Panasonics Grey Line Of Irritation!

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I have to be honest, i think that's one offer of compromise too many. I admire your effort in trying to get a resolution but you are under no obligation to compromise to this extent and may only leave yourself out of pocket, as bigboss pointed out....they could now see you as an easy touch.

It's far better in my experience to know how far you are willing to go with a compromise and stick to it as you are far more likely to get what you want. I get the feeling you are going to have to really fight your corner on this one and get stuck in, barring a minor miracle i just can't see your retailer moving from it's repair only position and then it will be up to you just how far you want to take things but as ever i'm happy to help if i can (as i'm sure others on here are).

All i can hope is that the retailer sees some sense over the next week and you get a final answer but if it was me i would be standing my ground at a full refund or paying the difference on a new tv.

Best of luck as always 🙂
Oldboy said:

I have to be honest, i think that's one offer of compromise too many. I admire your effort in trying to get a resolution but you are under no obligation to compromise to this extent and may only leave yourself out of pocket, as bigboss pointed out....they could now see you as an easy touch.

It's far better in my experience to know how far you are willing to go with a compromise and stick to it as you are far more likely to get what you want. I get the feeling you are going to have to really fight your corner on this one and get stuck in, barring a minor miracle i just can't see your retailer moving from it's repair only position and then it will be up to you just how far you want to take things but as ever i'm happy to help if i can (as i'm sure others on here are).

All i can hope is that the retailer sees some sense over the next week and you get a final answer but if it was me i would be standing my ground at a full refund or paying the difference on a new tv.

Best of luck as always 🙂

Hello Oldboy, and thank you for your usual helpful and constructive advice to me.

You and others do have a point of course that I am making too many concesions in trying to settle this TV dispute.

This is as far as I go. Either Vaughans Radio Ltd. of Aberystwyth accept my bend over backwards attempts to try and draw a line under this dispute or I very likely see them in Court.

I will probably involve Consumer Direct as you suggest to get some further help from them. |(

However, the 1979 sale of Goods Act gives up to 6 years protection in the event of inherently faulty goods so I believe that I have very good grounds to Sue.

In that event I believe that any Judge will be able to see that I have done all I can to settle without going to Court.

I am of course looking at the worse case scenario and you never know, Vaughans Radio Ltd. of Aberystwyth my accept one of my solutions. However, if they do not...

let battle begin! |( >) and I may even start a new website about Panasonics unreliable TVs and Customer Service as well as Vaughans Radio Ltd customer service as I have done here with my current website

I would expect to hear from vaughans Radio Ltd. of Aberystwyth early in the week, when I will report back of course.

Thank you for your best wishes of Good Luck. I may need it

Best Regards

Kenny Thain
Liked that video :grin:

Good to know what the inside looks like without having to take the back off of mine plus it makes me very happy that i bought a 5 year warranty from Richer Sounds when i bought my GT30, if my tv developed that fault i would not be happy.
BenLaw said:
I watched a video of this guy doing a DIY acoustic panel tutorial, he's very, uh, enthusiastic!

You can say that again M8 :cheer:

A bit like me really. Can get over excited. You just ask my Missus! :rofl:
Oldboy said:
Liked that video :grin:

Good to know what the inside looks like without having to take the back off of mine plus it makes me very happy that i bought a 5 year warranty from Richer Sounds when i bought my GT30, if my tv developed that fault i would not be happy.

Hello Oldboy, and I am so not happy right now. :cry: Below is a copy of an E. Mail I received this evening from Vaughans, together with my E. Mail back. I won't add anything further right now, as I think that the E. Mails speak for themselves. :wall:

Best Regards

Dear Mr K Thain

Your Television has now been repaired and tested by our workshop engineer in Aberystwyth and is ready to be returned to you. Please can you advise me on a suitable time for our delivery installation team to return your set to you.

A copy of the engineers report can be issued on request.

