Pictures and Videos of a Panasonic 50VT65

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Though ambient light still influences greyscale and colour; and therefore influences the picture's accuracy.

A calibration performed in a blacked-out room remains suited to viewing in a blacked-out room; and a calibration performed with ambient light in the room is best viewed under the same ambient lighting, irrespective of the calibrator's meter.

Day and night calibrations are also important in terms of shadow detail. Brightness and contrast should be optimised for specific viewing conditions.

Accuracy and detail are always compromised if you use the same settings for viewing in different light conditions. It therefore makes sense to perform a day and night calibration. I'm not trying to be argumentative, that's just how I see it.

I can see the logic in perfoming one calibration if, say, you always view in a batcave, but that doesn't reflect most people's viewing habits. Did you try separate day and night calibrations on your Pioneer or VT65?

With regard to buying a meter and software and going the DIY route, I will some day, but it's far from a priority right now.
I just wish they would leave it alone,the only reason I'm going to give it a chance is because it's the same writers that gave us the reworking of infernal affairs as the departed.

If anyone hasn't seen THE CHASER watch it now .NOW
strapped for cash said:
Though ambient light still influences greyscale and colour; and therefore influences the picture's accuracy.

A calibration performed in a blacked-out room remains suited to viewing in a blacked-out room; and a calibration performed with ambient light in the room is best viewed under the same ambient lighting, irrespective of the calibrator's meter.

Day and night calibrations are also important in terms of shadow detail. Brightness and contrast should be optimised for specific viewing conditions.

Accuracy and detail are always compromised if you use the same settings for viewing in different light conditions. It therefore makes sense to perform a day and night calibration. I'm not trying to be argumentative, that's just how I see it.

I can see the logic in perfoming one calibration if, say, you always view in a batcave, but that doesn't reflect most people's viewing habits. Did you try separate day and night calibrations on your Pioneer or VT65?

With regard to buying a meter and software and going the DIY route, I will some day, but it's far from a priority right now.

Its impossible to calibrate the TV for every level of ambient light a viewing room is likely to have - it will be different am to pm summer to winter - so that theory is flawed.

The only way is to calibrate it to a lighter / higher gamma to try and compensate for ambient light in general.

I have found though I have only watched the set on 2.4 gamma since I have done it. I have not once changed it and I am fussy with what I watch and its not a dark image at all as you know, just deep and lush.
ellisdj said:
Its impossible to calibrate the TV for every level of ambient light a viewing room is likely to have - it will be different am to pm summer to winter - so that theory is flawed.

I'm not arguing that a TV can be calibrated to compensate for every form of ambient light that may enter a room. I agree with you that this is impossible. That said, if you perform a night calibration in a blacked-out room, the picture will be less accurate than the day calibration once ambient light is introduced.

I'm simply arguing that it's beneficial to have two calibrated picture modes that seek to optimise the television for different viewing requirements. (Obviously a calibration and viewing in a completely dark room should eliminate variables; while a day calibration can never be so consistently accurate.)

ellisdj said:
The only way is to calibrate it to a lighter / higher gamma to try and compensate for ambient light in general.

Of course you can have two calibrations at lower and higher gamma, one for day, another for night. I find the day calibration advantageous on a particularly bright day, even though I use the night settings more frequently. If I had to choose one, I'd stick with the 2.4 calibration, but I'm glad I have the choice.
I get what your saying there - thats somehting I have not considered trying. Calibrating with ambient light - a non contact meter is obviously needed for that.

Thats sounds tricky - I think thanks to good filters on the main TV's I have owned I have never found the picture to be worsended by ambient light enough to make me want to try it before - would have bought ZT if thats the case as well.

Interesting idea though strapped - you should definately be learning thsi trade as you have the mind for it - I could teach you all I know if you lived closer 🙂
Okay, it doesn't copy Enter the Dragon, but Chan-wook Park must've been inspired by that scene. The Bruce Lee escape fight is sensational, but Oldboy takes it to another level altogether. As you said, the violence is just brutal.
It'll be interesting to see what direction Hollywood takes. Will there be as much violence? I'd be very surprised. :?
We're of course talking about fairly small degrees of difference. It's hardly as though the night calibration looks wrong in daylight.

Some shadow detail is lost watching the night mode in a bright room, as blacks crush slightly. I doubt I'd have noticed this without being able to toggle between day and night settings.

I'll probably go the DIY route one day, though it's more expensive than paying someone to calibrate. If I bought a meter and software it would be for the fun of the process.
Its future proofing really as you will buy another TV or several in your life time and so you can sit there safe in the knowledge you have the knowledge....

I will have a cheap meter for sale soon which is a perfect way to get started - all you need to do is buy the software at about £200 or use HCFR for free to learn. Better to get Calman, its much better
Rats! Sorry guys I can't upload it, my account is playing up, so I changed it and now I can't seem to upload videos!
thats a shame gel the last ones were very good,its alays good to see some pictures.hope you get sorted hope to see some pictures soon,wonder if mr marlky would some pictures of his zt.cheers david
davidvann said:
thats a shame gel the last ones were very good,its alays good to see some pictures.hope you get sorted hope to see some pictures soon,wonder if mr marlky would some pictures of his zt.cheers david

Ah cheers! Yep, sorry about that, I will try and get into my old account again. YouTube can be a bit of a nightmare! I had done one of Metallica Through The Never too. And it had mine Batman picture in it!


arrow season 1

total recall (2012)


thin red line

In time

every single Pixar movie

and on and on .....
Wish I wasn't a complete fricken idiot when it comes to computers ,I'd like to be able to upload and show calibrated pictures of following films and tv shows on the ZT in blackout conditions.


sherlock Holmes season 2 wedding episode


crank 2 (rubbish film amazing picture)



bates motel season 1

god the list goes on and on and on .....
davidvann said:
hi gel found the picys and the vids ,i subscribe to your u tube account ,looking good 8)

Ah nice one! I have 3 subscribers now! :grin: I have lost my password to that account though, I will have to find it now though. I am going to try my best to sort this. Cheers. :cheers:
bigboss said:
Password will be same as your Gmail account. Click "forgot password" link.

Cheers BB. I got my password now but the username is wrong on the Google account and I can't seem to change it. You see I changed it but now want it back to the original one. Any ideas? Cheers

"You can keep your current YouTube username, choose your full name or even choose a new name for your channel. If you want to keep using a different name on YouTube than on other Google services, you can still do that with the Google identity system.

Explore the Google+ options for your channel.

Once connected, your YouTube channel will share its name and avatar with the Google+ profile or page. Any name and photo changes will apply to both the Google+ profile or page and the YouTube channel. Your channel URL (i.e. will not change."
bigboss said:

"You can keep your current YouTube username, choose your full name or even choose a new name for your channel. If you want to keep using a different name on YouTube than on other Google services, you can still do that with the Google identity system.

Explore the Google+ options for your channel.

Once connected, your YouTube channel will share its name and avatar with the Google+ profile or page. Any name and photo changes will apply to both the Google+ profile or page and the YouTube channel. Your channel URL (i.e. will not change."

Cheers BB. I think I am sorted now, just uploading again now. Fingers crossed, the Google account settings look all new!


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