Question PSB Imagine T vs Focal Chora 816 vs KEF R500


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2022
First of all, I wan to say that this forum has already been very helpful to me since I've had some great advice on questions I posted in the past. Haven't always been the best in posting an update though. A Little intro in my current setup, partially gathered due to forum advice:

  • Pro-ject Debut Carbon EVO
  • Vincent PHO-300 phono-amp
  • Bluesound node 2i
  • Topping D70 DAC (just sold)
  • Cambridge Audio Azur 851E and 851W pre and power-amp combo
  • Q Acoustic 3050 speakers

With the complete setup being gathered from secondhand deals. For me, for now, this is the only way to get into the realm of HiFi and I must say I'm very pleased with what I've managed to gather so far 😀 Part of what it makes fun with the secondhand market is that prices often are pleasant enough to encourage some experimentation. So, here it comes...

While I'm pleased with the Q Acoustics, I feel I'm missing something. Before thse speakers I've had Focal Chorus 714v's. These didn't have quite the body and 'modern' sound like the QA's, but I really, really enjoyed the characteristics of the higher tones. Before the Focal's I had a pair of KEF iQ50's, which in turn had some more bass extention than the Focals. Now I've stumbled upon three different speakers that popped up in my region on the secondhand market that are advertised for similar prices. These are:

  • PSB Image T
  • Focal Chora 816
  • KEF R500

I know, the way for choosing speakers is auditioning, but since this is the secondhand market that's not always the easiest to arrange and get deals done Having said that, the Focals and KEF's are advertised by the same person, so those might actually be compared under the same cicumstances. This leaves me curous about the PSB speakers, especially since they're not really common here in the Netherlands. From what I can read from various reviews is that all of these speakers have a vastly different sonic signature. I'm not going to ask 'which speaker is better', but I'm just curious about advice from people that have listened to either one (or even multiple) of these speakers and what their take on them is.
I'm not familiar with any of the speakers you mention (haven't heard any of them, and haven't heard of one!). I do have Q Acoustics on my AV setup and tried a pair on my main system. Great sound but can be a little bright. If you are looking for a different sound it might be you want something more neutral. I have know people chase more and more base, when what they really want is just a little less treble!

Google the reviews you the speakers you mention, but instead of focusing on the opinion of the reviewer look for words like "warm" or "neutral".
Thanks for your insight. Without getting drowned in terminology or semantics, I kind of get what you're saying.

The thing is, speakers like the Focals are known for their brightness and that's actually what I liked about them. My current QA's do have some top end focus as well, albeit not as refined in my opinions as the Focals. It might also be that I'm chasing unicorns. Bass extension (from memory) from the KEF's, body like the QA's and some refined highs from the Focals. To top it all off with an affordable secondhand deal 😅
So, a small update. Today I went to audition both the Focals and the KEF's since they were advertised by the same person. He had was using a Marantz SR7012 to demonstrate them, and boy, these speakers are really night and day compared to each other.

The KEF's were really laid back and sounded completely effortless. The sound was rich and clean. They did however miss some top-end spark that I enjoy and they seemed to miss some dynamic drive.

The Focals are the complete opposite; they really draw you in encourage you to actively listen to them. They appeared to have more layer (instrument) separation, more dnyamics and they are fast with some really crisp highs. I can understand that other people might find them fatiguing, but these were the ones I took home. The KEF's did have some more low-end oomph than I found somewhat lacking, but I figured I could always supplement my setup with a sub.

Since connecting them to my system I've had a few hours of enjoying them and although I was somewhat surprised at how bright they sounded when first hooking them up I am really pleased them them. Also comparing them to the Q Acoustics they're replacing they sound mch more lively.


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