Panasonics Grey Line Of Irritation!

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LOL i think my avatar is surprisingly accurate and if i posted a pic of myself instead it wouldn't be too far away from Homer Simpson so it's a fair reflection of myself and the sort of life i've had :rofl:

I think you have been far more generous than i would have been...i would have started at the difference between the two tvs and offered them £399 as a gesture of goodwill.

You have been far too generous in my opinion but i wouldn't accept the tv back atall no matter what repair was carried out, i don't think you have been cheeky in your offer but i do feel it's too high. Offering the difference between the two sets is fair to me as you shouldn't lose money as a result of getting the tv replaced because you did part with £1000 initially, i wouldn't want to offer any more than £399 personally as you are then starting to lose money but that's just my opinion.

As for your last question....NO you do not want the tv back and continue to winge until you get a suitable resolution as i beleive it's more than reasonable to want the tv replaced at this point.

As ever i hope you get a speedy resolution so keep us posted on how the negotiations go.
Well thank you for those valuable opinions Laserman 16 and Oldboy. At least now I feel that I am being more than resonable to offer f £500 towards the latest Panny to replace my 'Lemmon' one.

The way I was looking at it was this:-

I paid £1,000 for my 'Lemon' Panny. If I pay £500 for the new Panny assuming that £1,400 is a proper price (it says £1,500 in the review here) this takes me down to £900 outstanding on the new one so £100 difference on what I originally paid and I have had the set for just over two years.

Plus if it comes with that 5 year guarantee I think the deal won't be so bad, though now I realise now after your points of view that I AM going soft in my old age. 🙂

I can only wait now 'till monday when I will go ballistic if the shop will not accept my £500 offer or try to insist they will not change the set. I was just thinking. The shop have had the set in for repair a total of around a month> :twisted:

GRRRRR :wall: 🙂

Watch this space. :beer:
boozercruiser said:
Plus if it comes with that 5 year guarantee I think the deal won't be so bad, though now I realise now after your points of view that I AM going soft in my old age. 🙂

Well I suppose if they accept and your happy with the deal which will end the hassle for you thats all that matters at the end of the day.

As an aside we have been seriously looking at the TX-P50GT50 and are quite impressed, its even passed the SWMBO test (lol) 🙂 which is good news.
Thank you for your kind observations Laserman 16. However, and I appreciate that I may come across as more than a little 'thick' here. BUT, what is 'the SWMBO test' (lol) ? :doh:
Hi Oldboy and others. Just got back from holiday and the shop telephoned me. They said that they are in discussions with Panasonic in respect of my TV. (Which I do not want back).

They tell me that they should have an answer on Tuesday about what they are going to do about my complaint.

I will report back then.


Thank you for your very kind words Laserman16. This is very much appreciated. :grin:

I go to the shop around 1.00pm tomorrow with some trepidation. Still I do believe that I have right on my side. For the Panel to give such a bad line down the screen the first time this happened, and then yet again but this time with the wide line down the middle of the screen with a brand new panel inside just over 2 years is not good enough.

The shop Manager I do believe wants to do a deal, but he is in consultation with Panasonic. Let us see what kind of a company they are!

Best regards

Kenny Thain (boozercruiser)

I really hope it's good news tomorrow and that a deal can be struck, if you get the vibe that the store wants to do a deal then you should have a good's certainly encouraging news that some conversation is taking place between the retailer and Panasonic.

Hope you had a lovely holiday and that you get good news tomorrow, i will have my fingers crossed that the next time you update this thread it's with a positive result as this has gone on for long enough now eh!
9th May 2012

Hello Guys. If you would like to read mybelow E. Mail which I have just sent to the retailer who I purchased the Panasonic TXP50G10B from then you will be as wise as me in respect of the latest situation. AND, it will save me writing everything down here again. Ta. :wall:

The Manager


Vaughans Radio Ltd

Set Purchased 18th February 2010

September 2011 Faulty 4/5 inch green/blue line down side of screen. Panel replaced.

April 2012 Faulty 4/5 green/blue line down middle of screen (It started down the side). Now in for repair.