Kind Regards

Adam Davies

Senior Manager

Vaughans Radio LTD
21 Quay Street
SA61 1BD

Monday 14th May 2012[/b]

The ManagerVaughans Radio Ltd.
Hello and thank you for your E. Mail, such as it is.
With respect, have you or indeed any one in your Company not read any of my previous E. Mails in respect of my rejecting that particular set under the 1979 Sale Of Goods Act? Again, with respect, is there anything about the clear content in them Vaughans Radio Ltd Managers do not understand?
If so then please read them very carefully again. This may help you further understand that I need a formal written reply to all of the concerns and offers of settlement expressed in those particular E. Mails. Particularly as It now looks likely that I may have no alternative but to take this issue to the County Court.
And of course I will also want a copy of the engineers report, all at your earliest convenience.
Please excuse me if I am wrong, but right now it looks very much like you have totally ignored my concerns and offers to compromise over a TV that I have totally lost confidence in for reasons already given to you.
This E. Mail should be read in conjunction with all of my previous E. Mails to you and is written without being prejudicial to any legal steps I may take.
Of course I cannot stop you returning the set to me if you wish, but you should realize that this would be under very strong protest on my part, and again, would be without prejudice to any legal steps I may take in respect of an inherently faulty TV set.
I firmly believe that the problems experienced with the set will undoubtedly return.
To help you further please find below all of the previous E. Mails that I have sent to Colin at your Aberystwyth store.
Best Regards
Kenny Thain

What a bunch of complete monkies...infact that's doing a disservice to monkies the world over, it would seem this particular retailer is incapable of the most basic of skills, that of being able to read! :wall:

I'm quite frankly shocked and appauled in equal measure that after all your communication and dialogue with the store that all you get by way of a response is that short email that doesn't even attempt to address your concerns or even aknowledge that you have formerly rejected the tv under the sales of goods act, if ever a company deserved legal action taken against them then they are contender no1.

If i was on the receiving end of such treatment i would be going into full on HULK mode, you must have burst a few blood cells upon reading that and been muttering numerous expletives and who can blame you? Has this company ever heard of customer service??

I'm at a complete loss as to what else to say at the moment as i'm in shock that a company would think it's acceptable to not even attempt to address a customers concerns and dismiss all previous fact scrub that i just found my voice once again....take it all the way now and don't relent until you get a full refund and compensation for the company being completely inept at dealing with your numerous communications.

I'd like to recommend that Vaughans Radio Ltd are nominated for a very special award this year....the not fit for purpose special retailer award 2012 sponsored by and i have a feeling they will end up the clear winner lol :shame:

You know what to do now Kenny, get stuck in and take the appropriate legal action, if it were me i would be sorely tempted to also reject the repair and refuse to take the tv back although i'm not entirely sure sure if that would be a good idea or in anyway your legal right but i'm sure consumer direct could answer that one pretty quickly eh!

I feel for you my friend, let battle commence |(

As ever if i can be of service don't hesitate to post and i will endevour to help where i can.

Best regards,

Oldboy said:

What a bunch of complete monkies...infact that's doing a disservice to monkies the world over, it would seem this particular retailer is incapable of the most basic of skills, that of being able to read! :wall:

I'm quite frankly shocked and appauled in equal measure that after all your communication and dialogue with the store that all you get by way of a response is that short email that doesn't even attempt to address your concerns or even aknowledge that you have formerly rejected the tv under the sales of goods act, if ever a company deserved legal action taken against them then they are contender no1.

If i was on the receiving end of such treatment i would be going into full on HULK mode, you must have burst a few blood cells upon reading that and been muttering numerous expletives and who can blame you? Has this company ever heard of customer service??

I'm at a complete loss as to what else to say at the moment as i'm in shock that a company would think it's acceptable to not even attempt to address a customers concerns and dismiss all previous fact scrub that i just found my voice once again....take it all the way now and don't relent until you get a full refund and compensation for the company being completely inept at dealing with your numerous communications.

I'd like to recommend that Vaughans Radio Ltd are nominated for a very special award this year....the not fit for purpose special retailer award 2012 sponsored by and i have a feeling they will end up the clear winner lol :shame:

You know what to do now Kenny, get stuck in and take the appropriate legal action, if it were me i would be sorely tempted to also reject the repair and refuse to take the tv back although i'm not entirely sure sure if that would be a good idea or in anyway your legal right but i'm sure consumer direct could answer that one pretty quickly eh!

I feel for you my friend, let battle commence |(

As ever if i can be of service don't hesitate to post and i will endevour to help where i can.

Best regards,


Hello Oldboy, And many thanks for your usual very friendly and helpful reply. I was quite touched by it really. I mean for you to spend the time and trouble of sitting down yo give me such a thoughtfull and detailed response is wonderfull, and all credit to you.

