Having bought a Panasonic TH37PX80 just after they were released (JL c/w 5 year warranty price matched S&V - very happy), and a PS3 at christmas I have a question regarding whether there is a general concensus as to the best combination of settings. Whilst the TV will happily handle 1080p and I presume downscale to 720p, and the PS3 will output at a variety of settings, is there any benefit in outputting from the PS3 in 1080p. Currently the PS3 is predominantly used for gaming and DVD playback (have only tried one Blu-Ray disc so far), whilst it can upscale the DVD's, I assume that anything above 720p then requires the picture to be downscaled and therefore the PS3 is best configured to be set to output 720p? Appreciate any helpful/insightful comments or opinions.