9th May 2012

Dear Sir,

This E. Mail should be read in conjunction with my previous E. Mail dated 20th April 2012to which I have copied below.

Further to my visit to your showroom yesterday morning during which you promised me a telephone call by the end of the day about a possible resolution to me complaint, for which here is the next day afternoon and I am still waiting to receive the promised call.

Around 5.00pm today on telephoning your shop I find that you are off today and the chap who I spoke to advises me that a part for the faulty set has been ordered. This set was in for repair around 3 weeks last year and around 3 weeks now. You will have had the set for more time than me at this rate!

With respect, does not anyone 'get it' that as stated in my last letter to you that I am rejecting that particular set under the 1979 Sale Of Goods act because it is patently obvious that the set has an inherent fault and I am not prepared to take the risk of continuing to be landed with a set that has every likelihood of giving me many years of nothing but problems.

Colin, you agreed with me that if the '3/4" wide line down either the side or center of screen where to happen once my 5 year guarantee is over then this particular problem will likely cost me around £650 to £700 or more to have it fixed. This is because the problem usually requires a brand new panel to be fitted which costs around £500 just on it's own.

It would be Rods Law for just that to happen to me, and quite frankly I am just not prepared to take the chance.

You further advised me that you where in consultation with Panasonic to try and find a solution with them in respect of a compromise. I feel that my offer of £500 towards a new Panasonic TX-P50GT50 Plasma TV was and still is a very reasonable one.

Regarding Panasonic and service perhaps you may be interested in reading this post on the What Hi Fi Forums ?

While you are there my post on the forum in respect of my particular problem may interest you as well.

I hope to hear from you some time 10th April 2012 in respect of any thoughts that you have about resolving my problem.

Best Regards

Kenny Thain
YouTube - Videos from this email
YouTube - Videos from this email
9th May 2012

Hello Guys. If you would like to read my below E. Mail which I have just sent to the retailer who I purchased the Panasonic TXP50G10B from then you will be as wise as me in respect of the latest situation. AND, it will save me writing everything down here again.

The Manager


Vaughans Radio Ltd

Set Purchased 18th February 2010

September 2011 Faulty 4/5 inch green/blue line down side of screen. Panel replaced.

April 2012 Faulty 4/5 green/blue line down middle of screen (It started down the side). Now in for repair.

9th May 2012

Dear Sir,

This E. Mail should be read in conjunction with my previous E. Mail dated 20th April 2012to which I have copied below.

Further to my visit to your showroom yesterday morning during which you promised me a telephone call by the end of the day about a possible resolution to me complaint, for which here is the next day afternoon and I am still waiting to receive the promised call.

Around 5.00pm today on telephoning your shop I find that you are off today and the chap who I spoke to advises me that a part for the faulty set has been ordered. This set was in for repair around 3 weeks last year and around 3 weeks now. You will have had the set for more time than me at this rate!

With respect, does not anyone 'get it' that as stated in my last letter to you that I am rejecting that particular set under the 1979 Sale Of Goods act because it is patently obvious that the set has an inherent fault and I am not prepared to take the risk of continuing to be landed with a set that has every likelihood of giving me many years of nothing but problems.

Colin, you agreed with me that if the '3/4" wide line down either the side or center of screen where to happen once my 5 year guarantee is over then this particular problem will likely cost me around £650 to £700 or more to have it fixed. This is because the problem usually requires a brand new panel to be fitted which costs around £500 just on it's own.

It would be Rods Law for just that to happen to me, and quite frankly I am just not prepared to take the chance.

You further advised me that you where in consultation with Panasonic to try and find a solution with them in respect of a compromise. I feel that my offer of £500 towards a new Panasonic TX-P50GT50 Plasma TV was and still is a very reasonable one.

Regarding Panasonic and service perhaps you may be interested in reading this post on the What Hi Fi Forums ?

While you are there my post on the forum in respect of my particular problem may interest you as well.

I hope to hear from you some time 10th April 2012 in respect of any thoughts that you have about resolving my problem.

