Trying to find serious articles about Streaming vs CD


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2024
Since I left my tape recorder long ago, I only had CDs to listen to. Now that I have a Bluesound Node I can 'receive' Tidal's HiRes tracks. The difference between for instance Paul Simon's Graceland on CD and HiRes is incredible.

So I'm interested in reading more about the pros and cons of streaming vs CDs. Where can I find articles? And this must have been posted and commentated a lot of times here already (I don't want to start it all over again if it's already there), but I could not find it. So what would be a good standard reading on the subject?

Thank you for guiding me!
The difference between for instance Paul Simon's Graceland on CD and HiRes is incredible.
In what way? Which do you prefer?

The often remarked upon issue is that we very rarely know what quality the masters are for a stream. They might be excellent and recently remastered, or an old transfer that’s been upsampled. And lots of other random possibilities.

Some people never quite ‘get’ streaming, and use it to hear new stuff which they then buy on CD or LP. Others, like me, find streaming satisfies 90% of their listening needs.

One benefit of a CD is you may listen to the entire album, as intended. With streaming, especially if you’re using a tablet or phone as a ‘remote’, is to hop around from track to track. Instead of listening, it’s sometimes too easy to keep scrolling.

There are plenty of opinions and articles in WHF and other forums but I cannot think of anything ‘definitive’. Others may well do, however!
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Qnopiano Thank you for your answer. And questions 🙂.
(I like it that a nopiano is the first to answer a question of a steinwaytune 😉.)

What am I looking for? Not only 'which do you prefer?'. It's more to get sufficient information to make up my mind to 'which do I prefer'. (And I know it doesn't have to be streaming Or CD, Streaming And CD is still allowed...)

Do we talk about the same?
When I use the word streaming, I mean listening on Tidal to an album or track of my own choice as well as 'linear' listening to radio stations as BBC Radio 3 Classical or the Dutch NPO Klassiek or radio stations like MellowRock. And podcasts of course.
Is all that streaming to you too? Or do I forget something?

So if you say that we very rarely know what quality the masters are for a stream, I think you mean the radio stations? On Tidal 95% of what I have seen has CD quality or HiRes.

I'm new to streaming, but I do very well recognise your 'hop[ping] around from track to track. Instead of listening, it’s sometimes too easy to keep scrolling'.
I found out that this makes me restless and by that unsatisfying.
On the other hand, I like to be surprised now and then...

Finding my way is an issue. Sometimes I stumble upon complete albums in Tidal and a moment later, looking for an album, I can only find a loose track instead of the album they're on. So I have to find out better how to search in Tidal.

Finding radiostations or podcasts is not easy yet for me too (blushing here). In the Bluesound app that comes with the Node finding stations is a bit easier, but I'll have to find my way yet. How do I fid new stations of which I don't know the name yet?

A clear con for radiostations is that every now and then they play music not of my taste, or have a talking session about a subject that doesn't interest me.

I took Tidal instead of Qobus because there seemed to be more pop and rock than with Qobus. But by the few HiRes tracks I already heard on Tidal I am temped to change to HiRes Qobus (if there is enough pop/rock), or add Qobus just for classical music. Any comment on that is welcome too.

So, now you made me think of what I am looking for, it is like:
How do I find my way to albums and quality music stations in Streamingland?

I hope you can follow my old man's struggle here...
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Streaming just means it is using a data connection (The internet for example) to transfer the music.
Master means how it was mastered in the recording studio, which you have no control over. (Depending on how good the engineer was (And preference of the band) will determine how the master sounds (Remastered means it has been redone in the studio to get a better or different sound)
When it comes to radio stations, do you mean via FM, DAB or internet?

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When I use the word streaming, I mean listening on Tidal to an album or track of my own choice
Me too, although I use Qobuz, but they are all offering a similar experience. Radio stations play what they choose, but my point about the ‘master’ means for example when Qobuz offer a HD or24/96 version of something I have on CD. Obviously my CD is 16bit by definition. So, attempting to compare at home likely shows the different mastering more obviously than any intrinsic differences in the mechanism of reproduction.

