Panasonics Grey Line Of Irritation!

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🙂 Blimey, I feel very honoured finding a post from honourable Clare Newsome in my thread! :bounce:

And yes I will of course let you know how it looks when I get the set back. I take it the replacement will be a brand new screen so I will post a Video on You Tube as well.

Though I may get some posts here saying words to the effect "Eh! have the brightness/contrast/colour etc. etc. set up all wrong there"! 😛oke: 🙂

Still, so long as the set does not have a 3" wide dark shading line down the side....I can take it! 😀
I think the You Tube post made the difference. I mean if they contacted Panasonic and said....."Hey guys....look at this You Tube post which shows 3" grey/blue shading right down the left hand side of an under 2 year old Panasonic TV screen".

Panasonic...."God......change that screen for free, like quick, like yesterday" 😀

Will keep updated.

By the way, my Panasonic TX-P42G15B which would not turn on because of 'The red light of death' is the set I am using now.

It is turning on and off just fine!

Lubbly Jubbly. 😀

Well, back off holiday and I now have my Panasonic TX-P50G10B back from repair. It now has a brand new Plasma Panel and both screen and picture are looking good. I still have to fine tune everything though.

The shop tell me that the panel is a brand new supplied from Panasonic at a cost of £700.

I have done a You Tube post showing my returnes panasonic TV which can be looked at here.....

By the way...the digital read out unit at the side of the TV is a Wattson energy monitor which tells me exactly how much power any electrical device I have on is using in Watts, plus the cost.

Do you know that for every ONE WATT of power you leave on for a year costs £1 10p on your Leccy Bill?

Sky and other receivers.....around £36 a year...just on standby! :cry:

I have found that my Panasonic....unless I turn it off at the plug will still be using around 30 Watts in power. Leave it on standby would cost me around £33 a year!

Turn everything off at the PLUG guys...unless you are rich of course!

Best Regards

Boozercruiser (Kenny Thain).

Me? I am just a Poor Pensioner! :rofl:
boozercruiser said:
By the way...the digital read out unit at the side of the TV is a Wattson energy monitor which tells me exactly how much power any electrical device I have on is using in Watts, plus the cost.

Do you know that for every ONE WATT of power you leave on for a year costs £1 10p on your Leccy Bill?

Sky and other receivers.....around £36 a year...just on standby! :cry:

I have found that my Panasonic....unless I turn it off at the plug will still be using around 30 Watts in power. Leave it on standby would cost me around £33 a year!

Turn everything off at the PLUG guys...unless you are rich of course!

Best Regards

Boozercruiser (Kenny Thain).

Me? I am just a Poor Pensioner! :rofl:

Glad your TV is sorted.

On the electrical consumption issue another one to watch is washing machines. Ours was using 7.5W an hour every hour just sitting there switched on at the wall socket.
Thanks for your good wishes laserman 16. Your washing machine experience is correct. Leave it like that for a year....around £8.20p down the drain over a year as well!

Just a little true story.

When I got my WATTSON....... ........(See it there) I though 'Right I will turn every single electrical item off, and then turn them on one at a time to see how many watts they are using'.

I did that and there was still 30W showing that I couldn't figure out what itm was causing it.

I happened to look over at aan electrical kettle we had at the time. The kettle wasn't on all but the electric switch was on.

I turned that off and the electric usage for our property went down to ZERO.

The outcome was that it was the handle of the Kettle. We had the kettle for around 2 years at the time and I noticed sometimes that the handle was just ever so slightly warm without ever really thinking about it.

It turned out that there was an element in the handle just to take the chill out of it.

The thing is that as explained in my previous post 1 Watt of electricity left on for a year on latest prices costs around £1.10p a year on the bill.

So that ruddy kettle had cost me around £60 in the two years I had had it...and I didn't even know!! |(

It's like my Panny Telly. Left on standby with the little red light showing is around 36 Watts (£39.60p) red light showing is around 15 (£16.50p) Watts the only way to use nothing is to switch off from the PLUG!

The only way to be absolutely sure you are not using electricity is TURN OFF AT THE PLUG! :read:

My WATTSON unit has well more than paid for itself in the 2 years that I have had it! 🙂

Sod Carbon...I just need the cash so I can buy my gadgets! 😀
Hi Boozercruiser.

