chebby said:andyjm said:Couple of observations on the video. Only one person in the room looked to be under 55. These guys aren't going to be hearing much above 10KHz, so its up to you whether you put any store by their opinions. Ted, the designer kicked his shoes off at the start of the video. One school of thought would have him as a free thinking radical designer pushing back the frontiers of DAC design. Personally, I prefer my experts to look like Andy Grove, not Jerry Garcia in his declining years - it says a lot about their attention to detail, and electronics is a detail business.
I always find myself impressed with your posts due to their informed, grounded and technologically sound nature. However, this personal observation on a person’s physical appearance, and it’s bearing on their competence as a designer, is an unwelcome departure. This won’t stop me reading your posts with interest. They are - with the exception of the paragraph quoted above - extremely educational.
Chebby, criticism accepted. I was trying to make a serious point in a lighthearted manner, but I appreciate it didn't come across too well.