The meter I bought came with the software direct from them - from the states. Its a Calman C3
They told me if kept it in the right conditions - depending on usage its good for 2 years, I have had it about 8 months.
Moisture and light causes it to drift.
Its seen no light other than that of the tv - its done about 6 calibrations so hardly any at all.
Its kept in a dark drawer that's never opened, in its original packaging with the addition of about 30 silica gel packets to make sure there is minimal moisture that gets in the box.
In reality I would probably trust it for 12-18 months and then dispose of it. Its that type of design / cost of product.
Its advertised as accuracy of 0.003 with a repeatability of 0.0005.
You do get a bit of variation in the gamma readings, I mean small variations but that's how plasma works anyway - I have learnt how to compensate for that. These variations are 0.1 or 0.2 in difference so too small to make a difference to the eye but I always want a perfect cal if I can get it
A better meter may be more accurate and it will be faster, especially at lower IRE levels but the differences I would hazard a good guess that they are so small as to not be noticeable even by a trained eye. Spectracal / Calman have developed the metre for the home user - its states
• Accuracy previously unavailable at this low price
If I had cal'd my first or second displays and thought they looked bad I would have had someone in - its been the opposite. I am yet to see any pictures anyone's taken of their pro calibrated sets that touch mine tbh so I cant be far off it if at all.
I can show before and after results - they are sometimes more shocking than what you actually see.
To point out and make clear - this is not a business I am running doing this - i was going to do it as a favour in essence for Gel and he posts a lot on here and he needs to see for his own eyes the benefits because I am sick of him saying not needed