Well as you can imagine I soon cured the Washing Machine problem.

Another one to watch for are these lights that you have outside with the motion sensors, they draw juice all the time to keep the sensor active think ours was using 12w, another one sorted.

We also had an very old Freezer in the garage that I found was sucking juice like it was going out of fashion, so anyway I worked out the cost of a new Freezer would be recouped in 18 months from the electric that I saved, plus the added advantage that SWMBO got a new freezer which she was very pleased about.

Computers are another one that people leave on and not use for hours and hours, not really difficult to turn off when you have finished with it.

🙂 Having 2 Daughters at home was also a well known drain on the leccy, but they have left now so have to pick up the tab themselves.🙂

Of course this switching off of everything at the sockets where possible is making your home possibly a little bit safer.

🙂 I sound as if I'm as tight as you.🙂
Hi Laserman16..... Tight as me? I doubpt it M8 :grin: Think of s Ducks Bum....I am tighter than that. :exmark:

Yes....I always put everything off at the Plug....Computer, Telly, Amp, Humax Foxsat recorders (Unless I have set recordings of course).

Overnight my Wattson shows around 45 Watts. (Or around 200 when the Fridge/Freezer turns on....I can't turn THEM off!)

This is down like you say to security light (Switched off totally in the day) Telephones and just some LED laighting I leave on in the living/dining room overnight for security.

I only use GU10 LEDs in all my lighting over the house, INCLUDING my Security lights. They cost me quite a lot to buy, but should last around 20 years and of course only use around 1.5 to 3.5 Watts each depending on type.

I have 4 Phillips Living Colour Lamps which use around 7 Watts each but give lovely coloured lighting in the living room when I want.

I could rample on all day about how I save money but I have a life to live also 😀

Look, I just saved myself a possible £800 repair bill on my replacement Plasma Screen....with all my savings I can afford the Holiday My Missus and I are going on next week! 🙂

P.S......How are your Daughters coping in the REAL WORLD where they have to pay for everything? 😀
Great news that the tv is back from repair kenny!

I hope the new panel performs well and that you have no more problems with the tv 😛ray:

I am well aware of how much money can be saved by actually turning off your equipment at the socket as i had an electrical meter myself that showed me just how much electric i was using just by keeping my equipment plugged in...i now switch off everything i possibly can when not in use and the savings have been adding up now for some time.

Also i did find that just leaving the plug in the wall used electric with some items even if they were not on standby or being used which really surprised me, the only problem i do have is that a few peices of tech i have seem to lose all the settings if i leave them unplugged for a while so i'm forced to keep a few things plugged in which annoys me but as a rule unplug it all and save those pennies...with the way power prices are going it could save you a significant ammount of money each year! :grin:
Hi oldboy (Nick)

Ta for your usual supportive reply that all has ended well :clap:

Actually I don't have any problem losing setting of everything I switch off at the plug, particularly at night.

I switch off my.....

Netgear Router and Router Homeplugs.

My 3 Humax Foxsat Freesat 1000 Gig Receivers (unless set to record during the night)

My 2 Panasonic TVs

My Laptop

3 of my BT Graphite Telephones except the base station

I only leave on our Fridge and seperate freezer, some LED lighting and LED security lights.

Plus my WATTSON electricity usage monitor which uses about 4 Watts itself (£4.30 a year).

I don't lose any setting on anything, so may I ask what you use to lose settings on oldboy?

Best Regards

Kenny Thain (boozercruiser).

P.S......I have tied myself to a fixed electricity price with EDF until 2014 and my direct debit at the moment is £46 a month...and I have a LOT of stuff, including the missus has washing machine and a drier which is used when she just cannot get everything dry.

I keep pointing to WATTSON and that makes her keep the use of it down! 😀

Our Central Heating is Oil....recently filled up at 54 p a litre.
boozercruiser said:
P.S......How are your Daughters coping in the REAL WORLD where they have to pay for everything? 😀

Hi Boozercruiser.

I think they have got into the habit of turning things off now when they are not using them, which is more than they did when they were at home. They would often come downstairs to have a chat for 5 minutes which seemed to last an hour, Tvs and music still left blazing away in their bedrooms and lights on etc. You probably get the picture.