Best Regards

Kenny Thain

Sounds like the retailer is going to repair the tv again then by the sounds of it, why else would a part be on order? Any idea what that part may be...i presume it's not another screen as that would surely be info available to the shop no?

If it was me i would not be happy as the retailer has failed to keep you up to date and to telephone you when promised, it's hardly rocket science to make a phone call! This strongly smells of a retailer not wanting to engage with it's customer with regard to a resolution and isn't the best customer service is it, time to start making more of a fuss maybe as my patience would be wearing thin by now to put it politely.

As ever keep us updated but in the meantime i just hope you get a resolution quickly but it's looking unlikely eh :wall:

Best regards,

Hello Oldboy and other interested forum readers in respect of my Saga! Well, I am of Saga age unfortunately. BUT, there is fight |( in the Old Boy yet! 😉

Without me having to write all the latest state of play, below is my this morning E. Mail to the shop Manager which I hope explains all at this at 11.45am on Monday 11th May moment in time. Cheers :beer:

The Manager


Vaughans Radio Ltd

Set Purchased 18th February 2010

September 2011 Faulty 4/5 inch green/blue line down side of screen. Panel replaced.

April 2012 Faulty 4/5 green/blue line down middle of screen (It started down the side). Now in for repair.

11th May 2012

Dear Sir,

Further to our telephone conversation yesterday during which you advised me that:-

1. Panasonic or Vaughans where not prepared to replace my Panasonic TXP50G 10B TV purchased from you on 18th February 2010 in respect of the 3/4" gray/blue/black/multi colored line down either the side or middle of the

TV screen. You do claim that Vaughans have fixed this particular defect.

2. Vaughans where not prepared to accept my offer to pay £500 in order to purchase a new Panasonic TX-P50GT50 Plasma TV by way of replacement in order to settle my dispute with you.

To try and further compromise I put it to you that I would be prepared to accept my set back willingly provided that either Panasonic or you:-

1. Supply a fresh 5 year guarantee for the set to start on the date you deliver the set to me.

2. This would be on the further understanding that should the 3/4" line appear down the screen during this fresh guarantee period then either Panasonic or Vaughans replace the set with no further quibbles.

With respect, you should note that in the event that I have to accept the set back then:-

1. This will be under protest and without prejudice to my right to take further legal or other methods of recompense in respect of my faulty Panasonic TXP50G 10B purchased from you on 18th February 2010.

2. You understand that the likelihood is that I will possibly look to Consumer Direct for further help over this matter at the appropriate time.

3. You understand that I will be posting further videos on You Tube and other information and media services in order to warn and give advice to other people of either Vaughans or Panasonic

customers as to how they can expect to be treated when they have a serious defect happen with it's sets.

4. You understand that the 1979 Sale Of Goods Act gives protection for inherently faulty good for a period of up to six years

5. You understand that it is my belief that this set will give further fault problems for both yourselves and me during the above period.

6. You understand that it is my belief that it would be better to agree a compromise now in order to avoid any of the above. I believe that I offered various compromises with none forthcoming from either you or Panasonic.

You advised me yesterday that you would telephone me today as to whether or not Vaughans would accept my compromise of the company providing me with a fresh 5 year guarantee. In the event that you do not then please provide me with the following:-

1. A repair sheet as to exactly what if anything has been replaced on the set.

2. A formal reply to this particular E. Mail in either letter or E. Mail form.

I look forward to your telephone call later today.

Best Regards

Saga is the right description here! The actions of the retailer have not been good in respect of keeping you informed of the situation and it would seem the decision to repair the tv was taken without even consulting you which considering you were trying to negotiate a compromise with them at the time is simply poor customer service...are they not even willing to enter a dialogue with you now??

To be perfectly honest you have been more than fair and patient through all of this and it's my firm beleif that you should now take this further, start with consumer direct and get some info on your legal standing, take the appropriate action and if necessary take them to the small claims court. It probably wouldn't go that far but would at least get the retailer engaging with you i would hope.

