Project Debut 3 upgrade


New member
Aug 10, 2019
The platter mat supplied with the TT has stretched at the hole and moves about - any ideas for a replacement? Also I am thinking about upgrading to stylus from the Om5 will I notice much difference with the OM10
The OM10 stylus is a great upgrade - I'm very happy with it - you will notice more base and top end.

As for the mat - I upgrade to the acrylic platter (which needs no mat) - but that may be beyond your budget
Not a lot on that deck, project do replacement felt mats but i am at a loss as to how yours has stretched, anyhow an om 10 is a step up from the 5 and the bass will improve as the stylus beds in, you could take greenwich mans advice and go for the acrylic platter, i know him well and he knows his stuff but i feel its an expensive upgrade and maybe a better cartridge like the 2m blue will make a significant difference but again an expesive upgrade. The om 10 should be fine but the mat fitting properly should make a difference as well.
Gregory is probably right that upgrading the cartridge may give a better sound than the platter - but I did the platter route 'cos we have a bunch of 78's - and we need to keep on the OM cartridge to play them.

For me I noticed a good improvement on the sound with the acrylic platter - and I've got to admit it looks really smart.

Hi Gregory - I sent you a text - have you changed your phone? - would be good to see you.
I upgraded the platter and stylus (I was already using Ortofon Super OM10) and added a speedbox, and the latter 2 made the most difference, with the stylus winning, but there was still a noticeable improvement with the platter upgrade. The stylus I've got now is the Digitrac SE which wouldn't cost so much more than the OM10 but is a huge improvement all round. Think they're quite rare these days, so might take some hunting down - I got mine from the USA. Just don't buy the last one, cos I want it!
What difference does the speedbox make? Also project sell cork platters only £10 would this be better than the felt?
swoosta:Also project sell cork platters only £10 would this be better than the felt?

I had a cork mat on a Debut - no discernable improvement in sound quality, but at least it didn't come off the platter when I lifted the record off, as the felt mat invariably did.