Question Powernode 2i Vs PM7000N


Jun 17, 2020
Hi all,

I'm having a hard time choosing between the BlueSound Powernode 2i and the Marantz PM7000N.
I'd be using the system with a CD player (Marantz CD5004) and a turntable in addition to the digital streams from my computer/iPhone (and a likely network drive), and through Focal Chorus 826V speakers.
It's all about sound quality (PM7000N?) and connectivity (Powernode 2i?)...
Any thoughts, pros and cons, would be welcome.

Thanks a lot !
Multiroom is not the first objective here, be it Heos or BlueSound, although it may be the case at some point. But I'd like to control it all as much as possible from my phone or computer, from a distance. Also I was thinking that AptX HD bluetooth was an advocate for the PowerNode 2i... Sound-wise it seemed to me that they were quite close but I haven't seen any comparison between the two so far. I guess the real question is: "given that the PowerNode 2i has a few things more than the PM7000N, is the 300€ gap worth it ?" : )
@peasle What did you do in the end? I'm considering upgrade from Marantz NR1200 to one of the two you were evaluating so would be interested in how that ended up.
I own the Bluesound PowerNode 2i (in my second system) and a Marantz PM6007. The PowerNode is great and the BluOS platform is massively superior to HEOS for streaming, but the Marantz is the better amp by some margin. It all depends where your priorities lie but I would be inclined to suggest buying the Marantz and perhaps adding a Node 2i at a later date if you don't get on with HEOS.
The PowerNode is great and the BluOS platform is massively superior to HEOS for streaming, but the Marantz is the better amp by some margin.

That is the situation I feared. 🙁 I hope Tidal Connect will make it's way to HEOS so that I could use Tidal's app for initiating playback instead of horrible HEOS app.

As I need all-in-one device , do you know which BluOS streamer&amp combo would be a step up from Marantz NR1200 in audio quality apart from obvious benefit of BluOS over HEOS?
The other option is the Audiolab 6000A Play. It's a combination of the 6000A amp and 6000N network player.

I purchased one about 6 weeks ago (and am listening to it right now). I am really impressed with it. Lovely soundstage. I have it hooked up to a pair of B and W 606's.

I am using Spotify connect with it right now (spotify can see it on your network) but I do also use Tidal with it through the DTS PlayFi app. PlayFi is OK but inevitably, it's not as good an app experience as the Tidal app. Discovery of new music is no good unless you are in the native apps.
That is the situation I feared. 🙁 I hope Tidal Connect will make it's way to HEOS so that I could use Tidal's app for initiating playback instead of horrible HEOS app.

As I need all-in-one device , do you know which BluOS streamer&amp combo would be a step up from Marantz NR1200 in audio quality apart from obvious benefit of BluOS over HEOS?

HEOS already has Tidal Connect, if you’re not aware. I’ve been using it for 3 years so I don’t understand your problem. What you do is start Spotify app, then used the option to connect to your HEOS device - it will automatically appear as an option.
Hi all,

I'm having a hard time choosing between the BlueSound Powernode 2i and the Marantz PM7000N.
I'd be using the system with a CD player (Marantz CD5004) and a turntable in addition to the digital streams from my computer/iPhone (and a likely network drive), and through Focal Chorus 826V speakers.
It's all about sound quality (PM7000N?) and connectivity (Powernode 2i?)...
Any thoughts, pros and cons, would be welcome.

Thanks a lot !

I’ve been using HEOS for 3 years and it’s perfectly usable. It only lacks for MQA and Qobuz native support, if these are important to you, but it connects directly to Tidal.
I own the Bluesound PowerNode 2i (in my second system) and a Marantz PM6007. The PowerNode is great and the BluOS platform is massively superior to HEOS for streaming, but the Marantz is the better amp by some margin. It all depends where your priorities lie but I would be inclined to suggest buying the Marantz and perhaps adding a Node 2i at a later date if you don't get on with HEOS.

Sound United will have to ramp up HEOS , but it’s farther north than your perception. It’s only real disadvantage is its lack of MQA support.


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