Personally, I enjoy streaming (Qobuz), CD, LP, the occasional cassette, FM radio and most of all, internet radio streaming. I sometimes cast podcasts or YouTube to the Hifi too.

All are different but I’d not like to rank them, any more than I’d rank roast beef, pizza, curry, and fish n chips!
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Me too, although I use Qobuz, but they are all offering a similar experience. Radio stations play what they choose, but my point about the ‘master’ means for example when Qobuz offer a HD or24/96 version of something I have on CD. Obviously my CD is 16bit by definition. So, attempting to compare at home likely shows the different mastering more obviously than any intrinsic differences in the mechanism of reproduction.

Personally, I enjoy streaming (Qobuz), CD, LP, the occasional cassette, FM radio and most of all, internet radio streaming. I sometimes cast podcasts or YouTube to the Hifi too.

All are different but I’d not like to rank them, any more than I’d rank roast beef, pizza, curry, and fish n chips!
You put fish and chips last..... 🙂
I'd have curry on a different list.
I'm glad that even a serious thread about the question is not worthwhile.
The idea that one or the other can be better is, as already explained, debatable.
No serious articles because the sensible people leave it up to you to make up your own mind by listening ........
I think people stream in different ways, from flicking and sampling, single tracks to full albums. But in answer to your question there are plenty of reviews around comparing streaming to CDs, but not sure what you mean by serious. It was something we investigated when were thinking of changing.

We only stream now and use Qobuz as it was recommended by my Dealer as they know I like Jazz. Have no downloads and we’d sold the Vinyl and CD systems a while back.

With the Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub it is on all of the waking day, playing Jazz. Either Jazz24 for background music, or for what we would describe as a listening session, we use Qobuz. However, I use it the same way that I would play a record and listen to the whole album, haven’t gotten out of that habit.

One thing I like about streaming is the ability to search for an album following a posting on this or other forums, plus if hearing a track on Jazz24, it is easy to follow it up.

Haven’t tried any other streaming platform, but have imported a playlist from Amazon Music into Qobuz. However, am looking at Roon as the front end, to get a bit info of the albums / artists that I have as favourites and how they are categorised. Just to add to the listening pleasure.
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Since I left my tape recorder long ago, I only had CDs to listen to. Now that I have a Bluesound Node I can 'receive' Tidal's HiRes tracks. The difference between for instance Paul Simon's Graceland on CD and HiRes is incredible.

So I'm interested in reading more about the pros and cons of streaming vs CDs. Where can I find articles? And this must have been posted and commentated a lot of times here already (I don't want to start it all over again if it's already there), but I could not find it. So what would be a good standard reading on the subject?

Thank you for guiding me!
I have 3 CD players, including an SACD and audio DVD player. We truly enjoy regularly listening to our own and many borrowed CDs. We also subscribe to Amazon unlimited and also truly enjoy its HD and UltraHD offerings, especially of music we don't own. And we've ripped many favorite CDs and built a wonderful FLAC and 320kbps digital files collection that we probably listen to most. The latter I especially like listening to closely through my DAPs. You just inspired me to listen to my FLAC files of Paul Simon's Live in New York City CD as I type... "The trouble is all inside your head,...". vs. "The problem is all inside your head,...". I hear in Negotiations and Love Songs: 1971–1986. 😉

The only listening/streaming option we do not enjoy much is youtubing or watching music. I mostly only do it when I am asked to/sent a link to such.

We do some comparisons for fun, but haven't experienced the "incredible" differences you have. We have identified differences among selected recordings, but they've never been significant, or especially consistent enough, to prompt any of us to opt for one vs. another listening mode.

I suppose if I was just starting out my listening and investing at this time, I might feel a need to evaluate/compare, decide, and choose one method. But at this advanced stage of my music appreciation, I just feel very fortunate to be able to enjoy these and so many other hi-resolution listening options available to many today.
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