🙂 Not to mention of course all the devices they seemed to have for "doing" their hair.
Hello Kenny,

As ever keep me updated with the new screen but i really hope you have no further issues with it, i presume you will need to run this screen in for the ususal 200 hours or is it not required...was just wondering??

Strangely my new tv seems to lose it's settings if i leave it unplugged for too long, i have no idea why as my previous Panasonic plasma didn't do it but it's a real pain to have to calibrate it again! Also my cd player loses it's settings but that's not such a big deal as it's just a case of two or three button presses to get it back...there isn't a whole raft of settings like on the tv but as it's plugged into the Tacima mains conditioner i tend to keep it plugged in as it doesn't use alot of electric unlike the rest of my devices!

Everything else is unplugged and i even went to the trouble of labelling all of my plugs (a bit geeky i know) so it's easier to unplug the right devices when they aren't in use, i was shocked just how much electric is wasted just by leaving things plugged in so it's a bit of a ritual now...if it's not in use it's not plugged in.

Best regards

Hello Oldboy....been on holiday....again.....Shearings Llandudno for 4 nights...then Travel Lodge Colwyn Bay and the brand new Travelodge at New Brighton Wallasy both for £10 a night with Sea Views! Plus a night with my Sister in Wallasey.

Well, no issues with the new screen...but to tell you the truth I hadn't even thought about a 'run in' period. I have quite a time to go for 200 hours though as we have been away so much!

My Panasonic doesn't lose any settings though...and I always turn off and unplug if the telly isn't going to be on for a while. I have just been away for two weeks with telly unpluged and all is fine including settings.

I did leave my two 1000 gig Humax Foxsats on standbye though to record some stuff while we where away....including Frozen Planet.

Eh! M8....I label all my plugs as well...this is not geeky....just common sense as far as I am concerned. I had the fire brigade people in to check our place out...and they praised me for doing that. I have to because on my run of plugs I have

The Arcam amp....RDAC Dac for hi fi feed to the amp from laptop....Samsung Laptop....Home plug colour lamp.....printer.....scanner.....TWO Humax Freesats.....Hivion Sat receiver....Panasonic DVD recorder....Sony DAB/FM tuner....And Sony DAV Surround Amp are all run from power plugs and power surge extention leads in the area of the telly. All added is still well under 3 killowat so no power overload at all.

So I NEED them labels! 😀

Anyway...quite apart from wanting to save money....and the planet for those that believe in the Great Carbon Credit scam....! it is far safer to NOT leave anything on standbye if one can.

Welll...gotta sit down to watch Strictly Come Dancind now in HD, plus I have days worth of saved recordings from when we where away...

Best Regards

Boozercruiser (Kenny Thain)
Well guys and gals, guess what? my 4/5 inch wide green band is back. It started with a black line down the side of the screen. Then the colour changed to all stripey different colours.

Now it has moved right down the middle of the screen, 4/5" wide as per last time.

And this was supposed to be a brand new panel only repaced last year September 2011.

I purchased my Panasonic Plasma TXP50G 10B on 18th February 2010 so is only just over 2 years old.

Now this has happened again the shop I purchased it from are coming to take it away for repair tomorrow. I have been warned it may be away for quite a while as they run it to test out.

This problem seems very prevelent and inherant in some Panasonic Models. What with my Red Light Of Death problem reported in another thread..I would never ever b uy a Panasonic TV.

I am goint to try and put it on You Tube. But this is doing my head it! |(

O.K....Now on You Tube here
Hello Kenny,

This seems familiar eh, I can't beleive we are back here again, you must be peeved to put it politley!

I looked at the clip on youtube and the line is just shocking, if it were me i wouldn't want it repaired again unless i could get some sort of guarantee that you won't be back here again in 6 months fact i would want the tv replaced ideally as attempts to repair it have obviously failed or even better a full refund.

I can understand your frustration and anger with owning a Panasonic tv as i've had a few issues with both a G20 and my GT30 but the GT30 i have now has been a great tv up to this point and i have no complaints except that i had a slight issue with the green tinge but that was quickly dealt with and it's been great since.

