Oldboy said:gel said:Ah thanks for the feedback, it is good to know you can go back to the old settings, I think Steve Withers is a good route. Looks like it will cost me £250 though, how much did you pay? Cheers.
If you get it done gel you will get a full report with all your settings listed for you, you can go back to the presets at the touch of a button with no issue. If the worst happens and you wipe the settings or need to do a factory reset then you just follow the settings in the report and input them to get back to the calibrated result.
Son_of_SJ said:£225 to £250 for a single calibration seems to be a pretty standard price.
rocketrazor said:Great review
Interesting though the part about 2.4 calibration. Other than ellisdj who I remember reading calibrated his at 2.4 did any of the professional calibrations get done at 2.4? (For any tv not just the vt65's)
rocketrazor said:Great review
Interesting though the part about 2.4 calibration. Other than ellisdj who I remember reading calibrated his at 2.4 did any of the professional calibrations get done at 2.4? (For any tv not just the vt65's)
mr malarky said:rocketrazor said:Great review
Interesting though the part about 2.4 calibration. Other than ellisdj who I remember reading calibrated his at 2.4 did any of the professional calibrations get done at 2.4? (For any tv not just the vt65's)
That is interesting re the 2:4 gamma. Mine was done at 2:2 (though we rarely, if ever, watch in true "blackout" conditions).
Oldboy said:rocketrazor said:Oldboy, what happened to Homer ?
Wasn't appropriate to my forum name, meant to change it ages ago. The image comes from where my forum name came from ie the movie Oldboy, simply a fabulous movie and one of my top 3 movies of all time 🙂
gel said:I watched tennis for the first time on my VT65 last night and that looked fantastic.
rocketrazor said:Great review
Interesting though the part about 2.4 calibration. Other than ellisdj who I remember reading calibrated his at 2.4 did any of the professional calibrations get done at 2.4? (For any tv not just the vt65's)
Pindi said:I was only talking about Oldboy on one of my many Whatsapp chats a couple of days ago. It really is an epic film.
But, did the director copy one of the fight scenes from Enter the Dragon? Remember the breathtaking fight scene where he goes into the lift?
Bruce Lee does something very similiar in Enter the Dragon, although not quite on the same level.
rocketrazor said:My tv is being collected tomorrow for the retailer to do their own testing. Then I have to sit and wait and see if they either 'can't see it' or 'it's within spec' :wall:
or if they admit that it is faulty and will give me a refund :bounce:
either way I expect to be waiting and chasing for a couple of weeks, such a painful process
rocketrazor said:Good to see that there are 2.4 calibrations out there. So 2.2 is better for a brighter room, 2.4 is better for a darker room. 2.4 in a bright room looses the blacks, what if you do 2.2 in a dark room, that's the difference to 2.4?
Oldboy said:rocketrazor said:My tv is being collected tomorrow for the retailer to do their own testing. Then I have to sit and wait and see if they either 'can't see it' or 'it's within spec' :wall:
or if they admit that it is faulty and will give me a refund :bounce:
either way I expect to be waiting and chasing for a couple of weeks, such a painful process
The fight continues then :wall:
I just hope that once the retailer has looked at it they see sense and that you get a refund, it does seem to have dragged on and on this one though and it's about time you had a definitive answer one way or the other. Fingers crossed you get some good news soon and can move on, what's on the hit list to replace it or haven't you thought that far ahead yet?
Oldboy said:rocketrazor said:Good to see that there are 2.4 calibrations out there. So 2.2 is better for a brighter room, 2.4 is better for a darker room. 2.4 in a bright room looses the blacks, what if you do 2.2 in a dark room, that's the difference to 2.4?
2.2 in a darker room seems a bit too bright to me and the blacks don't go as deep as they do in 2.4 movie mode. Every TV is different though and the same may well not be true of plasma TVs simply because of the differences in tech, plasma is better in a darker room and therefore might not need to go down to 2.4 as it's able to dig out that detail and black level at 2.2??
All I can say is how my calibration was done and for my Samsung 55F8000 TV in my room 2.4 movie is better in a darker room 🙂
Oldboy said:Your list seems pretty much identical to the one I drew up of replacement TVs rocket except I added the 55F8000 to it. It came down to the Sony W9, Samsung F7000 and 8000 and a VT65 when I auditioned them and I've a feeling the same will be true for you, it's a personal choice but any of those are a good bet.
Yep lost all my settings when trying to rectify a slight niggle with the Smart Hub of the TV which had slowed to a crawl and took the advice on the Samsung UES8000 thread here:
which turned out to be incorrect advice and instead of doing a so called "soft" reset it reset EVERYTHING! It even wiped my entire Smart Hub and just left me with the web browser, it's taken me a few days to get it all back as I wasn't able to access the Samsung portal for downloading apps as that is an app in itself...I could shoot the person responsible for that misguided advice as it's caused me all sorts of issues but serves me right for assuming an ES8000 model would be the same as F8000.
Fortunately getting the calibration results back into the TV was simple enough as I just copied the report which detailed every setting but it was still time consuming and not what I expected, I've left a warning on the thread for everyone else so they don't have to go through the same hassle but it's mostly my fault so lesson learnt and it's all back and working correctly now 🙂
rocketrazor said:Great review
Interesting though the part about 2.4 calibration. Other than ellisdj who I remember reading calibrated his at 2.4 did any of the professional calibrations get done at 2.4? (For any tv not just the vt65's)
rocketrazor said:I take it very few people watch films in total black out! am I the only one? I like all lights off