I have had to take this approach myself once in the past with a branch of The Sony Centre with a dispute over a tv with excessive backlight bleed which was so bad it was clearly visible at all times yet was deemed "within tolerance" so i know just how frustrating some retailers can be to deal with. In the end i got a full refund after the store received notice of the case going to court and settled before it went too far but the fight was ridiculous!

Of course only you can judge if you deem it worthy of taking such action in your case but i wouldn't want that tv back without the guarantees you outline above which are fair in my opinion, the last thing you want is for this whole sorry episode to repeat again 6-12 months later.

Let's hope that the retailer actually phones you this time and discusses the situation but i wouldn't hold my breath judging by past form, all i can hope is that you get a speedy resolution but even that doesn't look likely now :doh:
Hello Oldboy,

Whenever I see that you have done a post, particularly in my thread I think "Ooo lovely, I wonder what help and advice you are going to give in respect of my particular Saga? :clap: Though I am aware that you give help and advice all over the place in this What Hi Fi Forum.

Well I waited in on that telephone call all day which did not come. However, I have recived the below E. mail from Vaughans which I have replied to below.

I am certainly interested how you handled your particular 'problem' and good on you. I will keep in mind exactly what your kind advice is if and when Vaughans will not move on anything.

At the moment, I am making all the compromises with nothing coming from the retailer.

As per below of course Head Office is going to give me a formal written reply. That should be interesting and I will post it here.

Watch this space. 🙂

11th May 2012
Hello Colin.

O.K. and thank you for this E. Mali.

If I have not heard from either you or head office by late Monday afternoon then I will telephone you in the hope that you have some information for me.

Best Regards

kenny Thain

On 11 May 2012 17:49, Aberystwyth <> wrote:

Mr Thain

Sorry for the delay in replying to your correspondence from this morning,this is due to the fact that my headoffice thought it would be best if you received a written reply from themselves,which will be forwarded to yourself in due course.


Colin Rice.

Vaughans Radio LTD

30 Eastgate Street



SY23 2AR

(01970) 617955
Hi Boozercruiser.

Well I hope I'm wrong but from the tone of their email and the excuses for not giving you a decision now it does not sound very promising. It seems they can't even give you a date for the letter but just a cursory "in due course".

Just hope I'm wrong but reading between the lines thats how it appears to me.

Hello Laserman16. Yes I agree with you. I smell a rat! Still I have just now sent them the below E. Mail in this Saga. let them chew on that! >)

Saturday 12th May 2012
Hello Colin, Further to my previous E. Mail I thought that Head Office may find it helpful to have a look at my two new You Tube postings which show the latest faults with the TV perhaps a bit more clearly. You claim that the faults are now fixed. However, to try and sum up I cannot stress enough that as the set has sprung this default twice in around 2 years of ownership, then I have no confidence at all in the TV set not giving me further problems in this respect. I have therefore rejected it under the 1979 Sale Of Goods Act. Trying to compromise with you, if Vaughans Radio Ltd. are confident that it will not give me any further problems, then I am requesting that you put that confidence into issuing me with a fresh 5 year Guarantee, starting from the date I, under protest, receive the set back.Failing that, my offer of paying £500 towards a replacement new Panasonic TX-P50GT50 Plasma TV still stands.
The above offers would help us draw a line under the whole problem, and possibly save both of us a lot of grief in the future.
As far as I am concerned, at this moment in time, I appear to be making all of the compromises here with nothing at all coming from Vaughans radio Ltd.
Unless of course Head office is going to surprise me in offering me a compromise of some sort?
This E. Mail should of course be read in conjunction with my previous E. Mails to you.
My offers of compromise are of course without being prejudicial to my legal rights.
I look forward to hearing formally from you at your earliest convenience.Yours SincerelyKenny Thain

I'm sad to say i have to agree completely with laserman16 here, this isn't looking good for you atall as the whole tone of that response seems to indicate that decisions have been made at head office level to repair the tv once again and return it to you.