Don't write off Panasonic completely as their newer models have been outstanding but i could understand if you never wanted one again, i had a similar experience with Sony and wouldn't buy a Sony tv now without first testing it in store and getting an extended warranty and even then i would be reticent to purchase one.

As ever keep me updated with your progress and i really hope you get a good resolution, you deserve one that's for sure.
Hello again Oldboy, and thank you for your usual kind and understanding input. :clap:

I am thinking of saying to the shop something like...

"Look, I have lost all confidence in this TV. It has gone badly wrong twice in just over 2 years. The Panel was replaced last September and you had the set for around 3 weeks then. And my guess is that this will turn out the same situation as your guy in the showroom said that you may have to have the set in house for quite a time in order to find out exactly what is wrong with it. My guess is that the problem is exactly the same. The Panel which will likely have to be be replaced.

I feel all I can look forward to over the coming years is nothing but problems and as this appears to be an inherant problem with these sets then I am requesting a replacement.

I would not even mind paying a reasonable amount towards a latest model set.

What do you think Oldboy with that?


By the way, while I have you, perhaps you would like to take a look at my new website called granny Tax Rebels?

Hello again,

I think that is the best way forward and is what i would be aiming for, the tv is quite obviously not fit for purpose under the sales of goods act 1979 and if it were me then i would definately be aiming for a replacement tv that is not the same model as your current set and perhaps by adding that you would be willing to pay something towards a new tv will spark them into action?

For you to get exactly the same fault 6 months after the panel was replaced does point to an inherent fault with the tv that replacing the panel for a second time simply won't solve so in my humble opinion i think it's a good idea to talk to your retailer about the situation and negotiate a resolution that involves waving goodbye to the tv for a replacement.

I would also be aiming for a replacement loan tv free of charge if they are going to take the tv away yet again to try to repair it, i think that's the least they can do for your trouble! If they then say that the screen is needing replacing yet again then i would refuse that and would want a replacement tv as it won't solve the issue, they have tried that already and it didn't solve the issue.

In the first instance i think it's worth discussing the issue face to face with the retailer and discuss your concerns (if you bought it from a store) if it was purchased from the net then give them a call and take it from there but personally i would not want the tv to go away for repair again and would want a new tv, just how receptive the retailer will be to this is another question entirely of course! Did you take an extended warranty when you bought the tv?

Keep in touch Kenny and as ever i hope the issue is resolved swiftly, if there is anything further i can do to help don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

Hi Oldboy and Forum people, Thanks for your usual very good advice Oldboy. I have just sent the shop the below E. Mail. I am calling into the shop later today and please wish me luck. I will post further after the visit.

Set Purchased 18th February 2010

September 2011 Faulty 4/5 inch green/blue line down side of screen. Panel replaced.

April 2012 Faulty 4/5 green/blue line down middle of screen (It started down the side). Now in for repair.

20th May 2012

Dear Sir,

Good morning. You do of course have my Panasonic TXP50G10B Plasma TV in for repair again in respect of the green/blue 4/5 inch stripe line now down the middle of screen. This problem which was down the side of screen last September 2011 and supposedly repaired.

Please note that I have lost all confidence in this particular TV. It has gone badly wrong twice in just over 2 years now. The Panel was replaced last September and you had the set in for repair for around 3 weeks then. My guess is that this will turn out to be the same situation. I understand that you may have to have the set in house for quite a time in order to find out exactly what is wrong with it. My further guess is that the problem is exactly the same as last time and that the Panel will likely have to be be replaced.

I feel that all I can look forward to over the coming years is nothing but problems with this TV as this appears to be an inherant problem with these sets

Please therefore note that I am rejecting this set under the 1979 Sales Of Goods Act and that I am requesting a replacement TV. If this request is beyond you, then I would appreciate it if you could refer it to Panasonic themselves.

I would not even mind paying a reasonable amount towards a latest model set.

I do of course appreciate that right now I have a 5 year guarantee which will run out in February 2015. That may get me out of any further problems I expect to have up until then, but what happens after that? I feel right now that I am going to have nothing but continuing further problems with an inherently faulty TV set long after the 5 years is up.