When one is in a battle against a retailer or whoever who is so obstinate with a 'go away' attitude in the face of of what I believe to be a reasonable complaint, it is really good to have someone like you who talks a lot of constructive sense makes me feel an awful lot better.

Right now I am |( >) :wall: :twisted: :shame: :read: |( >) like you feeling like the incredible HULK. And someone is going to get a mouthfull very soon. Without any swear words mind. 🙂

How on earth can they just ignore all that I have had to say both verbally and in various E. Mails?

How ignorant can a company get?

I was quite shocked with just getting such a curt E. Mail as if my point of view just does not matter.

They are even treating me worse than Curry's did over my 'Set will not switch on' problem. And that is saying something. One expects better service from a local retailer.

By the way, did I tell you that the shop manager suggested that I contact Panasonic to try and appeal to them over the situation?

NO...hello Mr. retailer, YOU sold it to me, YOU sort it out! :wall: |( >)

I have to leave off now before I drown in my anger and sorrow! :help:

Best Regards

kenny Thain[/b]
And the latest episode in 'The case of the Panasonic Grey Line Of Iritation' is...

15th May 2012[/b]
Vaughans Radio Ltd.

Hello Adam, Further to my E. Mail yesterday, and nothing has changed there.
Please note that I would nevertheless wish to see, hopefully by E. Mail, a copy of your engineers report at your earliest convenience.
With respect, my customer report is below.

Best Regards

Kenny Thain

To be continued...

Many thanks for your kind words but i'm the sort of person who would just like to help people avoid what i went through to get a refund from what i considered a troublesome retailer so i see nothing special in my posts regarding your continued struggles, if anything i wish i lived nearer to yourself so i could help you more than i can from simply posting on a forum.

I have from bitter experience a good understanding of just how unwilling some retailers are to engage with their customers when situations such as yours and mine arise, sadly there are too many retailers out there that seem to think all responsibility with the products they sell ends once the items are sold and out of the store!

I must admit that yours is an extreme example of a retailer seemingly not fit for purpose and throughout my years on these very forums is an example of the very worst i have encountered, as you mention, even the likes of Currys (not well loved on here) have reacted in a far better way than your local's at times like these that i'm far from surprised that so many local retailers are closing their doors as with service such as this it's hardly a surprise!

It will be interesting to see what the repair report indicates the problem was this time so lets hope this at least is forthcoming quickly from the retailer, either way i hope you are now actively pursuing the appropriate legal avenues in pursuit of a resolution that satisfies you and as ever i wish you the very best of luck in your continued fight...don't let them get away with it my friend.

It goes without saying now but keep me updated and if i can help i will endeavour to do my very best 🙂

Kenny,I can see your POV and understand fully that you have lost faith in the TV as it's previously been repaired and from my understanding the same fault has returned 1 year later but having delt with issues I had on a Samsung with a 3 year warrantry I would strongly sugest that you read the warrantry T&Cs carefully.

From my experiance I found out that even tho it's your TV when a fault asises that you have no say in the path of repair/replacement as the service engineer's contract lies with the warrantry company(in your case Panasonic) and not you even tho it's your TV so any choice as to if the fault is to be repaied or the TV replaced will be made in your case by Panasonic. AFAIK in buying the TV and entering into the 5 year warrantry, You agree to the T&Cs of said warrantry where I'm sure there will be something writen on the lines of "if a fault arises you must give the service agent oppotunity to repair the TV or if a Repair is not viable a replacement will be issued" so as far as I can see in your case the service agent has fixed the fault so they have forfilled their part of the warrantry agreement and can return the TV to you. Also as I found out any repairs made to the TV will have either a 90 day gurante or until the original warrantry expires. It's a simple case of if the repair costs less than that of replaceing the TV this is the option the Warrnatry company (Panasonic) will take. You can jump up and down and make as much noise as you like(as I also did!) but these are the hard facts of how warrantrys work and as long as the TV is returned to you working within manufactures spec then the TV is deamed fit for purpose.

