Power cable

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I travel to Europe and do most of my auditioning there... Wilson is on my list to do.
There is a video on you tube of gryphon and wilson audio I think xlf speakers and you can tell its really something.

I think wilson often use vtl amplifiers and recently dagostino. Are you demoing them?
checked some bryston, accuphase, bel canto and gryphon beat them all so far.. and the raidho's are really something..
lpv said:
I travel to Europe and do most of my auditioning there... Wilson is on my list to do. 

I know you have good contacts in europe but please demo the scm100asl as i know you value accuracy over all else.

No need to spend ridiculas amount of money when you can have better sound for mid range price
Andrewjvt said:
lpv said:
I travel to Europe and do most of my auditioning there... Wilson is on my list to do.

I know you have good contacts in europe but please demo the scm100asl as i know you value accuracy over all else.

No need to spend ridiculas amount of money when you can have better sound for mid range price

also.. I want style
lpv said:
checked some bryston, accuphase, bel canto and gryphon beat them all so far.. and the raidho's are really something.. 

How much better though?
For the prices they ask unless you can get a very good rebate?
Criterion Audio in Cambridge sell YG acoustics - you should demo them too. Supposed be **** hot
ellisdj said:
To be fair you will want to demo GamuT as well they are also fantastic

If i were spending bug money on amps id go hegel power amp or bryston.
Job done
No need for more imo
Andrewjvt said:
lpv said:
checked some bryston, accuphase, bel canto and gryphon beat them all so far.. and the raidho's are really something..

How much better though? For the prices they ask unless you can get a very good rebate?

I don't know what so special about bryston/ pmc combination? bit dead sounding.. gryphon is transparent, in total control, musical like a dream, sweet... it's pointless to name it all, you need to hear it ! it's going to be hard to beat but it's early days and many more amps to check
GamuT make everything their zodiac speakers at £100k are amazing.

Their pre and amps are expensive but not 100k - very very good.

YG acoustics make speakers. They mill their own drivers from solid billets of aluminium.

The Hayley and the Sonya are supposed to be very accurate and exceptional

I have a love affair with wilson audio for some reason. Their you tube channel has got me hooked. Amazing videos to watch - what a company
Gazzip said:
shadders said:
Gazzip said:
Vladimir said:
Gazzip said:
ellisdj said:
Raihdo i am sure do that just for shits and giggles

I'm on your side with this but Lars Kristensen, the man behind Raihdo, was for many years the international face of Nordost. Not a good example given the two company's obvious relationship... *unknw*

Quit spreading such conspiracies. *secret*

At least I didn't suggest he was servicing a divorce...


Whether he is or is not - the fact that they charge more for extra lengths of speaker cable should raise alarm bells.

I don't know anyone foolish enough to pay more, pro rata, for more you buy. Only examples would be gemstones - where the bigger, the more you pay. Speaker cables - more you buy, the less you pay per metre. Unless you are stooooooopid.




Looking at the other Studio Connections Black Star products advertised on the Renaissance Audio website they all cost less pro rata for additional length. This leads me to believe that the Black Star speaker cable price must be a typo. Given that this is a distributor site, not a vendor site, I would suggest this is an entirely plausible explanation.

Hence the reason for investigating. They really are taking the mickey. Not only extremely expensive, but charging more proportionally, the more you purchase - utter disgrace.


Over 500 posts and what have we learned?

- Some studios use expensive cables.

- Cables make a difference to those who believe and can't make a difference to those who don't.

- The OP's question is less important than a good cable argument.

Did I miss anything, or do we need another 500 posts to make sure?
CnoEvil said:
Over 500 posts and what have we learned?

- Some studios use expensive cables.

- Cables make a difference to those who believe and can't make a difference to those who don't.

- The OP's question is less important than a good cable argument.

Did I miss anything, or do we need another 500 posts to make sure?

miss something that is. Not saying which camp I am in but am seriously doubting some of the advice I have had on more general issues from those 'in the other camp' and that is worrying at best.
dakchi said:
I did not expect all this when I created the thread *smile*

Everybody else did, though....it seems that a cable thread is needed every now and then, to make us all feel alive!


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