Power cable

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Lol was it you or cheeseboy who accused me of working for jplay when I was saying how good that was. I

I just say it as I see it. I was thinking about it - av options are very limited.
I got a Meridian 861 and Bryston power amp a few years ago. Where do you go from there in terms of upgrades?
Especially when all your bass is done with subwoofers??

Hifi the boxes keep going up until the moon. They dont really do that in AV. I still dont think boxes alone is enough. Thats just me - convinced you need a big vat of oil
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Its xlo is expensive but its seriously awesome. I had to hunt some of those cables down as really hard to get.

Is some xlo original speaker cable in ebay at minute. I would have them if I had the money.

Why did you ask and what are your thoughts??

Andrew is off to fetch more holy water. We underestimated the level of possesion.

Forget possesion
wait till his wife finds out!

He will wish for possesion
Andrewjvt said:
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Its xlo is expensive but its seriously awesome. I had to hunt some of those cables down as really hard to get.

Is some xlo original speaker cable in ebay at minute. I would have them if I had the money.

Why did you ask and what are your thoughts??

Andrew is off to fetch more holy water. We underestimated the level of possesion.

Forget possesion wait till his wife finds out!

He will wish for possesion

Food, shelter and sex are overrated anyway.
Vladimir said:
Andrewjvt said:
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Its xlo is expensive but its seriously awesome. I had to hunt some of those cables down as really hard to get.

Is some xlo original speaker cable in ebay at minute. I would have them if I had the money.

Why did you ask and what are your thoughts??

Andrew is off to fetch more holy water. We underestimated the level of possesion.

Forget possesion wait till his wife finds out!

He will wish for possesion

Food, shelter and sex are overrated anyway.

So are power cables....

How's that for bringing a thread on track?
shadders said:
ellisdj said:
I wanted to break Shadders post down but I am too much of a lemon

so sorry is this doesnt make sense - likely to trigger someone who expects it

0cm">Shadders you said a magazine was able to hear the differences in 12 different cables with slightly different inductance - so small changes seem to be audible from that test? Unlike what you just said

This is correct in that the magazine provided a view on every cable - they all sounded different. You do not read what it written, or do not understand the context it was written in. The context was, if all these cables had very similar electrical parameters, then the demonstration of the coiled cables which introduced a revised figure of 3.4x change in inductance for their cable - which they will have known the sound of - was not picked up upon.

You claim that you get to know the sound of cables over time - trained listeners etc., so they produce a cable, and don't know its sound.

ellisdj said:

0cm">In the Nordost video that you probably didnt watch they say the Radar specialists research has shown humans can hear to factor of 1 I am pretty sure he said - so small changes are noticeable.

What does this factor mean - of 1 ?. If small changes are noticeable, why didn't they notice the change in the coiled cables in the demonstration ?.

ellisdj said:
2 perfect examples - I bet a systems measures very simialr when you first turn it on to after an hours playback - but I bet it sounds a lot different after that hour.

Another example - people have said closing their curtains makes their system sound better when even though measuring the effect of that would be negligable to non existent. So small changes in measurements are maybe perceived as much larger when we are trained / conditoned to a certain sound.

What does this prove ?. Does not prove that cables sound different. I ask you this - what is the dB change from one cable such as vanDamme 2.5mm squared to QED 79 strand ? And can this dB change be heard ?

ellisdj said:

Unfortunately I am not in a position to train myself to take DBT - who is really. come off it thats just nonsensical to suggest it. How do you get facilities like whats at Harmon - $Millions of dollars worth of facilities to do testing properly. They havent tested cables because they do not sell them.

Sadly atm I cant give you anymore measurement science than I have - however you or no one can or is willing to prove great sound is possible with all really cheap cables either so until someone does I will keep mine in my system ready to show you what its all about when you are ready to for Show and Tel

DBT do not cost milions of dollars. Great sound is not the subject of this thread. The subject of this thread is whether you can hear the differences between cables.

If cable difference can be heard then James Randi proposal will have been taken up, and someone will have claimed the prize.

Since DBT's do not cost millions, they can be implemented very cheaply, then this is not a barrier to DBT tests.

Finally - this discussion has been going on for decades. If it were possible to hear differences, then it will have been proven by now.



...feels like decades.
Al you have a sweet setup if your only in Barking would love to come for a demo if that's not too forward to ask
Al ears said:
ellisdj said:
Al you have a sweet setup if your only in Barking would love to come for a demo if that's not too forward to ask

Apologies, the Barking of Essex was meant to be in jest. I actually live in South Wales.