I have looked on You Tube in respect of this particular problem, and indeed the various Forums and in fact this problem is featured quite a lot with some Panasonic models.

Please find below 2 Posts I have made on You Tube in respect of this problem.

I have to be in Aberystwyth early afternoon today so I will call into the shop to discuss this situation with you.

Best Regards
Spot on! :clap:

That email sets out your concerns perfectly and the resolution you want to the issue, i always feel it's a good idea to put your concerns in writing. As you have a 5 year warranty you should be covered by it for this eventuality as my 5 year warranty from Richer Sounds covers me here...i beleive it makes reference to a fault being attempted to repair and if unsuccessful then a replacement will be offered of the same value and spec so it may be worth checking the wording on your warranty to see if it covers you.

I think saying that you would be willing to contribute a reasonable amount towards the cost of a new set is a very good idea and should soften the blow with the retailer so hopefully they are receptive to the idea after seeing your continuing issues with the tv set out in writing 😛ray:

Of course i wish you the very best of luck with your discussion with the retailer and i look forward to hearing how you get on...i genuinely hope it's good news and that you are saying goodbye to the tv after today. Keep me updated Kenny.


20th April 2012

Hi Oldboy and everyone,

Well I called into the shop, who have actually been very good to me (And they did offer a stand by set...but I am O.K. with that as I have my Previous Panasonic 42 inch which had the Red light Of Death problem.

Been OK since repair.

The manager said that he and his engineer had forwarded on my above E. mail about my Green/Blue line defect to Panasonic. Including You Tube vids. That will give Panasonic something to think about! 🙂

So I now just wait for a response.

Now then...what new TV should I go for? 🙂
Hi boozercruiser,

Good news that you went into the store to speak to them...shame you didn't just walk out with a new tv though. I take it that in the meantime the store will be looking at the tv to determine what would be needed to be done to repair the tv and what the fault actually is?

I don't want to burst your bubble but the fact that your email has been forwarded to Panasonic doesn't mean they will just give you a new tv or a refund, if anything it just complicates matters as you now have to deal with Panasonic which can be tricky as a few forum members can attest to.

Personally i have never had an issue with them and they have always resolved any query or issue i have had so fingers crossed you hear back from them soon but i would advise a follow up phone call next week if you get the time just to make sure the email was received and that it's being considered but be prepared for a wait, it takes at least a week for them to reply to an email.

As i said earlier check your warranty and see if you are covered in the meantime (i presume it was a free Panasonic 5yr warranty?) as it will make for a stronger case with Panasonic.

Personally i think you have a strong case for at least a replacement tv but with large companies like Panasonic you just can't predict how they will see your case but i really hope you see an end to your woes with this tv soon and as ever keep us updated.

Best wishes,

Oldboy 🙂
Well the shop have the set on now 24/7 trying to figure out exactly what the problem is.

I do not care what they come up with in respect of that result, as I have lost total confidence in that particular set, so I want a replacement. I think that I am trying to meet them half way by offering to pay a reasonable amount towards a brand new up to date model.

Me being a nice guy like! :grin:

I will report back just as soon as I hear anything from the shop.

But with me... think of a bulldog with a bone |( I will not let this go until I am satisfied. 🙂
I totally agree with you, i would not want that tv back either! I would say you have been more than fair in offering to pay a reasonable amount towards a replacement but that shouldn't be required as the plain fact of the matter is that the tv is faulty, it's been repaired previously and the same fault is now back so a replacement with no expense to yourself is what Panasonic should now offer you in my opinion and that's what i would want and no less.

You have the right attitude towards the situation and you may well need some patience and determination in order to get the resolution you want but i'm sure that if you stick with it and don't give up then you will get what you want. I've been here myself with Sony and Panasonic and needed to get Consumer Direct involved both times in order to get the resolution i wanted but i did get it eventually...i just hope you don't get the hassle i did.

Very best of luck to you and as ever keep us updated 🙂
Thank you for your usual kind words of support Oldboy. :clap:

I would expect to hear from the shop this coming week. And when I do you will be the first to hear about it. 🙂
Hi Oldboy,

(Look at the Avatar Oldboy and I am better looking than you! I am so sorry for the obviously hard life you have had 😉 )

I would welcome opinion from you and indeed anyone who would like to give thoughts as below for a point of view on this.