Now My TV developed a screen fault as your has and the screen was replaced with a completly diferant screen and drive board to the screen originaly fitted to my model, but as far as the warrnatry was concerned this was a replacement screen supplied for my model by Samsung as a replacement for the original as the original screen was not avalible and eventho this new screen had none of the visual qualities of the original screen it was deamed to be operating within spec and returned to me even tho I was not happy with this route taken by the warrantry company. I sought legal help but found out that the warrantry company had operated within the T&Cs and my only option was to have a independant report on my TV to prove that the TV was not within spec. so I had 2 options either go down that route or replace the TV.
First, I would like to say a big Thank You" for all of the help and support given me in my dispute in respect of my Panasonic TV. Particularly Oldboy.

I have finally come to an arrangement with the shop and rather than me have to re-type all that went on, below is a copy of E. Mails sent to and from which you will see how things went.

In essence I settled for a fresh 5 Year Guarantee for the set starting from today as per below.

The Retailer...[/b]
The 5 year warranty will cover you for any defect (not including miss-use). As previously stated, if the defect which you have already experienced regarding the PDP / Board was to appear again then we would take it upon ourselves to deal directly with Panasonic after our engineer has tested. This would then allow us as a company to request a uplift number allowing us then to return your product to Panasonic and issue you an exchange or refund.
Please can I ask if the above statement is answering your below questions, if not please let me know.

Kind Regards

Adam Davies

17th May 2012[/b]
Hello Adam and thank you for the reply. You are saying that you would...
"request a uplift number allowing us then to return your product to Panasonic and issue you an exchange or refund". However a request to Panasonic is just that, a request. In my experience up to now and looking at other peoples experiences in dealing with Panasonic online I don't think Panasonic cooperate very much with requests. I mean, from what Colin said to me recently Vaughans Radio Ltd already requested to Panasonic either a replacement situation in respect of my TV or my offer to pay £500 for the latest model Panasonic TX-P50GT50 which was refused. So with respect, I don't have any faith in the outcome of that particular scenario.
So although I am not entirely happy with the outcome, I do appreciate the fact that you have tried your best to satisfy me as a Customer and you almost succeeded! So I will leave everything at that.
I still would still have preferred an outcome which meant either an £800 refund or my £500 offer towards the latest model though.Your statement does answer my questions, and I look forward to the return of my TV this afternoon.
Best Regards
Kenny Thain

but possibly TO BE CONTINUED?! :grin:

Well, I suppose a new 5 Year Guarantee from today is better than nothing, although its not really what you were after.

Not something they had to do so some small consolation for you.

Its a pity the retailer was not a bit more upfront with you and kept you more fully informed at all stages.


🙂 P.S now the TV is back just think how much the leccy bill is going to go up. 🙂
laserman16 said:

Well, I suppose a new 5 Year Guarantee from today is better than nothing, although its not really what you were after.

Not something they had to do so some small consolation for you.

Its a pity the retailer was not a bit more upfront with you and kept you more fully informed at all stages.


🙂 P.S now the TV is back just think how much the leccy bill is going to go up. 🙂

Hello Paul and thank you for your reply. This was not the solution I was after, though it was one of the options I gave the retailer.

When push comes to shove I don't think that the fresh Guarantee is so bad really...

The Retailer...[/b]
The 5 year warranty will cover you for any defect (not including miss-use). As previously stated, if the defect which you have already experienced regarding the PDP / Board was to appear again then we would take it upon ourselves to deal directly with Panasonic after our engineer has tested. This would then allow us as a company to request a uplift number allowing us then to return your product to Panasonic and issue you an exchange or refund.

I mean, the Guarantee will cover for ANY faults, not just the line down the screen. In effect this will mean that in total I will have had seven and a half years of Guarantee and not paid a penny for any of it.

The set came with an original free 5 year Guarantee. Considering that I paid only £1,000 for my 50" Panasonic TXP50G10B and because Panasonic where moving to a new model. This was a bargainat the time really as it was around £1,600 when it first came out.

And after all, the shop do come out and collect the TV and return it without any cost to me.

Only time will tell if that Grey Line of Irritation is going to return, and if it does then it will be more power to my elbow that this particular fault was inherrent.

And in that event if I still had to go to the County Court then the Court will see that I have been very moderate in my demands and willI beleive look favourably on any claim that I may make.

Best Regards and many thanks for you help and support during this stressfull time. 🙂 :beer:

Kenny Thain

Right now I am pleased to have it back, high lecky bill or no high lecky bill! 🙂

Sorry for such a late reply but my laptop has been away for repair and arrived back today so ive not been able to post anything on the eh, it can be such a pain at times!