Of course we live in hope that someone has seen some sense and agreed a compromise but i have to say it's unlikely. That is not the end of the matter if you remain unhappy with the retailers response but any further action would involve an escalation in action on your part, a call to consumer direct would be the first thing to do. I can't (and wouldn't try to) advise you of your legal position here as my situation was slightly different when i took action but what i can say is that without consumer direct i doubt i would have had a prayer of getting my issue resolved even though it took time and effort in order to get that resolution.

I think it's important for you to carefully consider the retailers response before deciding your next move, you may deem it not worth your while fighting on any longer if they supply some sort of guarantee of the repair carried out to the tv. My situation was quite different in that my tv was replaced 3 times with all of them showing the same inherent fault which impacted the picture severely no matter how much tweaking you done, i approached the Sony Centre about getting a refund and was met with a stern response that they had done all they could to resolve my issue and would not do anything further.

As you can imagine i was not happy so took the matter up with consumer direct, i was advised to put my concerns in writing and they emailed me all the details i needed to put into my letter and to give them 28days to respond which i done. The answer i got was much the same as before yet this time in writing and upon contacting consumer direct i was told that i was within my rights to reject this tv and i wrote to the retailer again to confirm this, to cut a long story short we reached an impass with them not budging and myself rejecting the tv.

I then took action in the small claims court, i think it cost me about £50 to do so but it seemed a small price to pay at the time. I waited until i knew the retailer had been notified and took matters into my own hands after some advice given to me on this forum...i waited outside the store on a saturday and waited until it was busy and i could spot the manager in store then proceeded to walk in and kick up a fuss, politely but loud enough for every customer in there to hear! I had a copy of the particular peice of legislation in hand and a copy of the action taken by myself in the small claims court, with potential customers looking on in astonishment i then proceeded to warn every single one of them just what they were letting themselves in for and you know what it worked!

I walked out of there with a full refund including the fee i had paid for the court action (i insisted it was the least they could do) but it did require the area manager to come out to the store to authorise it all, i was polite throughout and never swore or got flustered but was firm.

A cautionary tale and a very good example of why you should buy from a good retailer to avoid this sort of situation, happily the store has since gone bust and closed recently (i'm not surprised), i bought my next tv from Amazon and had issues there too but since i bought my GT30 from Richer Sounds i simply would not shop anywhere else as they are simply excellent.

It's worth paying a little extra on the purchase price just to receive good customer service, i've learnt my lesson harshly!

Look forward to your next update Kenny.
Hi Oldboy, Blimey you really know your stuff :clap: Everything that you have done there I will follow depending on Vaughans Radio Ltd of Aberystwyths response to my this afternoon E. Mail to them

I particularly admire you for going into the shop and making a fuss so as to shame then into settling your dispute. That is just the sort of thing that I would do. After all, I was a Shop Steward and Works Convener for around 30 years in Engineering with around 2,000 people to look after, so making a fuss is what I am good at as well. >) |(

Look guys, I know that you are going to accuse me of being a big old softy, and possibly that I am losing my marbles in old age, BUT...I have just sent Vaughans of Aberystwyth another me Mr. Nice Guy compromise E. Mail you can read below 8) as I am jumping through hoops to settle :bounce:

Please don't laugh at me though guys :rofl: I am only human and I cannot take it! 😛ray:

P.S. For some reason the spacings of where I exactly put the written word are not correct situated below.'Copy and Pasing' does that sometimes. But hey, you get tha grift!

12th May 2012

Hello Colin. Please advise your Head Office that in a further attempt to reach a compromise, and in addition to my other suggestions, please note:-
1. I am prepared to accept an offer of £800 in full and final settlement in respect of the inherently faulty Panasonic TXP50G10B. As I paid £1000 for that set and you have had it in your workshop for around two months of it's life then I think that this is a very fair offer. Particularly when you take into account associated periods my Wife and I have had to look at that set with the striped line down either the middle or the side of the screen.
2. This would then enable you and I to draw a line under this dispute, as I can then be free to use that money towards a another make of TV which I would buy elsewhere.
3. This offer is without being prejudiced to my Legal Rights under the 1979 Sale Of Goods Act or EU Law.

