I'd decided to put a new tv on the back burner,but i've spotted the th 42px80b in M & S for £679.00 with a 5 year guarantee & the 42pz85b in Comet at £799.99 no free guarantee.
Interested more in freeview pic quality than blu ray or dvd etc.I've seen the S.def on the 85B & it was good although in my view not quite up to my 36" crt.I haven't seen the px80 though which is the tempting one due to the price & because it would allow me to tidy up the cables.
Anyone got the PX80b.
Interested more in freeview pic quality than blu ray or dvd etc.I've seen the S.def on the 85B & it was good although in my view not quite up to my 36" crt.I haven't seen the px80 though which is the tempting one due to the price & because it would allow me to tidy up the cables.
Anyone got the PX80b.