Well-known member
Hi,ellisdj said:They say this has nothing to do with jitter - firstly which you just quoted so why are you then using jitter as an example of noise?
You probably didnt watch it all just the first 2 minutes.
They go on to show how they mesured the output of players looked at it in a new way. Then created an algorithm to protray that data in a certain way.
No mention of a new discovery of noise just a way of looking at the above.
No new form of noise discovered ever mentioned.
So you are doing your usual.
They stated a new form of distortion - distortion is noise.
The marketing paper DOES NOT REFERENCE THIS NEW DISTORTION mechanism. It does state :
"Once the two plots are overlaid it becomes clear that the player’s output differs quite significantly from the original signal, leading it at some points, lagging at others"
They are referring to jitter. This variation in points, some leading and some lagging, is jitter.
They also state in the paper "The errors we are measuring cannot be attributed to jitter, because they are not random and jitter is!"
They are redefining jitter - jitter can be randon, pseudorandom, or have a known non-random (includes pseudorandom) characteristic.
Just because they state it is not jitter because the clock timing noise they see is not gaussian, does NOT MEAN IT IS NOT JITTER.