Well it's good to hear that you eventually got a resolution to your tv woes even if it's not the ideal one that you were after, at least with another 5 year warranty you know you won't get stung if the tv develops the same fault again and from what you have said it would seem that if indeed it did happen again then you may well have a stronger case for a replacement which is good news indeed.

I hope the tv has been ok since the repair and that you are satisfied with the outcome, of course should you get any more issues we are all here to offer some help and advice should you require it but fingers crossed it doesn't come to this again!

One last question what exactly was the fault and what did they replace? You may well have mentioned it already but i only had time for a quick read through and was anxious to see what the resolution was in the end.

As ever my very best wishes to yourself and i'm happy i could help in some small way 🙂

Oldboy said:

Sorry for such a late reply but my laptop has been away for repair and arrived back today so ive not been able to post anything on the eh, it can be such a pain at times!

Well it's good to hear that you eventually got a resolution to your tv woes even if it's not the ideal one that you were after, at least with another 5 year warranty you know you won't get stung if the tv develops the same fault again and from what you have said it would seem that if indeed it did happen again then you may well have a stronger case for a replacement which is good news indeed.

I hope the tv has been ok since the repair and that you are satisfied with the outcome, of course should you get any more issues we are all here to offer some help and advice should you require it but fingers crossed it doesn't come to this again!

One last question what exactly was the fault and what did they replace? You may well have mentioned it already but i only had time for a quick read through and was anxious to see what the resolution was in the end.

As ever my very best wishes to yourself and i'm happy i could help in some small way 🙂


Hello Oldboy. and thank you very much for your kind words. To tell you the truth I was wondering why you hadn't said a few words in respect of my post. I even thought that perhaps you where a bit annoyed with me for accepting the compromise that I did! So I apologise for that. 😳 Please forgive me! :doh:

Regarding your laptop. I do hope that it isn't a situation where you are not being unfairly treated in respect of whatever problem you had. God help the retailer is all that I can say. |(

So, the telly is back and working perfectly. But I tell you now M8, I do not expect it to stay that way. I fully expect either that particular problem to return or one relating to it. Mark my words Oldboy. Mark my Words. :exmark:

And if and when it does, the hit will hit the fan and the 3 strikes and your out rule will apply. Me being cooperative right now and compromising should work in my favour should I run into serious problems anytime inside the NEXT FIVE YEARS as per fresh, new guarantee. :read:

One fly in the ointment though, Vaughans radio ltd. of Aberystwyth promised me both the written Guarantee AND Engineers report will be sent out "In the next few days". That was exactly a week ago and I have not received anything as yet.

I have just sent them an E. Mail about it, so the hit will hit the fan quicker if they are not forthcoming pretty soon.

Surely they will not try and renage on an agreement. Would they? Watch this space! |( >)

best Regards

Kenny Thain (Boozercruiser.

No i don't blame you atall for accepting the compromise given to you by Vaughans, infact i would have done exactly the same. It's a tricky situation as the retailer and manufacturer are entitled to try to repair the tv unless it's simply not possible or reasonable attempts have been made that didn't solve the issue so to come out of this with a fresh 5 year warranty and a repair carried out on the tv represents good value. :clap:

As far as my laptop goes Vaughans could learn a thing or two from Acer (the manufacturer of my laptop) as it was collected via UPS on friday morning at 8am and they attempted to deliver it back to me at midday yesterday but no one was in to accept it so it was delivered to me today at lunchtime repaired and with no cost to myself, it's running like a dream and i couldn't be happier. I was a tad annoyed that a 2 month old high spec laptop would develop an issue so soon after purchase but the service i recieved was stellar so kudos to Acer :grin:

I have to admit Kenny that i share your pesimism regarding your tv and i would not be atall surprised to hear in under 6 months that it's develpoed yet another fault (probably the same one too!) and i think you would be justified in demanding a replacement at that point BUT don't offer any compromise if that situation arises. I think it's more than fair that at that point you demand a like for like replacement with no cash offered by your good self, the communication from Vaughans seems to point towards a replacement being the next step but somehow i doubt it would be either simple or easy.

It's certainly not a good sign that the written guarantee and engineers report haven't been forthcoming but let's hope a little reminder is all that was required to get that to you asap, i sincerely hope that you don't now have to chase them both of those things but really both of them should have arrived with the tv when it was delivered back to you. At least you have the various emails as proof to what they agreed to so don't delete them anytime soon eh!