I called into the shop yesterday about the set. They tell me that PANASONIC WILL NOT REPLACE THE SET. So at least I know one cannot rely on Panasonic if a really obviously bad fault develops inside two years, gets 'fixed' and then the same fault comes back a few months later.

However, the shop has said that they may be able to accomodate something. This morning I have put the below E. mail into the shop. Please, I would like to know an honest opinion.

1. Is my offer a reasonable one?

2. Am I offering too much cash and going soft in my old age?

3. Am I being cheeky and should have offered more?

4. Or should I just accept my TV back supposidly repaired and stop whinging?

For further information, I paid £1,000 for my Panasonic TXP50G10B and of course the new telly is £1,399 Panasonic TXP50GT50B 50" Full HD 3D Freesat and Freeview Built in Wireless Lan TV

Reviewed by What Hi Fi here...[/b]

E. Mail to shop...[/b]
28th April 2012 Good Morning, Further to my conversation in store yesterday during which I reiterated my rejection of my Panasonic TV.
If possible I would wish to resolve the situation amicably for both our benefit.
To this end I would like to make the suggestion that I pay £500 to you for the Panasonic TX-P50GT50 which you are selling on your website for £1,399 and you of course would keep my Panasonic TV.
Should you agree this solution then I would expect the 5 year guarantee to come with it as per your website.
Like I said in store my Wife and I are going on holiday from 10.00AM Monday morning so a yes or no to this suggestion of mine before we go would be appreciated.
Best Regards
Kenny Thain
Panasonic TXP50GT50B 50" Full HD 3D Freesat and Freeview Built in Wireless Lan TV£1,399.99
Availability: In stock

Click here to view delivery options


Free 5 Year Guarantee on this fantastic tv when bought in store!![/b]

This product is reserved for our in store customers. Why not call in to one of our stores for a free demonstration and expert advice or click here for us to call you
boozercruiser said:
Hi Oldboy,

(Look at the Avatar Oldboy and I am better looking than you! I am so sorry for the obviously hard life you have had 😉 )

I would welcome opinion from you and indeed anyone who would like to give thoughts as below for a point of view on this.

I called into the shop yesterday about the set. They tell me that PANASONIC WILL NOT REPLACE THE SET. So at least I know one cannot rely on Panasonic if a really obviously bad fault develops inside two years, gets 'fixed' and then the same fault comes back a few months later.

However, the shop has said that they may be able to accomodate something. This morning I have put the below E. mail into the shop. Please, I would like to know an honest opinion.

1. Is my offer a reasonable one?

2. Am I offering too much cash and going soft in my old age?

3. Am I being cheeky and should have offered more?

4. Or should I just accept my TV back supposidly repaired and stop whinging?

For further information, I paid £1,000 for my Panasonic TXP50G10B and of course the new telly is £1,399 Panasonic TXP50GT50B 50" Full HD 3D Freesat and Freeview Built in Wireless Lan TV

Reviewed by What Hi Fi here...[/b]

E. Mail to shop...[/b]
28th April 2012 Good Morning, Further to my conversation in store yesterday during which I reiterated my rejection of my Panasonic TV.
If possible I would wish to resolve the situation amicably for both our benefit.
To this end I would like to make the suggestion that I pay £500 to you for the Panasonic TX-P50GT50 which you are selling on your website for £1,399 and you of course would keep my Panasonic TV.
Should you agree this solution then I would expect the 5 year guarantee to come with it as per your website.
Like I said in store my Wife and I are going on holiday from 10.00AM Monday morning so a yes or no to this suggestion of mine before we go would be appreciated.
Best Regards
Kenny Thain
Panasonic TXP50GT50B 50" Full HD 3D Freesat and Freeview Built in Wireless Lan TV£1,399.99
Availability: In stock

Click here to view delivery options


Free 5 Year Guarantee on this fantastic tv when bought in store!![/b]

This product is reserved for our in store customers. Why not call in to one of our stores for a free demonstration and expert advice or click here for us to call you

1. To reasonable.

2. Yes.

3. No no no

4. See 3.

Good luck with it all.


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