Panasonic 46G20 or 42V20 or keep with C750?


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Aug 10, 2019
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The new Samsung LE46C750 has packed in after 7 weeks of service. I have requested a refund from Amazon so now are on the look out for a replacement. Do i get another C750 or go for a 46G2 or a 42V20. I like the idea of having a 46" tv but is the V20 so much better that I will notice a difference. I liked the Samsung but found on some sources (mainly bd) that when there was fast movement or pans that the image blurred slightly. It was as if the new image was appearing before the old one had vanished. I tried all kinds of settings with the Motion Plus. Would plasma solve this problem. Our lounge is bright and have heard the the V20 is better that G20 when it comes to reflections.


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May 31, 2010
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I haven't seen the G20 or V20, but if it helps my 46G15 is killer for BD in the dark, but very bad for reflections in the day. Probably worth seeing them both in a viewing room if you can.


the g20 is a great tv , the v20 is better though , better blacks , shadow detail and more detailed full stop , and yes because of its black filter it does preserve the picture better than the g20 under bright lighting , and is less reflective..

i guess it depends how picky you are , a 46in tv gives a more cinematic experience imo , but the v20 is said to be almost as good as a kuro , i have read that the v20s thx mode is more accurate than even the vt20 , though i dont know if thats true..

you wont have any motion issues with either pana , its a tough call , demoing is probably your best bet ..


Thanks for the info guys. I'll have to get the tape measure out as well. The C750 was pushing it a bit when i comes to space. If the 46G20 is any bigger width wise then it's a no-no. I'll do some demoing over the next few days. Also if the Panasonics have an on/off swith thatt will please the wife. We were unplugging the 750 everynight. I am not sure if that may be a contributing factor to it's demise. It will not power on at all. The stand-by light illuminates ver dimly and the set will not turn on at all. I do think the tv is very good. I'm sure anyone who is upgrading from a previous lcd will think it's a big improvement. Maybe I just see the motion fault coming staright from a 36" Toshiba picture frame 3. I do not want to go for a Sony so the only tv in the 46" bracket is a LG but I'm not prepared to pay so much. Muy gut feeling is to go with the V20.


yes the panas have an on/off button ok ..

perhaps the c750 has gone into some kind of sleep mode ? have you tried trouble shooting at the back of the manual ?

perhaps theres a reset button on the back of the set ? probably not but...


Oh Yes tried everything. Searched the net and rang Samsung. They suggested I contact the seller (Amazon) and a rrange a replacement/refund. I've gone for the refund. That's how I'm on the look out. I'm stuck with a pair of 3d glasses now.


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May 31, 2010
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Panasonic TVs have stand-bys running at a fraction of a watt, so you might as well leave it on unless you live in a solar powered cave. TV size is, as a technical rule, the bigger the now, measure later I'd say! Go on...go on! Just as long as you have space for some huge speakers, that is...


One last question. Can there be different settings on the Panasonic tvs for each input or is it one global setting for everything. That is one feature of the C750 that I really liked. I could adjust everything on a source based level.


There are two Professional settings (default THX setting I believe) that can be customised and applied to individual inputs.

I bought the 46G20 in preference to the 42V20. I have a very bright living room with the tv in a westerly facing bay window, and it performs very well compared to my five year old 42PE50 which would get totally washed out. I haven't done a very critical analysis (most of my viewing is post 9pm) and unbelieveably we've had very few sunny evenings in the two weeks since I got the set. The V20 would be better for both daylight and reflections, but I really like the additional 4" which translates to 19% additional screen area. An LCD would be better again for bright daylight but they're not for me. Panny are annoucing new sets in the next couple of months, you may want to hang on and see if there is a 46V20.


I've been into the Panasonic shop in Leeds today. they can't get hold of a 46G20 but can do a 42V20 for £1099 including a 5 year guarantee. Costco do have the 46G20 in for £940 with their 5 year guarantee. I'm thinking that could be to good to miss. Just need to sort out some transport. There's no way a 46 inch plasma is going to fit in the car stood up.


i posted the same question over a month ago. i am still undecided, 46 does give size to the experience but the v20 is the latest tech, better picture. its a real difficult choice. let me know what you do and if you regret it. i was hoping for a 46v20 but dont think that will happen.


ordered a 50v20 today , e1650 , delivery next week ..


Wow. Congrats Maxx. I hope it's meets all your expectations.

I don't think our marriage can stand a 50" tv. When the wife saw the 46" on the box she threw a wobbly. She settled down once 'One Tree Hill' was showing on it. I've been trying to find a manual for the G20 online but can't locate one. I've just been reading through the V20 one to see if it has any quirks which I might find annoying. The limit of 1080i over component seems starnge. I don't know if the x-box outputs that, onlt 720p or 1080p. Will have to look into it more. No matter what I choose after a few weeks I'll wished I chose the other tv no doubt.


thanks NSY

by the way , im not sure if you can have individual settings for a specific input on the panas , but there are several picture modes , professional 1-2 , thx , cinema , game etc , you can adjust each one to suit whatever input , dvd , bluray , x box etc .. same thing really ..


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Aug 24, 2008
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i am also tempted for the 50 v20 BUT how often do I watch a dvd or bluray?.....well almost never...normal tv...I just dont think i am ready to invest but Id sure like one:p


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Aug 24, 2008
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haha...its a ridiculous 4:3 crt 21 inch tv here in my room.At base (madeira island) there is a 26 inch philips crt 16:9...well I hate to see in 16:9 stretched...all emissions are still 4:3..and the bigger the worse for normal tv.

chris hollands

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Apr 27, 2010
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max,max,max......... you know your gonna regret not getting 3d VT20......

but glad you got a new one after so my months and so many forum battles!!!



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