Power cable

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Wilson audio watt puppy / sasha wp line has sold more speakers than any other in its price range in all time.
Thats something man.

They need to be setup so you sit on axis to the tweeter.

Every audiophile should own a pair of wilson audio at some stage .... if only 🙂
Blacksabbath25 said:
they used to say that anything that costs £2000 was high end but this day and age your probably looking at £10.000 to be classed as high end
Wrong metric.

High end starts at 150 kgs total system weight.

As a very sweeping generalisation. There are exceptions.
Samd said:
CnoEvil said:
Over 500 posts and what have we learned?

- Some studios use expensive cables.

- Cables make a difference to those who believe and can't make a difference to those who don't.

- The OP's question is less important than a good cable argument.

Did I miss anything, or do we need another 500 posts to make sure?


miss something that is.  Not saying which camp I am in but am seriously doubting some of the advice I have had on more general issues from those 'in the other camp' and that is worrying at best.

Dont sit on the fence
Are you getting divorced or not?
ellisdj said:
Wilson audio watt puppy / sasha wp line has sold more speakers than any other in its price range in all time. Thats something man.

They need to be setup so you sit on axis to the tweeter.

Every audiophile should own a pair of wilson audio at some stage .... if only 🙂

They do measure badly on axis, but no need to appologize for them. Not everyone is after accurate, neutral, well engineered, actually very very few people do. Bose has highest sales.
lindsayt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
they used to say that anything that costs £2000 was high end but this day and age your probably looking at £10.000 to be classed as high end
Wrong metric.

High end starts at 150 kgs total system weight.

As a very sweeping generalisation. There are exceptions.

I'm half way there. MidFi, not bad!
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Wilson audio watt puppy / sasha wp line has sold more speakers than any other in its price range in all time. Thats something man.

They need to be setup so you sit on axis to the tweeter.

Every audiophile should own a pair of wilson audio at some stage .... if only 🙂

They do measure badly on axis, but no need to appologize for them. Not everyone is after accurate, neutral, well engineered, actually very very few people do. Bose has highest sales.

When I auditioned my pre-amp it was through a MASSIVE Krell in to a pair of Wilsons. I thought they sounded terrible. Bass light and midrange forward. Really quite unpleasant. The pre came home with me for a home demo or there was going to be no deal. I have subsequently heard them at a couple of shows and drawn the same conclusions. Then again I use a Bryston/PMC combo which is flat and lifeless... *unknw*
lindsayt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
they used to say that anything that costs £2000 was high end but this day and age your probably looking at £10.000 to be classed as high end 
Wrong metric.

High end starts at 150 kgs total system weight.

As a very sweeping generalisation. There are exceptions.
But for the meantime
my sub weighs over 60kg does that count ot not?

Overwise im only a 12kg lightweight
CnoEvil said:
Over 500 posts and what have we learned?

- Some studios use expensive cables.

- Cables make a difference to those who believe and can't make a difference to those who don't.

- The OP's question is less important than a good cable argument.

Did I miss anything, or do we need another 500 posts to make sure?

I have learned that the scientists favour Android over Apple. Apples cut and paste is rubbish... *biggrin*
Gazzip said:
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Wilson audio watt puppy / sasha wp line has sold more speakers than any other in its price range in all time. Thats something man.

They need to be setup so you sit on axis to the tweeter.

Every audiophile should own a pair of wilson audio at some stage .... if only 🙂

They do measure badly on axis, but no need to appologize for them. Not everyone is after accurate, neutral, well engineered, actually very very few people do. Bose has highest sales.

When I auditioned my pre-amp it was through a MASSIVE Krell in to a pair of Wilsons. I thought they sounded terrible. Bass light and midrange forward. Really quite unpleasant. The pre came home with me for a home demo or there was going to be no deal. I have subsequently heard them at a couple of shows and drawn the same conclusions. Then again I use a Bryston/PMC combo which is flat and lifeless... *unknw*

I doubt that was the speakers Gazzip mate - more likely the environment they were in or how were setup.
FWIW when dagostino launched his new amps could have chose any speaker company but he chose wilson to demo them at first show. That would have been a big launch for the man after decades at Krell.
Vladimir said:
lindsayt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
they used to say that anything that costs £2000 was high end but this day and age your probably looking at £10.000 to be classed as high end
Wrong metric.

High end starts at 150 kgs total system weight.

As a very sweeping generalisation. There are exceptions.

I'm half way there. MidFi, not bad!
I see a technics su-7700 on eBay mint in black but the chap selling it wants £300 for it .

do you think that's worth that for this model
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
lindsayt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
they used to say that anything that costs £2000 was high end but this day and age your probably looking at £10.000 to be classed as high end 
Wrong metric.

