two options I ended up with and thought maybe the tube preamp would add more difference since they run on tubes and are more than twice the price of my current preamp. Then, I thought that the Rega (which was the one I wanted in first place when putting together my current setup years ago but couldn't find one) might be different in some areas but maybe wouldn't add much in reality to justify 350$.
That's the logic I had but now be the way things work.
Anyway! Thank you very much!
I already have a Cambridge Alva Solo Phono Preamp. I am looking for a different/better option just for the sake of experimenting. I have never tried a different setup than the one I have now so, I was wondering how a new phono stage would affect the sound in my case.
Those were the two options I ended up with and thought maybe the tube preamp would add more difference since they run on tubes and are more than twice the price of my current preamp. Then, I thought that the Rega (which was the one I wanted in first place when putting together my current setup years ago but couldn't find one) might be different in some areas but maybe wouldn't add much in reality to justify 350$.
That's the logic I had but now be the way things work.
Anyway! Thank you very much!
Totally understand.

IME there's little difference between phono boxes within your budget. You need to double it to hear a significant difference.

IMO you're better off investing in a turntable or, more realistically, a cartridge upgrade.
I will be getting a Rega Planar 6 possibly by the end of the year. Would my Cambridge Audio Alva Solo (220$) not be able to keep up with the Planar 6?
I think I could stretch up to 1000$ which opens the possibilities to maybe a Lehmannaudio Black Cube SE II IF that would make a more significant difference.
Any thoughts? Im brainstorming all possibly options and then decide. Any sort of thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thank you very much!
So, after reading your opinions and making up my mind I decided to not go ahead with any phono upgrades right now. I agree with Al Ears' last suggestion and that is exactly what I'll do.
After reading tons of websites describing the Tube Box S2 I feel like the upgrade or difference wouldn't have been much.
Thank you all very much for taking the time to reply to my post! Have a great week!
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