Power cable

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Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
Andrewjvt said:
Vladimir said:
lpv said:
ellisdj said:
We are here for music and to listen to music.


why don't you go on audio shark forum and talk about cables with like minded music lovers? they would love you and understand you once you would confess all the cables owned

I'm a member there, just can't recall when and why I joined. I do remember making the shark fin favicon.

So glad you came back To this forum I really enjoy your posts

Every community needs a loudmouth. *blush*
*drinks* good to have google search back *smile*

i just noticed something you sig says you do not own any hifi what about that lovely technics su770 then .

come on be proud and put it on your signature

I only have cheap junk that makes sound. Wont be in the hifi game until next year. House renovations almost finished.
it's a mugs game mate this hifi lark
ellisdj said:
I am claiming a system cant sound good with all cheap cabling. Prove me wrong. Its hifi - hifi is sound reproduction in a room. Its all that matters and is the bit even a Lemon understands.
If you could make some space for a couple of drinks cabinets, I'd gladly put that to the test.

Well, semi gladly. My back might not be too happy about it.

Cable wise it'd have the original captive power leads and 15 metre lengths of B&Q 79 strand speaker cable and a £1.89 interconnect. Shame it wasn't £1.49, then I could call it an 8 Ace interconnect.
ellisdj said:
I wanted to break Shadders post down but I am too much of a lemon

so sorry is this doesnt make sense - likely to trigger someone who expects it

0cm">Shadders you said a magazine was able to hear the differences in 12 different cables with slightly different inductance - so small changes seem to be audible from that test? Unlike what you just said

This is correct in that the magazine provided a view on every cable - they all sounded different. You do not read what it written, or do not understand the context it was written in. The context was, if all these cables had very similar electrical parameters, then the demonstration of the coiled cables which introduced a revised figure of 3.4x change in inductance for their cable - which they will have known the sound of - was not picked up upon.

You claim that you get to know the sound of cables over time - trained listeners etc., so they produce a cable, and don't know its sound.
ellisdj said:
0cm">In the Nordost video that you probably didnt watch they say the Radar specialists research has shown humans can hear to factor of 1 I am pretty sure he said - so small changes are noticeable.

What does this factor mean - of 1 ?. If small changes are noticeable, why didn't they notice the change in the coiled cables in the demonstration ?.

ellisdj said:
2 perfect examples - I bet a systems measures very simialr when you first turn it on to after an hours playback - but I bet it sounds a lot different after that hour.

Another example - people have said closing their curtains makes their system sound better when even though measuring the effect of that would be negligable to non existent. So small changes in measurements are maybe perceived as much larger when we are trained / conditoned to a certain sound.

What does this prove ?. Does not prove that cables sound different. I ask you this - what is the dB change from one cable such as vanDamme 2.5mm squared to QED 79 strand ? And can this dB change be heard ?

ellisdj said:

Unfortunately I am not in a position to train myself to take DBT - who is really. come off it thats just nonsensical to suggest it. How do you get facilities like whats at Harmon - $Millions of dollars worth of facilities to do testing properly. They havent tested cables because they do not sell them.

Sadly atm I cant give you anymore measurement science than I have - however you or no one can or is willing to prove great sound is possible with all really cheap cables either so until someone does I will keep mine in my system ready to show you what its all about when you are ready to for Show and Tel

DBT do not cost milions of dollars. Great sound is not the subject of this thread. The subject of this thread is whether you can hear the differences between cables.

If cable difference can be heard then James Randi proposal will have been taken up, and someone will have claimed the prize.

Since DBT's do not cost millions, they can be implemented very cheaply, then this is not a barrier to DBT tests.

Finally - this discussion has been going on for decades. If it were possible to hear differences, then it will have been proven by now.


Lindsey mate they would be like giant headphones at about 5 feet away in front of everything.

That would be weird for frew response great for imaging beyond them but they would block my screen... 🙂

If your down south come and listen mate when you can anyway
ellisdj said:
Lindsey mate they would be like giant headphones at about 5 feet away in front of everything.

That would be weird for frew response great for imaging beyond them but they would block my screen... 🙂

If your down south come and listen mate when you can anyway
We'd need to get your system to my place or to a neutral venue.

I do have smaller speakers, but I'd rate them as mediocre - at best. It's only my large to huge speakers that sound good to my ears.
lindsayt said:
BTW the Randi cable challenge is a hoax.


I bet you that if anyone here actually applies to take it, they will be refused or ignored.

It was a clever publicity stunt. So clever that people still talk about it 10 years later.

Nope. Pear Cable were called out by JRF to do a test and they refused. Of course they slandered JRF.

You are uninformed on this. Do more research.

The $1M challenge is real and many have tried, dowsers, psychics etc. It's not just audiophile related.

Anonimous supernatural phenomenon believers can't take the challenge. You have to be a self-proclaimed psychic, golden ear magazine reviewer etc.
OK Vladimir, you apply for the challenge and see what response you get.

And the original challenge, as I understand it was to compare one $7000 cable against a Monster Cable. It could be that there's minimal differences between those 2 cables. I'm confident I could come up with 2 cables that I could tell apart in a blind test - something extreme like 500 metres of bell wire vs 500 metres of 762 strand. The thing is, an easy cable test like that is not going to win me a million dollars. Not in a million years.