Barking Mad meant then lol good one.... 🙂
What gets me is why people who say cables don't make a difference refuse every time to an offer to prove the cable believer wrong. No matter what reason given the non believe must attend to put things to rest. It sounds to me that some people are just addicted to arguments & confrontation. Up till today scientist cannot prove how water got to planet earth yet we have enormous amount of it.

The prove is always in the pudding.
Native_bon said:
What gets me is why people who say cables don't make a difference refuse every time to an offer to prove the cable believer wrong. No matter what reason given the non believe must attend to put things to rest. It sounds to me that some people are just addicted to arguments & confrontation. Up till today scientist cannot prove how water got to planet earth yet we have enormous amount of it.

The prove is always in the pudding.

I have changed my power cables simply so they are all the same colour. My system had some black ones, dark grey ones and even a white one.

Do they make a difference to sound quality? I cannot honestly say as I changed them piecemeal and cannot recall the original sound.

Could I convince others that they made a difference..... doubtful...
Al ears said:
Native_bon said:
What gets me is why people who say cables don't make a difference refuse every time to an offer to prove the cable believer wrong. No matter what reason given the non believe must attend to put things to rest. It sounds to me that some people are just addicted to arguments & confrontation. Up till today scientist cannot prove how water got to planet earth yet we have enormous amount of it.

The prove is always in the pudding.

I have changed my power cables simply so they are all the same colour. My system had some black ones, dark grey ones and even a white one.

Do they make a difference to sound quality? I cannot honestly say as I changed them piecemeal and cannot recall the original sound.

Could I convince others that they made a difference..... doubtful...
I have used mains conditioners that made my system sound worse. I would go as far as saying most of mains products including mains cables ,makes a system sound far worse. Lack of bass, squashed dynamics & thining of mid to high frequencies. The problem with mains cable is that this will totally be system dependent & or mains pollution in that area. Yes I have heard mains products change the sound of my system, but in most cases for the worst. Unless there is a problem with the mains it's better left alone.

Cables is a different ball game, especially speaker cables. I went from Russ Andrew's 24 crytal cable to Tellurium Q Black and it was instant change of sound. The Russ Andrew had a richer mid but less of a clean treble. On the other hand the Q Black has real definition in the mids & much cleaner treble response. Yes & the Q Black sounded much more opened & forgiving., Yes I did a blind test with friends & got it right all the time.

Always used the Yellow jacket Album, Club Nocturne when testing anything new on my system. Track number one, Spirit of the West.
Native_bon said:
Al ears said:
Native_bon said:
What gets me is why people who say cables don't make a difference refuse every time to an offer to prove the cable believer wrong. No matter what reason given the non believe must attend to put things to rest. It sounds to me that some people are just addicted to arguments & confrontation. Up till today scientist cannot prove how water got to planet earth yet we have enormous amount of it.

The prove is always in the pudding.

I have changed my power cables simply so they are all the same colour. My system had some black ones, dark grey ones and even a white one.

Do they make a difference to sound quality? I cannot honestly say as I changed them piecemeal and cannot recall the original sound.

Could I convince others that they made a difference..... doubtful...
I have used mains conditioners that made my system sound worse. I would go as far as saying most of mains products including mains cables ,makes a system sound far worse. Lack of bass, squashed dynamics & thining of mid to high frequencies. The problem with mains cable is that this will totally be system dependent & or mains pollution in that area. Yes I have heard mains products change the sound of my system, but in most cases for the worst. Unless there is a problem with the mains it's better left alone.

Cables is a different ball game, especially speaker cables. I went from Russ Andrew's 24 crytal cable to Tellurium Q Black and it was instant change of sound. The Russ Andrew had a richer mid but less of a clean treble. On the other hand the Q Black has real definition in the mids & much cleaner treble response. Yes & the Q Black sounded much more opened & forgiving., Yes I did a blind test with friends & got it right all the time.

Always used the Yellow jacket Album, Club Nocturne when testing anything new on my system. Track number one, Spirit of the West.

Oh dear!
I can assure you if you listened to my system you wouldnt think mains products do that to systems.

I dont know what you have tested products wise but they shouldn't do that.
However if they are cleaning "fat" off your sound and showing up other issues then its not them at fault - the fault is elsewhere such as freq response which is often a problem.


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