It would be a sad situation indeed if the promised guarantee and report were not there not a case for break of contract there i wonder? Bit of a long shot i know but surely worth kicking up a fuss if neither are forthcoming eh, somehow i doubt you would buy from them again anytime soon :wall:
🙂 Hello Oldboy and others who have helped me and who are interested in this thread. 🙂

First please allow me to apologize for not replying sooner. My Wife and I have been on Merseyside to a funeral because my 24 (YES, TWENTY FOUR year old Nephew died in his sleep. His Father went in to wake him up at 8.00am and just found him dead. How awfull is that. Both he and my Sister are devastated. The post mortem says that he did not die of drink, drugs or anything else. Tissue samples have been sent off but it will be weeks before anything is perhaps known.

Now then. My Panasonic Grey Line Of Irritation Telly. >)

After many E. Mails, telephone calls and a visit to the shop I have finally just THIS MORNING in the post received my new 5 year Guarantee and the engineers report. :grin:

The Engineers Report...

September 2011

After testing the Panasonic TXP50G10 in the workshop for grey lines running down the screen,it was agreed with Panasonic Technical that a new PDP should be fitted. This was ordered and fitted then tested. There was not a 100% guarantee that the PDP was to blame but agreed with Vaughans engineer and Mr. Thain and that the PDP should be replaced as internet forum sites advised this.

April 2012

Panasonic TXP50G10 was brought back in the workshop with repeat fault symptoms as September 2011. The television was tested and the fault was reported to Panasonic Technical for their advice. As it was very unusual for another PDP to go wrong it was advised by Panasonic Technical to replace the C3PCB, this was ordered and fitted then tested. As well as the above ribbon cables where also cleaned to in-sure good connectivity between components.

The Guarantee

28th May 2012

Dear Mr. Thain

Further to our recent conversation regarding the warranty on your Panasonic Plasma television.

Currently your Panasonic 5 Year warranty will end on the 19th February 2015. As discussed the Vaughans warranty will then come into place and will be valid until the 18th May 2017.

I trust this concludes the matter to your satisfaction and if I can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Adam Davies

Senior Manager


I have posted everything in full above in the hope that the detail will help others deal with TV faults in general.

Perhaps not just Panasonic.

Well then guys. A lot of bother...You Tube posting, and with this fine Forums help, but I am reasonably happy with the outcome.

BUT, I reckon that either THAT fault or something associated with it will come back just like JAWS :help: ...da da da da da da...

Just when I thought it was safe to turn the telly on!

So I reckon that this particular Saga is far from finished. I do hope that I am wrong, but watch this space!

Thank you Oldboy :clap: and others for your good support and advice. I have needed it, and this gave me a boost when I felt like :help:

Cheers :beer:

Kenny Thain

Firstly my sincere condolencies for the tragic loss of your nephew, it's distressing when anyone so young is lost...i'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to his parents at this difficult time and i can only hope that time can heal their loss in some small way.

It's good to finally see the engineers report and even better news that you have now received the promised guarantee so at least you now have a final resolution. I really hope that we are not back here discussing another fault in the near future or indeed a recurrence of the same issue, i have my fingers crossed but i have to say i would not be surprised to hear of another occurence of the issue.

I'm just glad i could help you in some small way Kenny and as ever if you get any more problems don't hesitate to post and i'm sure everyone will do their best to help you.

Oldboy said:

Firstly my sincere condolencies for the tragic loss of your nephew, it's distressing when anyone so young is lost...i'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to his parents at this difficult time and i can only hope that time can heal their loss in some small way.

It's good to finally see the engineers report and even better news that you have now received the promised guarantee so at least you now have a final resolution. I really hope that we are not back here discussing another fault in the near future or indeed a recurrence of the same issue, i have my fingers crossed but i have to say i would not be surprised to hear of another occurence of the issue.

I'm just glad i could help you in some small way Kenny and as ever if you get any more problems don't hesitate to post and i'm sure everyone will do their best to help you.


Hello Oldboy, and thank you for your very kind words, particularly in respect of the untimely death of my Nephew.

Actually you have helped in a BIG way Oldboy, as have other posters of course.

BUT...I reckon that I will be BACK on this one, Mark my words. BUT, of course I do hope that I am not. 😛ray:


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