Just got me a new Panasonic TH42PZ85B. Stonking picture to my untrained eyes, but for some strange reason my DVD player is outputting a green image. It's not just a bit green, but completely green with no other colours in the picture at all. You can still make out the image, as darks and lights show up.
It is just an old standard def cheapo DVD player with an RGB scart lead. I've tried both scart inputs on the telly with the same result. Strange thing is I never got this on my old Sony CRT telly and there is obviously nothing wrong with the telly itself because my Xbox works just fine on both the scart inputs. When I switch my DVD player's output to non-RGB composite output, picture comes out just fine. Hmmmm?
Any ideas?
It is just an old standard def cheapo DVD player with an RGB scart lead. I've tried both scart inputs on the telly with the same result. Strange thing is I never got this on my old Sony CRT telly and there is obviously nothing wrong with the telly itself because my Xbox works just fine on both the scart inputs. When I switch my DVD player's output to non-RGB composite output, picture comes out just fine. Hmmmm?
Any ideas?