High end starts at 150 kgs total system weight.

As a very sweeping generalisation. There are exceptions.

I'm half way there. MidFi, not bad!
I see a technics su-7700 on eBay mint in black but the chap selling it wants £300 for it .

do you think that's worth that for this model 

100e if in mint condition. 150e if properly recapped and serviced but not butchered aka 'upgraded'.
300 no way.
Vladimir said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Vladimir said:
lindsayt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
they used to say that anything that costs £2000 was high end but this day and age your probably looking at £10.000 to be classed as high end
Wrong metric.

High end starts at 150 kgs total system weight.

As a very sweeping generalisation. There are exceptions.

I'm half way there. MidFi, not bad!
I see a technics su-7700 on eBay mint in black but the chap selling it wants £300 for it .

do you think that's worth that for this model

100e if in mint condition. 150e if properly recapped and serviced but not butchered aka 'upgraded'. 300 no way.
*good* ok thanks that's what I thought there no mention of recapping it's standard
lindsayt said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
they used to say that anything that costs £2000 was high end but this day and age your probably looking at £10.000 to be classed as high end
Wrong metric.

High end starts at 150 kgs total system weight.

As a very sweeping generalisation. There are exceptions.
well I am **** out luck then with my speakers as well 130kg *smile*
Today I repurposed the old Commodore 64 PSU brick (linear, class A, gets hot) to power the Lexicon Alpha 5V bus directly, laptop only connected to data. It sounds louder and effortless, uncompressed, airy. Before I used a powered hub but it improved only dropouts with longer cable runs. I guess the audio interface didn't like the 500mA USB 2.0 limit, but now it has 18VA to tap into.

Could I be imagining these improvements? 100% possible. But I like tweaking, enjoy simple soldering jobs, had fun. In the end that's what counts for me. Not everyone likes soldering and glueing, some like tidy tweaking, plinths, racks, pads, mats, cables. Good on ya. Enjoy everyone.



This thing alone adds a kilo towards my high end goal. *biggrin*
ellisdj said:
Done this on my phone so sorry its a full link

What a wind-bag! Lots of words without really saying anything.

The mains lead antenna bit at 24 mins is a "What the...?" moment.

A long cable like that will be a passable antenna. When he plugs it into the wall socket he picks up some mains hum crosstalk - as you'd expect.

So what?

At 31 mins he mentions 40 amp peaks on transients. Eh? That's 6400 watts into 4 ohms! Is he talking about listening to music at home, or doing a Dr Frankenstein "The beast is alive" experiment? He's out by a factor of 10 to 100.

The AB demos. I couldn't hear any difference. Impossible for me to say if there was any difference or not after the sound has passed through the video camera mic and my laptop's inbuilt speaker.
kukulec said:
Sorry, I don't understand perfectly. What would you change?
Your Elac Speakers.

But then my taste in speakers is probably very different to yours.

It is sound advice from davidf and Gazzip to sort out your components instead of giving any priority to cables.
Factor in he is making that presentation last an hour and telling a story - a lot of self promotion but still he seems to have a lot to promote about himself.

LindseyT I am surprised you missed the meaning of his first demo.

Its a make shift radio aerial he connects to the earth socket of the plug socket in the wall.
As its earth it should ground the radio signal and therefore you get no reception on the radio.
It doesnt it improves it because the earth of the building is not grounding the signal its acting as its own aerial. He is highlighting how noise gets on the mains including the earth.

I thought that was a simple demo, surprise you missed that?

If you listen to the demos on something a bit more substantial then you will hear the differences. You can cue the video up twice so there is no gap between the playback.
Well of course there will be radio frequency noise on your mains supply on top of the 50hz 240 volts. Does he think we're dumb and we don't know that? The live wires feeding your equipment from the nearest sub-station will act like antenna. So what?

If it's an issue for anyone's system buy some £5.86 ferrite rings.
All this talk of high end and Bose and Youtube videos reminded me of this:

lindsayt said:
Well of course there will be radio frequency noise on your mains supply on top of the 50hz 240 volts. Does he think we're dumb and we don't know that? The live wires feeding your equipment from the nearest sub-station will act like antenna. So what?

If it's an issue for anyone's system buy some £5.86 ferrite rings.

You missed the point Lindseyt he attaches the cable (make shift radio aerial) to the earth socket of the plug. Surely earth should ground the signal so there is no radio signal? Not amplify it and make the signal stronger

You think a ferrite would fix that?


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