Yours Sincerely
Kenny Thain
You are indeed being very generous here! Beware though, they could consider you as a"pushover" who will compromise further if they continue to delay the decision.

If I were you, I wouldn't have offered any more compromise.
bigboss said:
You are indeed being very generous here! Beware though, they could consider you as a"pushover" who will compromise further if they continue to delay the decision.

If I were you, I wouldn't have offered any more compromise.

Thank you for your constructive comments there bigboss, and I take them on board.

The thing is, if I do possibly have to take them to the County Court (and I too have done that before twice, and won) then any judge will see that I have tried to be very reasonable, with no compromise at all coming from Vaughans Radio Ltd. of Aberystwyth and elswhere.

There is a method in my madness, but that is where my madness ends. |( >)

No more Mr. Nice Guy. 🙂 :beer:

There is so much to overcome nowadays, BUT, if you've got...You Tube Video...


High Hopes

Next time you're found, with your chin on the ground
There a lot to be learned, so look around

Just what makes that little old ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant

But he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes

So any time you're gettin' low
'stead of lettin' go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant

When troubles call, and your back's to the wall
There a lot to be learned, that wall could fall

Once there was a silly old ram
Thought he'd punch a hole in a dam
No one could make that ram, scram
He kept buttin' that dam

but he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes

So any time you're feelin' bad
'stead of feelin' sad
Just remember that ram
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam

All problems just a toy balloon
They'll be bursted soon
They're just bound to go pop

Oops there goes another problem kerplop
Oops, there goes another problem kerplop
Oops, there goes another problem kerplop
I feel for you, really.
As I posted elsewhere on this site, my trusty Sony KDL52W4500 started displaying thin green vertical lines along the right hand side of the screen.
As it was almost three years old, Sony dismissed it as "out of warranty", but as I insisted in several emails that there is in fact a five year warranty on electrical goods in Scandinavia, they finally relented.
The set was delivered to a Sony workshop and they decided it needed a new LCD panel.
Problem is there were no replacements to be found anywhere and due to my research on the web, I found nearly all the Sony sets that were made in Slovakia around three years ago are all starting to display the same problem.
The relevant links plus photos of my screen were all duly sent to Sony directly.

Long story short, Sony actually refunded the original purchase price in full, which was nice, but I did spend countless hours trying to convince them that the set was inherently defect from the get go.

Anywhoo, the Samsung ES8000 is now sitting in my front room and it's actually a better picture than the Sony.

The moral is don't give up on your quest for compensation, despite initial setbacks, it may all come good in the end . . . . it did for me!
The key is documentation - research if there are similar instances of the problem in various forums, take pictures of the problem, publish your story as much as possible and remember to keep all the paperwork you recieve.
Here's a tip, whenever I buy a big ticket item, I photocopy the receipt and tape it to the back/underneath of the hardware so always know at least one place to look if I need to see when/where I bought the thing.
It's saved my bacon several times in the past!
Hello Tonya, And a very nice uplifting surprise your post to me and others here is. :clap: It's funny isn't it? When I go around the various Forums, and I am in a few like Saga and the Money Saving Expert website

When I see a new post to me I always open it with some trepidation. Because sometimes it just seems like some just want to try and wind one up. And some people can be just downright nasty. Thankfully, usualy not on the What Hi Fi Forums though.

So to see your very helpful post as with others here does give that extra boost in confidence when trying to tackle a big company.

I will take every single bit of your good advice on board, then couple it with other good advice and support I have had here, and hey! I am invincible. |(

If you are reading this Vaughans Radio Ltd. of Aberystwyth please take note. Best settle now. Eh :exmark: :read:

Best Regards

Kenny Thain

P.S. I have just sent the following E. Mail to the company...
13th May 2012
Hello Colin, I do hope that your head office are following my post here on the excellent What Hi Fi Forum. I hope that they find the postings both helpful and amusing.
I also hope to hear from you very soon in respect of my inherently faulty Panasonic TV
Best Regards
Kenny Thain***********Lots of hope I have got eh! guys?


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