[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
And I'm not sure how understanding in detail how it works will help you make more of it, as it has no user settings, but is just an on/off option. As Clare said above, I guess it's just a case of 'if you don't like the effect, turn it off'.
Having attended far too many TV launches for my own good, I find most sets look best with as much processing as possible turned off.
you've just touched two of the main issues versus such type of consumer products:
1. there are very few chances for setting a tv of such complexity: it's understood that there is a need to keep it simple, but there shall be an option for more advanced users to access to a "higher level" setting. Somehow in some other forums you can find tricks to access the servicing menu of tv sets like the ones we're talking about, but with no guidance this may be dangerous even for an advanced user.
2. everybody knows that a 1:1 mapping of the panel with your input signal would be just great...unfortunately it is simply (almost) impossible in the normal use of a tv set. We cannot only watch BD (or HDDVD, still a big fan of that in spite of the recent events...
), and it is a fact that HD broadcast is and will be (forever and ever??) only interlaced due to bandwith issues, so you DO need processing anyhow...so, it'd better be good