As for Randi calling out Pear cables, that's all part of the publicity stunt.
Ignore that bit sorry I mis read your post mate. Tired been arguing with shadders for days. He is a machine .

I heard these speakers on 2 other systems and rooms and they didnt sound nothing like this. Nothing like this.

My room is neutral mate but no space in it. I am not one for moving something like you dude. I cant believe you do it to be honest. Point to prove I suppose 🙂
Reading through it pear cables wanted him to buy the cables and he wanted them to supply them

Hmmmm million dollars in the bank all this riding on it you think they would have just said ok.

Maybe it was a test by Pear to see if the money was really real who knows
lindsayt said:
OK Vladimir, you apply for the challenge and see what response you get.

And the original challenge, as I understand it was to compare one $7000 cable against a Monster Cable. It could be that there's minimal differences between those 2 cables. I'm confident I could come up with 2 cables that I could tell apart in a blind test - something extreme like 500 metres of bell wire vs 500 metres of 762 strand. The thing is, an easy cable test like that is not going to win me a million dollars. Not in a million years.

As for Randi calling out Pear cables, that's all part of the publicity stunt.

Good gravy. I can't repeat how the challenge works for the 5th time. Of course its a publicity stunt, its an awareness raising campaign. And they wont have Vlad for a test because he yields zero publicity, therefore raising zero awareness.

If I fail the test it means nothing to ellisdj. He will merrily continue rubbing his hifi with snake oil. But if one of his idols fails it, it will generate critical thinking (hopefully). Makes sense?
Vladimir said:
lindsayt said:
OK Vladimir, you apply for the challenge and see what response you get.


And the original challenge, as I understand it was to compare one $7000 cable against a Monster Cable. It could be that there's minimal differences between those 2 cables. I'm confident I could come up with 2 cables that I could tell apart in a blind test - something extreme like 500 metres of bell wire vs 500 metres of 762 strand. The thing is, an easy cable test like that is not going to win me a million dollars. Not in a million years.


As for Randi calling out Pear cables, that's all part of the publicity stunt.

Good gravy. I can't repeat how the challenge works for the 5th time. Of course its a publicity stunt, its an awareness raising campaign. And they wont have Vlad for a test because he yields zero publicity, therefore raising zero awareness.

If I fail the test it means nothing to ellisdj. He will merrily continue rubbing his hifi with snake oil. But if one of his idols fails it, it will generate critical thinking (hopefully). Makes sense?

Is Chevy Chase taking the test? He will smash it anyway.....

Seriously though even if the owner if my preferred hifi cables failed that test do they think I will just burn the cables in rage.
It wont achieve nothing but it gave Shadders a great line for his arguement today. I have to be much more lateral thinking than him.
Out of interest
Would you mind listing all your cables/power cables/conditioners etc and add up the total cost compared to the cost of your equipment?
Np but I need a bit of time.
You want me to list all my equipment and price and all my snake oil ??
Now you seen it all taking that off so its not used for wrong seasons.

But ist about 60% snake oil value to system. It might be more like 100% if was all rrp lol
ellisdj said:
Vladimir said:
lindsayt said:
OK Vladimir, you apply for the challenge and see what response you get.

And the original challenge, as I understand it was to compare one $7000 cable against a Monster Cable. It could be that there's minimal differences between those 2 cables. I'm confident I could come up with 2 cables that I could tell apart in a blind test - something extreme like 500 metres of bell wire vs 500 metres of 762 strand. The thing is, an easy cable test like that is not going to win me a million dollars. Not in a million years.

As for Randi calling out Pear cables, that's all part of the publicity stunt.

Good gravy. I can't repeat how the challenge works for the 5th time. Of course its a publicity stunt, its an awareness raising campaign. And they wont have Vlad for a test because he yields zero publicity, therefore raising zero awareness.

If I fail the test it means nothing to ellisdj. He will merrily continue rubbing his hifi with snake oil. But if one of his idols fails it, it will generate critical thinking (hopefully). Makes sense?

Is Chevy Chase taking the test? He will smash it anyway.....

Seriously though even if the owner if my preferred hifi cables failed that test do they think I will just burn the cables in rage. It wont achieve nothing but it gave Shadders a great line for his arguement today. I have to be much more lateral thinking than him.

I'm commenting you in third person as if you are in dire need of excorcism. *crazy*

- But I hear a difference.

- Be quiet my son. That's just the devil pulling tricks on you.
I have edited mine. I think thats un underestimation as well by a bit. Can you guys please edit. Appreciate it.
Andrewjvt said:
Thank you Andrew

How did you do that so quick?

Just a quick add up mate far from exact. Breaking from doing washing up

Can you please edit the numbers off I dont want anyone getting wrong idea.
ellisdj said:
Its xlo is expensive but its seriously awesome. I had to hunt some of those cables down as really hard to get.

Is some xlo original speaker cable in ebay at minute. I would have them if I had the money.

Why did you ask and what are your thoughts??

Andrew is off to fetch more holy water. We underestimated the level of possesion.
Its xlo is expensive but its seriously awesome. I had to hunt some of those cables down as really hard to get.

Is some xlo original speaker cable in ebay at minute. I would have them if I had the money.

Why did you ask and what are your thoughts??

Cheers for editing Vlad apprciate it.
Lol it gets worse i have done about 500 notes on fuses and about a bag of sand on iec connectors

Forgot to include them before.


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